reformat as poetry project

This commit is contained in:
Jeffrey C. Ollie 2023-08-31 22:15:04 -05:00
parent 5cbc5b73dd
commit 546aeb83f6
Signed by: jeff
GPG key ID: 6F86035A6D97044E
29 changed files with 2319 additions and 872 deletions

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.
name: Create and publish a Docker image to GitHub Packages Repository
on: workflow_dispatch
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uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
- name: Log in to the Container registry
uses: docker/login-action@v2
registry: ${{ env.REGISTRY }}
username: ${{ }}
password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Extract metadata (tags, labels) for Docker
id: meta
uses: docker/metadata-action@v3
images: ${{ env.REGISTRY }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}
- name: Build and push Docker image
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
context: .
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
push: true
tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

.vscode/settings.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
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"editor.defaultFormatter": ""

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
FROM python:3.9
LABEL maintainer="neurocis <>"
RUN true && \
ARCH=`uname -m`; \
if [ "$ARCH" = "armv7l" ]; then \
NOBIN_OPT="--no-binary=grpcio"; \
else \
fi; \
# Install python prerequisites
pip3 install --no-cache-dir $NOBIN_OPT \
grpcio==1.50.0 six==1.16.0 \
influxdb==5.3.1 certifi==2022.9.24 charset-normalizer==2.1.1 idna==3.4 \
msgpack==1.0.4 python-dateutil==2.8.2 pytz==2022.6 requests==2.28.1 \
urllib3==1.26.12 \
influxdb-client==1.34.0 reactivex==4.0.4 \
paho-mqtt==1.6.1 \
pypng==0.20220715.0 \
typing_extensions==4.4.0 \
yagrc==1.1.1 grpcio-reflection==1.50.0 protobuf==4.21.9
COPY dish_*.py starlink_*.py /app/
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "/app/"]
CMD [" status alert_detail"]
# docker run -d --name='starlink-grpc-tools' -e INFLUXDB_HOST= -e INFLUXDB_PORT=8086 -e INFLUXDB_DB=starlink
# --net='br0' --ip='' status alert_detail

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
printenv >> /etc/environment
ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
exec /usr/local/bin/python3 $@

flake.lock Normal file
View file

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flake.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
description = "Starling gRPC Tools";
inputs = {
nixpkgs = {
url = "nixpkgs/nixos-23.05";
poetry2nix = {
url = "github:nix-community/poetry2nix";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
flake-utils = {
url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
bash = {
url = "git+";
make-shell = {
url = "github:ursi/nix-make-shell";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, poetry2nix, flake-utils, bash, make-shell, ... }@inputs:
inherit (poetry2nix.legacyPackages.${system}) mkPoetryApplication overrides;
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
python = pkgs.python311.withPackages (ps: with ps; [
devShells.default =
make-shell = import inputs.make-shell {
inherit system;
pkgs = pkgs;
project = "starlink";
prompt = (
"${project} - ${bash.username}@${bash.hostname_short}: ${bash.current_working_directory}"
make-shell {
packages = [
env = {
PS1 = prompt;
setup = ''
export PATH=''$(pwd)/.venv/bin:$PATH
packages = {
starlink-grpc-tools = mkPoetryApplication {
python = pkgs.python311;
projectDir = ./.;
groups = [ ];
overrides = overrides.withDefaults (
self: super: {
yagrc = super.yagrc.overridePythonAttrs (
old: {
buildInputs = old.buildInputs ++ [ self.setuptools ];
meta = with pkgs.lib; {
homepage = "";
description = "";
longDescription = '''';
license = licenses.unlicense;
default = self.packages.${system}.starlink-grpc-tools;

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
# starlink-grpc-tools Core Module
This project packages up the `starlink_grpc` module from the [starlink-grpc-tools]( project and exports it as an installable package for use by other projects. It is not needed to install this project in order to use the scripts in starlink-grpc-tools, as those have their own copy of ``.
`` is the only part of the scripts in starlink-grpc-tools that is designed to have a stable enough interface to be directly callable from other projects without having to go through a clunky command line interface. It provides the low(er) level core functionality available via the [gRPC]( service implemented on the Starlink user terminal.
# Installation
The most recently published version of this project can be installed by itself using pip:
```shell script
pip install starlink-grpc-core
However, it is really meant to be installed as a dependency by other projects.
# Usage
The installation process places the `` module in the top-level of your Python lib directory or virtual environment, so it can be used simply by doing:
import starlink_grpc
and then calling whatever functions you need. For details, see the doc strings in ``.
# Examples
For example usage, see calling scripts in the [starlink-grpc-tools]( project, most of which are hopelessly convoluted, but some of which show simple usage of the `starlink_grpc` functions.

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
requires = [
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
root = ".."

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
import setuptools

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View file

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{file = "setuptools-68.1.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:3d8083eed2d13afc9426f227b24fd1659489ec107c0e86cec2ffdde5c92e790b"},
{file = "setuptools-68.1.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:3d4dfa6d95f1b101d695a6160a7626e15583af71a5f52176efa5d39a054d475d"},
docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9.3)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "pygments-github-lexers (==0.0.5)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (>=3.5,<=7.1.2)", "sphinx-favicon", "sphinx-hoverxref (<2)", "sphinx-inline-tabs", "sphinx-lint", "sphinx-notfound-page (==0.8.3)", "sphinx-reredirects", "sphinxcontrib-towncrier"]
testing = ["build[virtualenv]", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "flake8-2020", "ini2toml[lite] (>=0.9)", "jaraco.develop (>=7.21)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "pip (>=19.1)", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "pytest-perf", "pytest-ruff", "pytest-timeout", "pytest-xdist", "tomli-w (>=1.0.0)", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
testing-integration = ["build[virtualenv]", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "pytest", "pytest-enabler", "pytest-xdist", "tomli", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel"]
name = "six"
version = "1.16.0"
description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
files = [
{file = "six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:8abb2f1d86890a2dfb989f9a77cfcfd3e47c2a354b01111771326f8aa26e0254"},
{file = "six-1.16.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1e61c37477a1626458e36f7b1d82aa5c9b094fa4802892072e49de9c60c4c926"},
name = "typing-extensions"
version = "4.7.1"
description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.7+"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
{file = "typing_extensions-4.7.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:440d5dd3af93b060174bf433bccd69b0babc3b15b1a8dca43789fd7f61514b36"},
{file = "typing_extensions-4.7.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:b75ddc264f0ba5615db7ba217daeb99701ad295353c45f9e95963337ceeeffb2"},
name = "urllib3"
version = "2.0.4"
description = "HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more."
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
{file = "urllib3-2.0.4-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:de7df1803967d2c2a98e4b11bb7d6bd9210474c46e8a0401514e3a42a75ebde4"},
{file = "urllib3-2.0.4.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:8d22f86aae8ef5e410d4f539fde9ce6b2113a001bb4d189e0aed70642d602b11"},
brotli = ["brotli (>=1.0.9)", "brotlicffi (>=0.8.0)"]
secure = ["certifi", "cryptography (>=1.9)", "idna (>=2.0.0)", "pyopenssl (>=17.1.0)", "urllib3-secure-extra"]
socks = ["pysocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7,<2.0)"]
zstd = ["zstandard (>=0.18.0)"]
name = "yagrc"
version = "1.1.2"
description = "Yet another gRPC reflection client"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
{file = "yagrc-1.1.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:ef7fc6da021c10f3cac2ea21147931bca97e90341645d28edd6c90b68b0ef3f5"},
{file = "yagrc-1.1.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:ef264bf98bfbc8f9932dca85048838e6f541db87de4937610ea15e035afe1251"},
grpcio = ">=1.12.0"
grpcio-reflection = ">=1.7.3"
protobuf = ">=4.22.0"
test = ["pytest", "pytest-grpc"]
lock-version = "2.0"
python-versions = "^3.11"
content-hash = "d0558513b225264653cde8153abe3425004ee3298c1407cbb2dc672fe356b2f3"

pyproject.toml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
name = "starlink-grpc-tools"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Jeffrey C. Ollie <>"]
readme = ""
packages = [{ include = "starlink_grpc_tools" }]
python = "^3.11"
grpcio = "^1.57.0"
grpcio-tools = "^1.57.0"
protobuf = "^4.24.2"
yagrc = "*"
paho-mqtt = "^1.6.1"
influxdb = "^5.3.1"
influxdb-client = "^1.37.0"
pypng = "^0.20220715.0"
typing-extensions = "^4.7.1"
black = "^23.7.0"
flake8 = "^6.1.0"
flake8-pyproject = "^1.2.3"
isort = "^5.12.0"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
profile = "black"
line_length = 88
force_single_line = true
force_sort_within_sections = true
from_first = false
max-line-length = 120
extend-ignore = "E203"
dish_grpc_prometheus = "starlink_grpc_tools.dish_grpc_prometheus:main"

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@

View file

View file

@ -20,13 +20,17 @@ from typing import List
import grpc import grpc
import starlink_grpc import starlink_grpc_tools.starlink_grpc as starlink_grpc
BRACKETS_RE = re.compile(r"([^[]*)(\[((\d+),|)(\d*)\]|)$") BRACKETS_RE = re.compile(r"([^[]*)(\[((\d+),|)(\d*)\]|)$")
STATUS_MODES: List[str] = ["status", "obstruction_detail", "alert_detail", "location"] STATUS_MODES: List[str] = ["status", "obstruction_detail", "alert_detail", "location"]
"ping_drop", "ping_run_length", "ping_latency", "ping_loaded_latency", "usage" "ping_drop",
] ]
UNGROUPED_MODES: List[str] = [] UNGROUPED_MODES: List[str] = []
@ -34,60 +38,79 @@ UNGROUPED_MODES: List[str] = []
def create_arg_parser(output_description, bulk_history=True): def create_arg_parser(output_description, bulk_history=True):
"""Create an argparse parser and add the common command line options.""" """Create an argparse parser and add the common command line options."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Collect status and/or history data from a Starlink user terminal and " + description="Collect status and/or history data from a Starlink user terminal and "
output_description, + output_description,
epilog="Additional arguments can be read from a file by including @FILENAME as an " epilog="Additional arguments can be read from a file by including @FILENAME as an "
"option, where FILENAME is a path to a file that contains arguments, one per line.", "option, where FILENAME is a path to a file that contains arguments, one per line.",
fromfile_prefix_chars="@", fromfile_prefix_chars="@",
add_help=False) add_help=False,
# need to remember this for later # need to remember this for later
parser.bulk_history = bulk_history parser.bulk_history = bulk_history
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="General options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="General options")
group.add_argument("-g", group.add_argument(
"--target", "-g",
help="host:port of dish to query, default is the standard IP address " "--target",
"and port (") help="host:port of dish to query, default is the standard IP address "
"and port (",
group.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Be helpful") group.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Be helpful")
group.add_argument("-N", group.add_argument(
"--numeric", "-N",
action="store_true", "--numeric",
help="Record boolean values as 1 and 0 instead of True and False") action="store_true",
group.add_argument("-t", help="Record boolean values as 1 and 0 instead of True and False",
"--loop-interval", )
type=float, group.add_argument(
default=float(LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT), "-t",
help="Loop interval in seconds or 0 for no loop, default: " + "--loop-interval",
str(LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT)) type=float,
help="Loop interval in seconds or 0 for no loop, default: "
group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Be verbose") group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Be verbose")
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="History mode options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="History mode options")
group.add_argument("-a", group.add_argument(
"--all-samples", "-a",
action="store_const", "--all-samples",
const=-1, action="store_const",
dest="samples", const=-1,
help="Parse all valid samples") dest="samples",
group.add_argument("-o", help="Parse all valid samples",
"--poll-loops", )
type=int, group.add_argument(
help="Poll history for N loops and aggregate data before computing history " "-o",
"stats; this allows for a smaller loop interval with less loss of data " "--poll-loops",
"when the dish reboots", type=int,
metavar="N") help="Poll history for N loops and aggregate data before computing history "
"stats; this allows for a smaller loop interval with less loss of data "
"when the dish reboots",
if bulk_history: if bulk_history:
sample_help = ("Number of data samples to parse; normally applies to first loop " sample_help = (
"iteration only, default: all in bulk mode, loop interval if loop " "Number of data samples to parse; normally applies to first loop "
"interval set, else all available samples") "iteration only, default: all in bulk mode, loop interval if loop "
no_counter_help = ("Don't track sample counter across loop iterations in non-bulk " "interval set, else all available samples"
"modes; keep using samples option value instead") )
no_counter_help = (
"Don't track sample counter across loop iterations in non-bulk "
"modes; keep using samples option value instead"
else: else:
sample_help = ("Number of data samples to parse; normally applies to first loop " sample_help = (
"iteration only, default: loop interval, if set, else all available " + "Number of data samples to parse; normally applies to first loop "
"samples") "iteration only, default: loop interval, if set, else all available "
no_counter_help = ("Don't track sample counter across loop iterations; keep using " + "samples"
"samples option value instead") )
no_counter_help = (
"Don't track sample counter across loop iterations; keep using "
"samples option value instead"
group.add_argument("-s", "--samples", type=int, help=sample_help) group.add_argument("-s", "--samples", type=int, help=sample_help)
group.add_argument("-j", "--no-counter", action="store_true", help=no_counter_help) group.add_argument("-j", "--no-counter", action="store_true", help=no_counter_help)
@ -114,11 +137,13 @@ def run_arg_parser(parser, need_id=False, no_stdout_errors=False, modes=None):
if parser.bulk_history: if parser.bulk_history:
modes.append("bulk_history") modes.append("bulk_history")
parser.add_argument("mode", parser.add_argument(
nargs="+", "mode",
choices=modes, nargs="+",
help="The data group to record, one or more of: " + ", ".join(modes), choices=modes,
metavar="mode") help="The data group to record, one or more of: " + ", ".join(modes),
opts = parser.parse_args() opts = parser.parse_args()
@ -163,6 +188,7 @@ def conn_error(opts, msg, *args):
class GlobalState: class GlobalState:
"""A class for keeping state across loop iterations.""" """A class for keeping state across loop iterations."""
def __init__(self, target=None): def __init__(self, target=None):
# counter, timestamp for bulk_history: # counter, timestamp for bulk_history:
self.counter = None self.counter = None
@ -227,7 +253,9 @@ def get_data(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence, add_bulk=None, flush_history=
rc, status_ts = get_status_data(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence) rc, status_ts = get_status_data(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence)
if opts.history_stats_mode and (not rc or opts.poll_loops > 1): if opts.history_stats_mode and (not rc or opts.poll_loops > 1):
hist_rc, hist_ts = get_history_stats(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence, flush_history) hist_rc, hist_ts = get_history_stats(
opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence, flush_history
if not rc: if not rc:
rc = hist_rc rc = hist_rc
@ -252,10 +280,12 @@ def add_data_numeric(data, category, add_item, add_sequence):
if seq is None: if seq is None:
add_item(name, int(val) if isinstance(val, int) else val, category) add_item(name, int(val) if isinstance(val, int) else val, category)
else: else:
add_sequence(name, add_sequence(
[int(subval) if isinstance(subval, int) else subval for subval in val], name,
category, [int(subval) if isinstance(subval, int) else subval for subval in val],
int(start) if start else 0) category,
int(start) if start else 0,
def get_status_data(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence): def get_status_data(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence):
@ -269,7 +299,10 @@ def get_status_data(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence):
except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e: except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e:
if "status" in opts.mode: if "status" in opts.mode:
if opts.need_id and gstate.dish_id is None: if opts.need_id and gstate.dish_id is None:
conn_error(opts, "Dish unreachable and ID unknown, so not recording state") conn_error(
"Dish unreachable and ID unknown, so not recording state",
return 1, None return 1, None
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Dish unreachable") print("Dish unreachable")
@ -293,7 +326,9 @@ def get_status_data(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence):
conn_error(opts, "Failure getting location: %s", str(e)) conn_error(opts, "Failure getting location: %s", str(e))
return 1, None return 1, None
if location["latitude"] is None and gstate.warn_once_location: if location["latitude"] is None and gstate.warn_once_location:
logging.warning("Location data not enabled. See README for more details.") logging.warning(
"Location data not enabled. See README for more details."
gstate.warn_once_location = False gstate.warn_once_location = False
add_data(location, "status", add_item, add_sequence) add_data(location, "status", add_item, add_sequence)
return 0, timestamp return 0, timestamp
@ -319,7 +354,9 @@ def get_history_stats(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence, flush_history):
history = starlink_grpc.get_history(context=gstate.context) history = starlink_grpc.get_history(context=gstate.context)
gstate.timestamp_stats = timestamp gstate.timestamp_stats = timestamp
except (AttributeError, ValueError, grpc.RpcError) as e: except (AttributeError, ValueError, grpc.RpcError) as e:
conn_error(opts, "Failure getting history: %s", str(starlink_grpc.GrpcError(e))) conn_error(
opts, "Failure getting history: %s", str(starlink_grpc.GrpcError(e))
history = None history = None
parse_samples = opts.samples if gstate.counter_stats is None else -1 parse_samples = opts.samples if gstate.counter_stats is None else -1
@ -329,11 +366,13 @@ def get_history_stats(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence, flush_history):
# was a dish reboot. # was a dish reboot.
if gstate.accum_history: if gstate.accum_history:
if history is not None: if history is not None:
gstate.accum_history = starlink_grpc.concatenate_history(gstate.accum_history, gstate.accum_history = starlink_grpc.concatenate_history(
history, gstate.accum_history,
samples1=parse_samples, history,
start1=start, samples1=parse_samples,
verbose=opts.verbose) start1=start,
# Counter tracking gets too complicated to handle across reboots # Counter tracking gets too complicated to handle across reboots
# once the data has been accumulated, so just have concatenate # once the data has been accumulated, so just have concatenate
# handle it on the first polled loop and use a value of 0 to # handle it on the first polled loop and use a value of 0 to
@ -354,7 +393,9 @@ def get_history_stats(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence, flush_history):
new_samples = gstate.accum_history.current new_samples = gstate.accum_history.current
if new_samples > len(gstate.accum_history.pop_ping_drop_rate): if new_samples > len(gstate.accum_history.pop_ping_drop_rate):
new_samples = len(gstate.accum_history.pop_ping_drop_rate) new_samples = len(gstate.accum_history.pop_ping_drop_rate)
gstate.poll_count = max(gstate.poll_count, int((new_samples-1) / opts.loop_interval)) gstate.poll_count = max(
gstate.poll_count, int((new_samples - 1) / opts.loop_interval)
gstate.first_poll = False gstate.first_poll = False
if gstate.poll_count < opts.poll_loops - 1 and not flush_history: if gstate.poll_count < opts.poll_loops - 1 and not flush_history:
@ -366,10 +407,9 @@ def get_history_stats(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence, flush_history):
if gstate.accum_history is None: if gstate.accum_history is None:
return (0, None) if flush_history else (1, None) return (0, None) if flush_history else (1, None)
groups = starlink_grpc.history_stats(parse_samples, groups = starlink_grpc.history_stats(
start=start, parse_samples, start=start, verbose=opts.verbose, history=gstate.accum_history
verbose=opts.verbose, )
general, ping, runlen, latency, loaded, usage = groups[0:6] general, ping, runlen, latency, loaded, usage = groups[0:6]
add_data = add_data_numeric if opts.numeric else add_data_normal add_data = add_data_numeric if opts.numeric else add_data_normal
add_data(general, "ping_stats", add_item, add_sequence) add_data(general, "ping_stats", add_item, add_sequence)
@ -400,10 +440,9 @@ def get_bulk_data(opts, gstate, add_bulk):
start = gstate.counter start = gstate.counter
parse_samples = opts.bulk_samples if start is None else -1 parse_samples = opts.bulk_samples if start is None else -1
try: try:
general, bulk = starlink_grpc.history_bulk_data(parse_samples, general, bulk = starlink_grpc.history_bulk_data(
start=start, parse_samples, start=start, verbose=opts.verbose, context=gstate.context
verbose=opts.verbose, )
except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e: except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e:
conn_error(opts, "Failure getting history: %s", str(e)) conn_error(opts, "Failure getting history: %s", str(e))
return 1 return 1
@ -417,16 +456,26 @@ def get_bulk_data(opts, gstate, add_bulk):
timestamp = None timestamp = None
# Allow up to 2 seconds of time drift before forcibly re-syncing, since # Allow up to 2 seconds of time drift before forcibly re-syncing, since
# +/- 1 second can happen just due to scheduler timing. # +/- 1 second can happen just due to scheduler timing.
if timestamp is not None and not before - 2.0 <= timestamp + parsed_samples <= after + 2.0: if (
timestamp is not None
and not before - 2.0 <= timestamp + parsed_samples <= after + 2.0
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Lost sample time sync at: " + print(
str(datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp + parsed_samples, tz=timezone.utc))) "Lost sample time sync at: "
+ str(
datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp + parsed_samples, tz=timezone.utc)
timestamp = None timestamp = None
if timestamp is None: if timestamp is None:
timestamp = int(before) timestamp = int(before)
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Establishing new time base: {0} -> {1}".format( print(
new_counter, datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc))) "Establishing new time base: {0} -> {1}".format(
new_counter, datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc)
timestamp -= parsed_samples timestamp -= parsed_samples
if opts.numeric: if opts.numeric:
@ -434,7 +483,11 @@ def get_bulk_data(opts, gstate, add_bulk):
{ {
k: [int(subv) if isinstance(subv, int) else subv for subv in v] k: [int(subv) if isinstance(subv, int) else subv for subv in v]
for k, v in bulk.items() for k, v in bulk.items()
}, parsed_samples, timestamp, new_counter - parsed_samples) },
new_counter - parsed_samples,
else: else:
add_bulk(bulk, parsed_samples, timestamp, new_counter - parsed_samples) add_bulk(bulk, parsed_samples, timestamp, new_counter - parsed_samples)

View file

@ -11,11 +11,13 @@ from yagrc import reflector as yagrc_reflector
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Starlink user terminal state control") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Starlink user terminal state control")
parser.add_argument("-e", parser.add_argument(
"--target", "-e",
default="", "--target",
help="host:port of dish to query, default is the standard IP address " default="",
"and port (") help="host:port of dish to query, default is the standard IP address "
"and port (",
subs = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", required=True) subs = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", required=True)
subs.add_parser("reboot", help="Reboot the user terminal") subs.add_parser("reboot", help="Reboot the user terminal")
subs.add_parser("stow", help="Set user terminal to stow position") subs.add_parser("stow", help="Set user terminal to stow position")
@ -23,15 +25,14 @@ def parse_args():
sleep_parser = subs.add_parser( sleep_parser = subs.add_parser(
"set_sleep", "set_sleep",
help="Show, set, or disable power save configuration", help="Show, set, or disable power save configuration",
description="Run without arguments to show current configuration") description="Run without arguments to show current configuration",
sleep_parser.add_argument("start", )
nargs="?", sleep_parser.add_argument(
type=int, "start", nargs="?", type=int, help="Start time in minutes past midnight UTC"
help="Start time in minutes past midnight UTC") )
sleep_parser.add_argument("duration", sleep_parser.add_argument(
nargs="?", "duration", nargs="?", type=int, help="Duration in minutes, or 0 to disable"
type=int, )
help="Duration in minutes, or 0 to disable")
opts = parser.parse_args() opts = parser.parse_args()
if opts.command == "set_sleep" and opts.start is not None: if opts.command == "set_sleep" and opts.start is not None:
@ -70,23 +71,35 @@ def main():
dish_power_save={ dish_power_save={
"power_save_start_minutes": opts.start, "power_save_start_minutes": opts.start,
"power_save_duration_minutes": opts.duration, "power_save_duration_minutes": opts.duration,
"enable_power_save": True "enable_power_save": True,
}) }
else: else:
# duration of 0 not allowed, even when disabled # duration of 0 not allowed, even when disabled
request = request_class(dish_power_save={ request = request_class(
"power_save_duration_minutes": 1, dish_power_save={
"enable_power_save": False "power_save_duration_minutes": 1,
}) "enable_power_save": False,
response = stub.Handle(request, timeout=10) response = stub.Handle(request, timeout=10)
if opts.command == "set_sleep" and opts.start is None and opts.duration is None: if (
opts.command == "set_sleep"
and opts.start is None
and opts.duration is None
config = response.dish_get_config.dish_config config = response.dish_get_config.dish_config
if config.power_save_mode: if config.power_save_mode:
print("Sleep start:", config.power_save_start_minutes, print(
"minutes past midnight UTC") "Sleep start:",
print("Sleep duration:", config.power_save_duration_minutes, "minutes") config.power_save_start_minutes,
"minutes past midnight UTC",
"Sleep duration:", config.power_save_duration_minutes, "minutes"
else: else:
print("Sleep disabled") print("Sleep disabled")
except (AttributeError, ValueError, grpc.RpcError) as e: except (AttributeError, ValueError, grpc.RpcError) as e:

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import warnings
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
import dish_common import starlink_grpc_tools.dish_common as dish_common
HOST_DEFAULT = "localhost" HOST_DEFAULT = "localhost"
DATABASE_DEFAULT = "starlinkstats" DATABASE_DEFAULT = "starlinkstats"
@ -52,41 +52,58 @@ def handle_sigterm(signum, frame):
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser( parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser(
output_description="write it to an InfluxDB 1.x database") output_description="write it to an InfluxDB 1.x database"
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="InfluxDB 1.x database options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="InfluxDB 1.x database options")
group.add_argument("-n", group.add_argument(
"--hostname", "-n",
default=HOST_DEFAULT, "--hostname",
dest="host", default=HOST_DEFAULT,
help="Hostname of InfluxDB server, default: " + HOST_DEFAULT) dest="host",
group.add_argument("-p", "--port", type=int, help="Port number to use on InfluxDB server") help="Hostname of InfluxDB server, default: " + HOST_DEFAULT,
group.add_argument("-P", "--password", help="Set password for username/password authentication") )
"-p", "--port", type=int, help="Port number to use on InfluxDB server"
"-P", "--password", help="Set password for username/password authentication"
group.add_argument("-U", "--username", help="Set username for authentication") group.add_argument("-U", "--username", help="Set username for authentication")
group.add_argument("-D", group.add_argument(
"--database", "-D",
default=DATABASE_DEFAULT, "--database",
help="Database name to use, default: " + DATABASE_DEFAULT) default=DATABASE_DEFAULT,
help="Database name to use, default: " + DATABASE_DEFAULT,
group.add_argument("-R", "--retention-policy", help="Retention policy name to use") group.add_argument("-R", "--retention-policy", help="Retention policy name to use")
group.add_argument("-k", group.add_argument(
"--skip-query", "-k",
action="store_true", "--skip-query",
help="Skip querying for prior sample write point in bulk mode") action="store_true",
group.add_argument("-C", help="Skip querying for prior sample write point in bulk mode",
"--ca-cert", )
dest="verify_ssl", group.add_argument(
help="Enable SSL/TLS using specified CA cert to verify server", "-C",
metavar="FILENAME") "--ca-cert",
group.add_argument("-I", dest="verify_ssl",
"--insecure", help="Enable SSL/TLS using specified CA cert to verify server",
action="store_false", metavar="FILENAME",
dest="verify_ssl", )
help="Enable SSL/TLS but disable certificate verification (INSECURE!)") group.add_argument(
group.add_argument("-S", "-I",
"--secure", "--insecure",
action="store_true", action="store_false",
dest="verify_ssl", dest="verify_ssl",
help="Enable SSL/TLS using default CA cert") help="Enable SSL/TLS but disable certificate verification (INSECURE!)",
help="Enable SSL/TLS using default CA cert",
env_map = ( env_map = (
("INFLUXDB_HOST", "host"), ("INFLUXDB_HOST", "host"),
@ -130,16 +147,20 @@ def parse_args():
def flush_points(opts, gstate): def flush_points(opts, gstate):
try: try:
while len(gstate.points) > MAX_BATCH: while len(gstate.points) > MAX_BATCH:
gstate.influx_client.write_points(gstate.points[:MAX_BATCH], gstate.influx_client.write_points(
time_precision="s", gstate.points[:MAX_BATCH],
retention_policy=opts.retention_policy) time_precision="s",
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Data points written: " + str(MAX_BATCH)) print("Data points written: " + str(MAX_BATCH))
del gstate.points[:MAX_BATCH] del gstate.points[:MAX_BATCH]
if gstate.points: if gstate.points:
gstate.influx_client.write_points(gstate.points, gstate.influx_client.write_points(
time_precision="s", gstate.points,
retention_policy=opts.retention_policy) time_precision="s",
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Data points written: " + str(len(gstate.points))) print("Data points written: " + str(len(gstate.points)))
gstate.points.clear() gstate.points.clear()
@ -159,12 +180,13 @@ def flush_points(opts, gstate):
def query_counter(gstate, start, end): def query_counter(gstate, start, end):
try: try:
# fetch the latest point where counter field was recorded # fetch the latest point where counter field was recorded
result = gstate.influx_client.query("SELECT counter FROM \"{0}\" " result = gstate.influx_client.query(
"WHERE time>={1}s AND time<{2}s AND id=$id " 'SELECT counter FROM "{0}" '
"ORDER by time DESC LIMIT 1;".format( "WHERE time>={1}s AND time<{2}s AND id=$id "
BULK_MEASUREMENT, start, end), "ORDER by time DESC LIMIT 1;".format(BULK_MEASUREMENT, start, end),
bind_params={"id": gstate.dish_id}, bind_params={"id": gstate.dish_id},
epoch="s") epoch="s",
points = list(result.get_points()) points = list(result.get_points())
if points: if points:
counter = points[0].get("counter", None) counter = points[0].get("counter", None)
@ -177,22 +199,28 @@ def query_counter(gstate, start, end):
# query(), so just skip this functionality. # query(), so just skip this functionality.
logging.error( logging.error(
"Failed running query, probably due to influxdb-python version too old. " "Failed running query, probably due to influxdb-python version too old. "
"Skipping resumption from prior counter value. Reported error was: %s", str(e)) "Skipping resumption from prior counter value. Reported error was: %s",
return None, 0 return None, 0
def sync_timebase(opts, gstate): def sync_timebase(opts, gstate):
try: try:
db_counter, db_timestamp = query_counter(gstate, gstate.start_timestamp, gstate.timestamp) db_counter, db_timestamp = query_counter(
gstate, gstate.start_timestamp, gstate.timestamp
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
# could be temporary outage, so try again next time # could be temporary outage, so try again next time
dish_common.conn_error(opts, "Failed querying InfluxDB for prior count: %s", str(e)) dish_common.conn_error(
opts, "Failed querying InfluxDB for prior count: %s", str(e)
return return
gstate.timebase_synced = True gstate.timebase_synced = True
if db_counter and gstate.start_counter <= db_counter: if db_counter and gstate.start_counter <= db_counter:
del gstate.deferred_points[:db_counter - gstate.start_counter] del gstate.deferred_points[: db_counter - gstate.start_counter]
if gstate.deferred_points: if gstate.deferred_points:
delta_timestamp = db_timestamp - (gstate.deferred_points[0]["time"] - 1) delta_timestamp = db_timestamp - (gstate.deferred_points[0]["time"] - 1)
# to prevent +/- 1 second timestamp drift when the script restarts, # to prevent +/- 1 second timestamp drift when the script restarts,
@ -203,8 +231,12 @@ def sync_timebase(opts, gstate):
print("Exactly synced with database time base") print("Exactly synced with database time base")
elif -2 <= delta_timestamp <= 2: elif -2 <= delta_timestamp <= 2:
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Replacing with existing time base: {0} -> {1}".format( print(
db_counter, datetime.fromtimestamp(db_timestamp, tz=timezone.utc))) "Replacing with existing time base: {0} -> {1}".format(
datetime.fromtimestamp(db_timestamp, tz=timezone.utc),
for point in gstate.deferred_points: for point in gstate.deferred_points:
db_timestamp += 1 db_timestamp += 1
if point["time"] + delta_timestamp == db_timestamp: if point["time"] + delta_timestamp == db_timestamp:
@ -216,7 +248,11 @@ def sync_timebase(opts, gstate):
gstate.timestamp = db_timestamp gstate.timestamp = db_timestamp
else: else:
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Database time base out of sync by {0} seconds".format(delta_timestamp)) print(
"Database time base out of sync by {0} seconds".format(
gstate.points.extend(gstate.deferred_points) gstate.points.extend(gstate.deferred_points)
gstate.deferred_points.clear() gstate.deferred_points.clear()
@ -239,38 +275,42 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate, shutdown=False):
points = gstate.points if gstate.timebase_synced else gstate.deferred_points points = gstate.points if gstate.timebase_synced else gstate.deferred_points
for i in range(count): for i in range(count):
timestamp += 1 timestamp += 1
points.append({ points.append(
"measurement": BULK_MEASUREMENT, {
"tags": { "measurement": BULK_MEASUREMENT,
"id": gstate.dish_id "tags": {"id": gstate.dish_id},
}, "time": timestamp,
"time": timestamp, "fields": {
"fields": {key: val[i] for key, val in bulk.items() if val[i] is not None}, key: val[i] for key, val in bulk.items() if val[i] is not None
}) },
if points: if points:
# save off counter value for script restart # save off counter value for script restart
points[-1]["fields"]["counter"] = counter + count points[-1]["fields"]["counter"] = counter + count
rc, status_ts, hist_ts = dish_common.get_data(opts, rc, status_ts, hist_ts = dish_common.get_data(
gstate, opts,
cb_add_item, gstate,
cb_add_sequence, cb_add_item,
add_bulk=cb_add_bulk, cb_add_sequence,
flush_history=shutdown) add_bulk=cb_add_bulk,
if rc: if rc:
return rc return rc
for category, cat_fields in fields.items(): for category, cat_fields in fields.items():
if cat_fields: if cat_fields:
timestamp = status_ts if category == "status" else hist_ts timestamp = status_ts if category == "status" else hist_ts
gstate.points.append({ gstate.points.append(
"measurement": "spacex.starlink.user_terminal." + category, {
"tags": { "measurement": "spacex.starlink.user_terminal." + category,
"id": gstate.dish_id "tags": {"id": gstate.dish_id},
}, "time": timestamp,
"time": timestamp, "fields": cat_fields,
"fields": cat_fields, }
}) )
# This is here and not before the points being processed because if the # This is here and not before the points being processed because if the
# query previously failed, there will be points that were processed in # query previously failed, there will be points that were processed in
@ -306,7 +346,9 @@ def main():
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_sigterm) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_sigterm)
try: try:
# attempt to hack around breakage between influxdb-python client and 2.0 server: # attempt to hack around breakage between influxdb-python client and 2.0 server:
gstate.influx_client = InfluxDBClient(**opts.icargs, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}) gstate.influx_client = InfluxDBClient(
**opts.icargs, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}
except TypeError: except TypeError:
# ...unless influxdb-python package version is too old # ...unless influxdb-python package version is too old
gstate.influx_client = InfluxDBClient(**opts.icargs) gstate.influx_client = InfluxDBClient(**opts.icargs)

View file

@ -29,9 +29,11 @@ import sys
import time import time
import warnings import warnings
from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient, WriteOptions, WritePrecision from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient
from influxdb_client import WriteOptions
from influxdb_client import WritePrecision
import dish_common import starlink_grpc_tools.dish_common as dish_common
URL_DEFAULT = "http://localhost:8086" URL_DEFAULT = "http://localhost:8086"
BUCKET_DEFAULT = "starlinkstats" BUCKET_DEFAULT = "starlinkstats"
@ -52,34 +54,45 @@ def handle_sigterm(signum, frame):
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser( parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser(
output_description="write it to an InfluxDB 2.x database") output_description="write it to an InfluxDB 2.x database"
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="InfluxDB 2.x database options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="InfluxDB 2.x database options")
group.add_argument("-u", group.add_argument(
"--url", "-u",
default=URL_DEFAULT, "--url",
dest="url", default=URL_DEFAULT,
help="URL of the InfluxDB 2.x server, default: " + URL_DEFAULT) dest="url",
help="URL of the InfluxDB 2.x server, default: " + URL_DEFAULT,
group.add_argument("-T", "--token", help="Token to access the bucket") group.add_argument("-T", "--token", help="Token to access the bucket")
group.add_argument("-B", group.add_argument(
"--bucket", "-B",
default=BUCKET_DEFAULT, "--bucket",
help="Bucket name to use, default: " + BUCKET_DEFAULT) default=BUCKET_DEFAULT,
help="Bucket name to use, default: " + BUCKET_DEFAULT,
group.add_argument("-O", "--org", help="Organisation name") group.add_argument("-O", "--org", help="Organisation name")
group.add_argument("-k", group.add_argument(
"--skip-query", "-k",
action="store_true", "--skip-query",
help="Skip querying for prior sample write point in bulk mode") action="store_true",
group.add_argument("-C", help="Skip querying for prior sample write point in bulk mode",
"--ca-cert", )
dest="ssl_ca_cert", group.add_argument(
help="Use specified CA cert to verify HTTPS server", "-C",
metavar="FILENAME") "--ca-cert",
group.add_argument("-I", dest="ssl_ca_cert",
"--insecure", help="Use specified CA cert to verify HTTPS server",
action="store_false", metavar="FILENAME",
dest="verify_ssl", )
help="Disable certificate verification of HTTPS server (INSECURE!)") group.add_argument(
help="Disable certificate verification of HTTPS server (INSECURE!)",
env_map = ( env_map = (
("INFLUXDB_URL", "url"), ("INFLUXDB_URL", "url"),
@ -112,8 +125,9 @@ def parse_args():
if val is not None: if val is not None:
opts.icargs[key] = val opts.icargs[key] = val
if (not opts.verify_ssl if (
or opts.ssl_ca_cert is not None) and not opts.url.lower().startswith("https:"): not opts.verify_ssl or opts.ssl_ca_cert is not None
) and not opts.url.lower().startswith("https:"):
parser.error("SSL options only apply to HTTPS URLs") parser.error("SSL options only apply to HTTPS URLs")
return opts return opts
@ -122,25 +136,32 @@ def parse_args():
def flush_points(opts, gstate): def flush_points(opts, gstate):
try: try:
write_api = gstate.influx_client.write_api( write_api = gstate.influx_client.write_api(
write_options=WriteOptions(batch_size=len(gstate.points), write_options=WriteOptions(
flush_interval=10_000, batch_size=len(gstate.points),
jitter_interval=2_000, flush_interval=10_000,
retry_interval=5_000, jitter_interval=2_000,
max_retries=5, retry_interval=5_000,
max_retry_delay=30_000, max_retries=5,
exponential_base=2)) max_retry_delay=30_000,
while len(gstate.points) > MAX_BATCH: while len(gstate.points) > MAX_BATCH:
write_api.write(record=gstate.points[:MAX_BATCH], write_api.write(
write_precision=WritePrecision.S, record=gstate.points[:MAX_BATCH],
bucket=opts.bucket) write_precision=WritePrecision.S,
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Data points written: " + str(MAX_BATCH)) print("Data points written: " + str(MAX_BATCH))
del gstate.points[:MAX_BATCH] del gstate.points[:MAX_BATCH]
if gstate.points: if gstate.points:
write_api.write(record=gstate.points, write_api.write(
write_precision=WritePrecision.S, record=gstate.points,
bucket=opts.bucket) write_precision=WritePrecision.S,
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Data points written: " + str(len(gstate.points))) print("Data points written: " + str(len(gstate.points)))
gstate.points.clear() gstate.points.clear()
@ -161,14 +182,18 @@ def flush_points(opts, gstate):
def query_counter(opts, gstate, start, end): def query_counter(opts, gstate, start, end):
query_api = gstate.influx_client.query_api() query_api = gstate.influx_client.query_api()
result = query_api.query(''' result = query_api.query(
from(bucket: "{0}") from(bucket: "{0}")
|> range(start: {1}, stop: {2}) |> range(start: {1}, stop: {2})
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "{3}") |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "{3}")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "counter") |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "counter")
|> last() |> last()
|> yield(name: "last") |> yield(name: "last")
'''.format(opts.bucket, str(start), str(end), BULK_MEASUREMENT)) """.format(
opts.bucket, str(start), str(end), BULK_MEASUREMENT
if result: if result:
counter = result[0].records[0]["_value"] counter = result[0].records[0]["_value"]
timestamp = result[0].records[0]["_time"].timestamp() timestamp = result[0].records[0]["_time"].timestamp()
@ -180,16 +205,19 @@ def query_counter(opts, gstate, start, end):
def sync_timebase(opts, gstate): def sync_timebase(opts, gstate):
try: try:
db_counter, db_timestamp = query_counter(opts, gstate, gstate.start_timestamp, db_counter, db_timestamp = query_counter(
gstate.timestamp) opts, gstate, gstate.start_timestamp, gstate.timestamp
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
# could be temporary outage, so try again next time # could be temporary outage, so try again next time
dish_common.conn_error(opts, "Failed querying InfluxDB for prior count: %s", str(e)) dish_common.conn_error(
opts, "Failed querying InfluxDB for prior count: %s", str(e)
return return
gstate.timebase_synced = True gstate.timebase_synced = True
if db_counter and gstate.start_counter <= db_counter: if db_counter and gstate.start_counter <= db_counter:
del gstate.deferred_points[:db_counter - gstate.start_counter] del gstate.deferred_points[: db_counter - gstate.start_counter]
if gstate.deferred_points: if gstate.deferred_points:
delta_timestamp = db_timestamp - (gstate.deferred_points[0]["time"] - 1) delta_timestamp = db_timestamp - (gstate.deferred_points[0]["time"] - 1)
# to prevent +/- 1 second timestamp drift when the script restarts, # to prevent +/- 1 second timestamp drift when the script restarts,
@ -200,8 +228,12 @@ def sync_timebase(opts, gstate):
print("Exactly synced with database time base") print("Exactly synced with database time base")
elif -2 <= delta_timestamp <= 2: elif -2 <= delta_timestamp <= 2:
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Replacing with existing time base: {0} -> {1}".format( print(
db_counter, datetime.fromtimestamp(db_timestamp, tz=timezone.utc))) "Replacing with existing time base: {0} -> {1}".format(
datetime.fromtimestamp(db_timestamp, tz=timezone.utc),
for point in gstate.deferred_points: for point in gstate.deferred_points:
db_timestamp += 1 db_timestamp += 1
if point["time"] + delta_timestamp == db_timestamp: if point["time"] + delta_timestamp == db_timestamp:
@ -213,7 +245,11 @@ def sync_timebase(opts, gstate):
gstate.timestamp = db_timestamp gstate.timestamp = db_timestamp
else: else:
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Database time base out of sync by {0} seconds".format(delta_timestamp)) print(
"Database time base out of sync by {0} seconds".format(
gstate.points.extend(gstate.deferred_points) gstate.points.extend(gstate.deferred_points)
gstate.deferred_points.clear() gstate.deferred_points.clear()
@ -236,38 +272,42 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate, shutdown=False):
points = gstate.points if gstate.timebase_synced else gstate.deferred_points points = gstate.points if gstate.timebase_synced else gstate.deferred_points
for i in range(count): for i in range(count):
timestamp += 1 timestamp += 1
points.append({ points.append(
"measurement": BULK_MEASUREMENT, {
"tags": { "measurement": BULK_MEASUREMENT,
"id": gstate.dish_id "tags": {"id": gstate.dish_id},
}, "time": timestamp,
"time": timestamp, "fields": {
"fields": {key: val[i] for key, val in bulk.items() if val[i] is not None}, key: val[i] for key, val in bulk.items() if val[i] is not None
}) },
if points: if points:
# save off counter value for script restart # save off counter value for script restart
points[-1]["fields"]["counter"] = counter + count points[-1]["fields"]["counter"] = counter + count
rc, status_ts, hist_ts = dish_common.get_data(opts, rc, status_ts, hist_ts = dish_common.get_data(
gstate, opts,
cb_add_item, gstate,
cb_add_sequence, cb_add_item,
add_bulk=cb_add_bulk, cb_add_sequence,
flush_history=shutdown) add_bulk=cb_add_bulk,
if rc: if rc:
return rc return rc
for category, cat_fields in fields.items(): for category, cat_fields in fields.items():
if cat_fields: if cat_fields:
timestamp = status_ts if category == "status" else hist_ts timestamp = status_ts if category == "status" else hist_ts
gstate.points.append({ gstate.points.append(
"measurement": "spacex.starlink.user_terminal." + category, {
"tags": { "measurement": "spacex.starlink.user_terminal." + category,
"id": gstate.dish_id "tags": {"id": gstate.dish_id},
}, "time": timestamp,
"time": timestamp, "fields": cat_fields,
"fields": cat_fields, }
}) )
# This is here and not before the points being processed because if the # This is here and not before the points being processed because if the
# query previously failed, there will be points that were processed in # query previously failed, there will be points that were processed in

View file

@ -29,13 +29,14 @@ import time
try: try:
import ssl import ssl
ssl_ok = True ssl_ok = True
except ImportError: except ImportError:
ssl_ok = False ssl_ok = False
import paho.mqtt.publish import paho.mqtt.publish
import dish_common import starlink_grpc_tools.dish_common as dish_common
HOST_DEFAULT = "localhost" HOST_DEFAULT = "localhost"
@ -50,16 +51,23 @@ def handle_sigterm(signum, frame):
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser(output_description="publish it to a MQTT broker", parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser(
bulk_history=False) output_description="publish it to a MQTT broker", bulk_history=False
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="MQTT broker options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="MQTT broker options")
group.add_argument("-n", group.add_argument(
"--hostname", "-n",
default=HOST_DEFAULT, "--hostname",
help="Hostname of MQTT broker, default: " + HOST_DEFAULT) default=HOST_DEFAULT,
group.add_argument("-p", "--port", type=int, help="Port number to use on MQTT broker") help="Hostname of MQTT broker, default: " + HOST_DEFAULT,
group.add_argument("-P", "--password", help="Set password for username/password authentication") )
"-p", "--port", type=int, help="Port number to use on MQTT broker"
"-P", "--password", help="Set password for username/password authentication"
group.add_argument("-U", "--username", help="Set username for authentication") group.add_argument("-U", "--username", help="Set username for authentication")
group.add_argument("-J", "--json", action="store_true", help="Publish data as JSON") group.add_argument("-J", "--json", action="store_true", help="Publish data as JSON")
if ssl_ok: if ssl_ok:
@ -67,24 +75,30 @@ def parse_args():
def wrap_ca_arg(arg): def wrap_ca_arg(arg):
return {"ca_certs": arg} return {"ca_certs": arg}
group.add_argument("-C", group.add_argument(
"--ca-cert", "-C",
type=wrap_ca_arg, "--ca-cert",
dest="tls", type=wrap_ca_arg,
help="Enable SSL/TLS using specified CA cert to verify broker", dest="tls",
metavar="FILENAME") help="Enable SSL/TLS using specified CA cert to verify broker",
group.add_argument("-I", metavar="FILENAME",
"--insecure", )
action="store_const", group.add_argument(
const={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE}, "-I",
dest="tls", "--insecure",
help="Enable SSL/TLS but disable certificate verification (INSECURE!)") action="store_const",
group.add_argument("-S", const={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE},
"--secure", dest="tls",
action="store_const", help="Enable SSL/TLS but disable certificate verification (INSECURE!)",
const={}, )
dest="tls", group.add_argument(
help="Enable SSL/TLS using default CA cert") "-S",
help="Enable SSL/TLS using default CA cert",
else: else:
parser.epilog += "\nSSL support options not available due to missing ssl module" parser.epilog += "\nSSL support options not available due to missing ssl module"
@ -135,7 +149,6 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate):
msgs = [] msgs = []
if opts.json: if opts.json:
data = {} data = {}
def cb_add_item(key, val, category): def cb_add_item(key, val, category):
@ -155,12 +168,24 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate):
else: else:
def cb_add_item(key, val, category): def cb_add_item(key, val, category):
msgs.append(("starlink/dish_{0}/{1}/{2}".format(category, gstate.dish_id, msgs.append(
key), val, 0, False)) (
"starlink/dish_{0}/{1}/{2}".format(category, gstate.dish_id, key),
def cb_add_sequence(key, val, category, _): def cb_add_sequence(key, val, category, _):
msgs.append(("starlink/dish_{0}/{1}/{2}".format(category, gstate.dish_id, key), msgs.append(
",".join("" if x is None else str(x) for x in val), 0, False)) (
"starlink/dish_{0}/{1}/{2}".format(category, gstate.dish_id, key),
",".join("" if x is None else str(x) for x in val),
rc = dish_common.get_data(opts, gstate, cb_add_item, cb_add_sequence)[0] rc = dish_common.get_data(opts, gstate, cb_add_item, cb_add_sequence)[0]

View file

@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ history data and makes it available via HTTP in the format Prometheus expects.
""" """
from http import HTTPStatus from http import HTTPStatus
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, ThreadingHTTPServer from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from http.server import ThreadingHTTPServer
import logging import logging
import signal import signal
import sys import sys
import threading import threading
import dish_common import starlink_grpc_tools.dish_common as dish_common
class Terminated(Exception): class Terminated(Exception):
@ -128,14 +129,18 @@ class MetricValue:
def __str__(self): def __str__(self):
label_str = "" label_str = ""
if self.labels: if self.labels:
label_str = ("{" + str.join(",", [f'{v[0]}="{v[1]}"' label_str = (
for v in self.labels.items()]) + "}") "{"
+ str.join(",", [f'{v[0]}="{v[1]}"' for v in self.labels.items()])
+ "}"
return f"{label_str} {self.value}" return f"{label_str} {self.value}"
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser(output_description="Prometheus exporter", parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser(
bulk_history=False) output_description="Prometheus exporter", bulk_history=False
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="HTTP server options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="HTTP server options")
group.add_argument("--address", default="", help="IP address to listen on") group.add_argument("--address", default="", help="IP address to listen on")
@ -155,8 +160,9 @@ def prometheus_export(opts, gstate):
raise NotImplementedError("Did not expect sequence data") raise NotImplementedError("Did not expect sequence data")
with gstate.lock: with gstate.lock:
rc, status_ts, hist_ts = dish_common.get_data(opts, gstate, data_add_item, rc, status_ts, hist_ts = dish_common.get_data(
data_add_sequencem) opts, gstate, data_add_item, data_add_sequencem
metrics = [] metrics = []
@ -173,9 +179,11 @@ def prometheus_export(opts, gstate):
MetricValue( MetricValue(
value=int(raw_data["status_state"] == state_value), value=int(raw_data["status_state"] == state_value),
labels={"state": state_value}, labels={"state": state_value},
) for state_value in STATE_VALUES )
for state_value in STATE_VALUES
], ],
)) )
del raw_data["status_state"] del raw_data["status_state"]
info_metrics = ["status_id", "status_hardware_version", "status_software_version"] info_metrics = ["status_id", "status_hardware_version", "status_software_version"]
@ -191,12 +199,14 @@ def prometheus_export(opts, gstate):
MetricValue( MetricValue(
value=1, value=1,
labels={ labels={
x.replace("status_", ""): raw_data.pop(x) for x in info_metrics x.replace("status_", ""): raw_data.pop(x)
for x in info_metrics
if x in raw_data if x in raw_data
}, },
) )
], ],
)) )
for name, metric_info in METRICS_INFO.items(): for name, metric_info in METRICS_INFO.items():
if name in raw_data: if name in raw_data:
@ -206,7 +216,8 @@ def prometheus_export(opts, gstate):
timestamp=status_ts, timestamp=status_ts,
kind=metric_info.kind, kind=metric_info.kind,
values=[MetricValue(value=float(raw_data.pop(name) or 0))], values=[MetricValue(value=float(raw_data.pop(name) or 0))],
)) )
else: else:
metrics_not_found.append(name) metrics_not_found.append(name)
@ -215,17 +226,22 @@ def prometheus_export(opts, gstate):
name="starlink_exporter_unprocessed_metrics", name="starlink_exporter_unprocessed_metrics",
timestamp=status_ts, timestamp=status_ts,
values=[MetricValue(value=1, labels={"metric": name}) for name in raw_data], values=[MetricValue(value=1, labels={"metric": name}) for name in raw_data],
)) )
metrics.append( metrics.append(
Metric( Metric(
name="starlink_exporter_missing_metrics", name="starlink_exporter_missing_metrics",
timestamp=status_ts, timestamp=status_ts,
values=[MetricValue( values=[
value=1, MetricValue(
labels={"metric": name}, value=1,
) for name in metrics_not_found], labels={"metric": name},
)) )
for name in metrics_not_found
return str.join("\n", [str(metric) for metric in metrics]) return str.join("\n", [str(metric) for metric in metrics])

View file

@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ import sqlite3
import sys import sys
import time import time
import dish_common import starlink_grpc_tools.dish_common as dish_common
import starlink_grpc import starlink_grpc_tools.starlink_grpc as starlink_grpc
@ -59,20 +59,26 @@ def handle_sigterm(signum, frame):
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser(output_description="write it to a sqlite database") parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser(
output_description="write it to a sqlite database"
parser.add_argument("database", help="Database file to use") parser.add_argument("database", help="Database file to use")
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="sqlite database options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="sqlite database options")
group.add_argument("-f", group.add_argument(
"--force", "-f",
action="store_true", "--force",
help="Force schema conversion, even if it results in downgrade; may " action="store_true",
"result in discarded data") help="Force schema conversion, even if it results in downgrade; may "
group.add_argument("-k", "result in discarded data",
"--skip-query", )
action="store_true", group.add_argument(
help="Skip querying for prior sample write point in history modes") "-k",
help="Skip querying for prior sample write point in history modes",
opts = dish_common.run_arg_parser(parser, need_id=True) opts = dish_common.run_arg_parser(parser, need_id=True)
@ -86,14 +92,19 @@ def query_counter(opts, gstate, column, table):
cur = gstate.sql_conn.cursor() cur = gstate.sql_conn.cursor()
cur.execute( cur.execute(
'SELECT "time", "{0}" FROM "{1}" WHERE "time"<? AND "id"=? ' 'SELECT "time", "{0}" FROM "{1}" WHERE "time"<? AND "id"=? '
'ORDER BY "time" DESC LIMIT 1'.format(column, table), (now, gstate.dish_id)) 'ORDER BY "time" DESC LIMIT 1'.format(column, table),
(now, gstate.dish_id),
row = cur.fetchone() row = cur.fetchone()
cur.close() cur.close()
if row and row[0] and row[1]: if row and row[0] and row[1]:
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Existing time base: {0} -> {1}".format( print(
row[1], datetime.fromtimestamp(row[0], tz=timezone.utc))) "Existing time base: {0} -> {1}".format(
row[1], datetime.fromtimestamp(row[0], tz=timezone.utc)
return row return row
else: else:
return 0, None return 0, None
@ -108,7 +119,9 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate, shutdown=False):
tables[category][key] = val tables[category][key] = val
def cb_add_sequence(key, val, category, start): def cb_add_sequence(key, val, category, start):
tables[category][key] = ",".join(str(subv) if subv is not None else "" for subv in val) tables[category][key] = ",".join(
str(subv) if subv is not None else "" for subv in val
def cb_add_bulk(bulk, count, timestamp, counter): def cb_add_bulk(bulk, count, timestamp, counter):
if len(hist_cols) == 2: if len(hist_cols) == 2:
@ -127,19 +140,26 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate, shutdown=False):
hist_ts = None hist_ts = None
if not shutdown: if not shutdown:
rc, status_ts = dish_common.get_status_data(opts, gstate, cb_add_item, cb_add_sequence) rc, status_ts = dish_common.get_status_data(
opts, gstate, cb_add_item, cb_add_sequence
if opts.history_stats_mode and (not rc or opts.poll_loops > 1): if opts.history_stats_mode and (not rc or opts.poll_loops > 1):
if gstate.counter_stats is None and not opts.skip_query and opts.samples < 0: if gstate.counter_stats is None and not opts.skip_query and opts.samples < 0:
_, gstate.counter_stats = query_counter(opts, gstate, "end_counter", "ping_stats") _, gstate.counter_stats = query_counter(
hist_rc, hist_ts = dish_common.get_history_stats(opts, gstate, cb_add_item, cb_add_sequence, opts, gstate, "end_counter", "ping_stats"
shutdown) )
hist_rc, hist_ts = dish_common.get_history_stats(
opts, gstate, cb_add_item, cb_add_sequence, shutdown
if not rc: if not rc:
rc = hist_rc rc = hist_rc
if not shutdown and opts.bulk_mode and not rc: if not shutdown and opts.bulk_mode and not rc:
if gstate.counter is None and not opts.skip_query and opts.bulk_samples < 0: if gstate.counter is None and not opts.skip_query and opts.bulk_samples < 0:
gstate.timestamp, gstate.counter = query_counter(opts, gstate, "counter", "history") gstate.timestamp, gstate.counter = query_counter(
opts, gstate, "counter", "history"
rc = dish_common.get_bulk_data(opts, gstate, cb_add_bulk) rc = dish_common.get_bulk_data(opts, gstate, cb_add_bulk)
rows_written = 0 rows_written = 0
@ -150,9 +170,10 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate, shutdown=False):
if fields: if fields:
timestamp = status_ts if category == "status" else hist_ts timestamp = status_ts if category == "status" else hist_ts
sql = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "{0}" ("time","id",{1}) VALUES ({2})'.format( sql = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "{0}" ("time","id",{1}) VALUES ({2})'.format(
category, ",".join('"' + x + '"' for x in fields), category,
",".join(repeat("?", ",".join('"' + x + '"' for x in fields),
len(fields) + 2))) ",".join(repeat("?", len(fields) + 2)),
values = [timestamp, gstate.dish_id] values = [timestamp, gstate.dish_id]
values.extend(fields.values()) values.extend(fields.values())
cur.execute(sql, values) cur.execute(sql, values)
@ -160,7 +181,9 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate, shutdown=False):
if hist_rows: if hist_rows:
sql = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "history" ({0}) VALUES({1})'.format( sql = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "history" ({0}) VALUES({1})'.format(
",".join('"' + x + '"' for x in hist_cols), ",".join(repeat("?", len(hist_cols)))) ",".join('"' + x + '"' for x in hist_cols),
",".join(repeat("?", len(hist_cols))),
cur.executemany(sql, hist_rows) cur.executemany(sql, hist_rows)
rows_written += len(hist_rows) rows_written += len(hist_rows)
@ -191,7 +214,9 @@ def ensure_schema(opts, conn, context):
print("Initializing new database") print("Initializing new database")
create_tables(conn, context, "") create_tables(conn, context, "")
elif version[0] > SCHEMA_VERSION and not opts.force: elif version[0] > SCHEMA_VERSION and not opts.force:
logging.error("Cowardly refusing to downgrade from schema version %s", version[0]) logging.error(
"Cowardly refusing to downgrade from schema version %s", version[0]
return 1 return 1
else: else:
print("Converting from schema version:", version[0]) print("Converting from schema version:", version[0])
@ -208,10 +233,12 @@ def ensure_schema(opts, conn, context):
def create_tables(conn, context, suffix): def create_tables(conn, context, suffix):
tables = {} tables = {}
name_groups = (starlink_grpc.status_field_names(context=context) + name_groups = starlink_grpc.status_field_names(context=context) + (
(starlink_grpc.location_field_names(),)) starlink_grpc.location_field_names(),
type_groups = (starlink_grpc.status_field_types(context=context) + )
(starlink_grpc.location_field_types(),)) type_groups = starlink_grpc.status_field_types(context=context) + (
tables["status"] = zip(name_groups, type_groups) tables["status"] = zip(name_groups, type_groups)
name_groups = starlink_grpc.history_stats_field_names() name_groups = starlink_grpc.history_stats_field_names()
@ -248,7 +275,8 @@ def create_tables(conn, context, suffix):
column_names.append(name_item) column_names.append(name_item)
cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{0}{1}"'.format(table, suffix)) cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{0}{1}"'.format(table, suffix))
sql = 'CREATE TABLE "{0}{1}" ({2}, PRIMARY KEY("time","id"))'.format( sql = 'CREATE TABLE "{0}{1}" ({2}, PRIMARY KEY("time","id"))'.format(
table, suffix, ", ".join(columns)) table, suffix, ", ".join(columns)
cur.execute(sql) cur.execute(sql)
column_info[table] = column_names column_info[table] = column_names
cur.close() cur.close()
@ -266,9 +294,13 @@ def convert_tables(conn, context):
old_columns = set(x[0] for x in old_cur.description) old_columns = set(x[0] for x in old_cur.description)
new_columns = tuple(x for x in new_columns if x in old_columns) new_columns = tuple(x for x in new_columns if x in old_columns)
sql = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "{0}_new" ({1}) VALUES ({2})'.format( sql = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "{0}_new" ({1}) VALUES ({2})'.format(
table, ",".join('"' + x + '"' for x in new_columns), table,
",".join(repeat("?", len(new_columns)))) ",".join('"' + x + '"' for x in new_columns),
new_cur.executemany(sql, (tuple(row[col] for col in new_columns) for row in old_cur)) ",".join(repeat("?", len(new_columns))),
sql, (tuple(row[col] for col in new_columns) for row in old_cur)
new_cur.execute('DROP TABLE "{0}"'.format(table)) new_cur.execute('DROP TABLE "{0}"'.format(table))
new_cur.execute('ALTER TABLE "{0}_new" RENAME TO "{0}"'.format(table)) new_cur.execute('ALTER TABLE "{0}_new" RENAME TO "{0}"'.format(table))
old_cur.close() old_cur.close()

View file

@ -18,15 +18,14 @@ import signal
import sys import sys
import time import time
import dish_common import starlink_grpc_tools.dish_common as dish_common
import starlink_grpc import starlink_grpc_tools.starlink_grpc as starlink_grpc
COUNTER_FIELD = "end_counter" COUNTER_FIELD = "end_counter"
# status fields (the remainder are either self-explanatory or I don't # status fields (the remainder are either self-explanatory or I don't
# know with confidence what they mean) # know with confidence what they mean)
"alerts": "Alerts bit field", "alerts": "Alerts bit field",
# ping_drop fields # ping_drop fields
"samples": "Parsed samples", "samples": "Parsed samples",
"end_counter": "Sample counter", "end_counter": "Sample counter",
@ -38,22 +37,18 @@ VERBOSE_FIELD_MAP = {
"count_unscheduled": "Unscheduled", "count_unscheduled": "Unscheduled",
"total_unscheduled_ping_drop": "Unscheduled ping drop", "total_unscheduled_ping_drop": "Unscheduled ping drop",
"count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": "Unscheduled drop == 1", "count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": "Unscheduled drop == 1",
# ping_run_length fields # ping_run_length fields
"init_run_fragment": "Initial drop run fragment", "init_run_fragment": "Initial drop run fragment",
"final_run_fragment": "Final drop run fragment", "final_run_fragment": "Final drop run fragment",
"run_seconds": "Per-second drop runs", "run_seconds": "Per-second drop runs",
"run_minutes": "Per-minute drop runs", "run_minutes": "Per-minute drop runs",
# ping_latency fields # ping_latency fields
"mean_all_ping_latency": "Mean RTT, drop < 1", "mean_all_ping_latency": "Mean RTT, drop < 1",
"deciles_all_ping_latency": "RTT deciles, drop < 1", "deciles_all_ping_latency": "RTT deciles, drop < 1",
"mean_full_ping_latency": "Mean RTT, drop == 0", "mean_full_ping_latency": "Mean RTT, drop == 0",
"deciles_full_ping_latency": "RTT deciles, drop == 0", "deciles_full_ping_latency": "RTT deciles, drop == 0",
"stdev_full_ping_latency": "RTT standard deviation, drop == 0", "stdev_full_ping_latency": "RTT standard deviation, drop == 0",
# ping_loaded_latency is still experimental, so leave those unexplained # ping_loaded_latency is still experimental, so leave those unexplained
# usage fields # usage fields
"download_usage": "Bytes downloaded", "download_usage": "Bytes downloaded",
"upload_usage": "Bytes uploaded", "upload_usage": "Bytes uploaded",
@ -71,34 +66,52 @@ def handle_sigterm(signum, frame):
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser( parser = dish_common.create_arg_parser(
output_description="print it in text format; by default, will print in CSV format") output_description="print it in text format; by default, will print in CSV format"
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="CSV output options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="CSV output options")
group.add_argument("-H", group.add_argument(
"--print-header", "-H",
action="store_true", "--print-header",
help="Print CSV header instead of parsing data") action="store_true",
group.add_argument("-O", help="Print CSV header instead of parsing data",
"--out-file", )
default="-", group.add_argument(
help="Output file path; if set, can also be used to resume from prior " "-O",
"history sample counter, default: write to standard output") "--out-file",
group.add_argument("-k", default="-",
"--skip-query", help="Output file path; if set, can also be used to resume from prior "
action="store_true", "history sample counter, default: write to standard output",
help="Skip querying for prior sample write point in history modes") )
help="Skip querying for prior sample write point in history modes",
opts = dish_common.run_arg_parser(parser) opts = dish_common.run_arg_parser(parser)
if (opts.history_stats_mode or opts.status_mode) and opts.bulk_mode and not opts.verbose: if (
(opts.history_stats_mode or opts.status_mode)
and opts.bulk_mode
and not opts.verbose
parser.error("bulk_history cannot be combined with other modes for CSV output") parser.error("bulk_history cannot be combined with other modes for CSV output")
# Technically possible, but a pain to implement, so just disallow it. User # Technically possible, but a pain to implement, so just disallow it. User
# probably doesn't realize how weird it would be, anyway, given that stats # probably doesn't realize how weird it would be, anyway, given that stats
# data reports at a different rate from status data in this case. # data reports at a different rate from status data in this case.
if opts.history_stats_mode and opts.status_mode and not opts.verbose and opts.poll_loops > 1: if (
parser.error("usage of --poll-loops with history stats modes cannot be mixed with status " opts.history_stats_mode
"modes for CSV output") and opts.status_mode
and not opts.verbose
and opts.poll_loops > 1
"usage of --poll-loops with history stats modes cannot be mixed with status "
"modes for CSV output"
opts.skip_query |= opts.no_counter | opts.verbose opts.skip_query |= opts.no_counter | opts.verbose
if opts.out_file == "-": if opts.out_file == "-":
@ -133,7 +146,9 @@ def print_header(opts, print_file):
try: try:
name_groups = starlink_grpc.status_field_names(context=context) name_groups = starlink_grpc.status_field_names(context=context)
except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e: except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e:
dish_common.conn_error(opts, "Failure reflecting status field names: %s", str(e)) dish_common.conn_error(
opts, "Failure reflecting status field names: %s", str(e)
return 1 return 1
if "status" in opts.mode: if "status" in opts.mode:
header_add(name_groups[0]) header_add(name_groups[0])
@ -196,8 +211,9 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate, print_file, shutdown=False):
def cb_data_add_item(name, val, category): def cb_data_add_item(name, val, category):
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
csv_data.append("{0:22} {1}".format( csv_data.append(
VERBOSE_FIELD_MAP.get(name, name) + ":", xform(val))) "{0:22} {1}".format(VERBOSE_FIELD_MAP.get(name, name) + ":", xform(val))
else: else:
# special case for get_status failure: this will be the lone item added # special case for get_status failure: this will be the lone item added
if name == "state" and val == "DISH_UNREACHABLE": if name == "state" and val == "DISH_UNREACHABLE":
@ -207,21 +223,31 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate, print_file, shutdown=False):
def cb_data_add_sequence(name, val, category, start): def cb_data_add_sequence(name, val, category, start):
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
csv_data.append("{0:22} {1}".format( csv_data.append(
VERBOSE_FIELD_MAP.get(name, name) + ":", "{0:22} {1}".format(
", ".join(xform(subval) for subval in val))) VERBOSE_FIELD_MAP.get(name, name) + ":",
", ".join(xform(subval) for subval in val),
else: else:
csv_data.extend(xform(subval) for subval in val) csv_data.extend(xform(subval) for subval in val)
def cb_add_bulk(bulk, count, timestamp, counter): def cb_add_bulk(bulk, count, timestamp, counter):
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Time range (UTC): {0} -> {1}".format( print(
datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(), "Time range (UTC): {0} -> {1}".format(
datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp + count).isoformat()), datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(),
file=print_file) datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp + count).isoformat(),
for key, val in bulk.items(): for key, val in bulk.items():
print("{0:22} {1}".format(key + ":", ", ".join(xform(subval) for subval in val)), print(
file=print_file) "{0:22} {1}".format(
key + ":", ", ".join(xform(subval) for subval in val)
if opts.loop_interval > 0.0: if opts.loop_interval > 0.0:
print(file=print_file) print(file=print_file)
else: else:
@ -231,12 +257,14 @@ def loop_body(opts, gstate, print_file, shutdown=False):
fields.extend([xform(val[i]) for val in bulk.values()]) fields.extend([xform(val[i]) for val in bulk.values()])
print(",".join(fields), file=print_file) print(",".join(fields), file=print_file)
rc, status_ts, hist_ts = dish_common.get_data(opts, rc, status_ts, hist_ts = dish_common.get_data(
gstate, opts,
cb_data_add_item, gstate,
cb_data_add_sequence, cb_data_add_item,
add_bulk=cb_add_bulk, cb_data_add_sequence,
flush_history=shutdown) add_bulk=cb_add_bulk,
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
if csv_data: if csv_data:

View file

@ -18,12 +18,16 @@ import re
import sys import sys
import time import time
import starlink_json import starlink_grpc_tools.starlink_json as starlink_json
BRACKETS_RE = re.compile(r"([^[]*)(\[((\d+),|)(\d*)\]|)$") BRACKETS_RE = re.compile(r"([^[]*)(\[((\d+),|)(\d*)\]|)$")
"ping_drop", "ping_run_length", "ping_latency", "ping_loaded_latency", "usage" "ping_drop",
] ]
# ping_drop fields # ping_drop fields
@ -37,22 +41,18 @@ VERBOSE_FIELD_MAP = {
"count_unscheduled": "Unscheduled", "count_unscheduled": "Unscheduled",
"total_unscheduled_ping_drop": "Unscheduled ping drop", "total_unscheduled_ping_drop": "Unscheduled ping drop",
"count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": "Unscheduled drop == 1", "count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": "Unscheduled drop == 1",
# ping_run_length fields # ping_run_length fields
"init_run_fragment": "Initial drop run fragment", "init_run_fragment": "Initial drop run fragment",
"final_run_fragment": "Final drop run fragment", "final_run_fragment": "Final drop run fragment",
"run_seconds": "Per-second drop runs", "run_seconds": "Per-second drop runs",
"run_minutes": "Per-minute drop runs", "run_minutes": "Per-minute drop runs",
# ping_latency fields # ping_latency fields
"mean_all_ping_latency": "Mean RTT, drop < 1", "mean_all_ping_latency": "Mean RTT, drop < 1",
"deciles_all_ping_latency": "RTT deciles, drop < 1", "deciles_all_ping_latency": "RTT deciles, drop < 1",
"mean_full_ping_latency": "Mean RTT, drop == 0", "mean_full_ping_latency": "Mean RTT, drop == 0",
"deciles_full_ping_latency": "RTT deciles, drop == 0", "deciles_full_ping_latency": "RTT deciles, drop == 0",
"stdev_full_ping_latency": "RTT standard deviation, drop == 0", "stdev_full_ping_latency": "RTT standard deviation, drop == 0",
# ping_loaded_latency is still experimental, so leave those unexplained # ping_loaded_latency is still experimental, so leave those unexplained
# usage fields # usage fields
"download_usage": "Bytes downloaded", "download_usage": "Bytes downloaded",
"upload_usage": "Bytes uploaded", "upload_usage": "Bytes uploaded",
@ -63,42 +63,55 @@ def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Collect status and/or history data from a Starlink user terminal and " description="Collect status and/or history data from a Starlink user terminal and "
"print it to standard output in text format; by default, will print in CSV format", "print it to standard output in text format; by default, will print in CSV format",
add_help=False) add_help=False,
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="General options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="General options")
group.add_argument("-f", "--filename", default="-", help="The file to parse, default: stdin") group.add_argument(
"-f", "--filename", default="-", help="The file to parse, default: stdin"
group.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Be helpful") group.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Be helpful")
group.add_argument("-t", group.add_argument(
"--timestamp", "-t",
help="UTC time history data was pulled, as YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS or as " "--timestamp",
"seconds since Unix epoch, default: current time") help="UTC time history data was pulled, as YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS or as "
"seconds since Unix epoch, default: current time",
group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Be verbose") group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Be verbose")
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="History mode options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="History mode options")
group.add_argument("-a", group.add_argument(
"--all-samples", "-a",
action="store_const", "--all-samples",
const=-1, action="store_const",
dest="samples", const=-1,
help="Parse all valid samples") dest="samples",
group.add_argument("-s", help="Parse all valid samples",
"--samples", )
type=int, group.add_argument(
help="Number of data samples to parse, default: all in bulk mode, " "-s",
"else " + str(SAMPLES_DEFAULT)) "--samples",
help="Number of data samples to parse, default: all in bulk mode, "
"else " + str(SAMPLES_DEFAULT),
group = parser.add_argument_group(title="CSV output options") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="CSV output options")
group.add_argument("-H", group.add_argument(
"--print-header", "-H",
action="store_true", "--print-header",
help="Print CSV header instead of parsing data") action="store_true",
help="Print CSV header instead of parsing data",
all_modes = HISTORY_STATS_MODES + ["bulk_history"] all_modes = HISTORY_STATS_MODES + ["bulk_history"]
parser.add_argument("mode", parser.add_argument(
nargs="+", "mode",
choices=all_modes, nargs="+",
help="The data group to record, one or more of: " + ", ".join(all_modes), choices=all_modes,
metavar="mode") help="The data group to record, one or more of: " + ", ".join(all_modes),
opts = parser.parse_args() opts = parser.parse_args()
@ -120,11 +133,15 @@ def parse_args():
except ValueError: except ValueError:
try: try:
opts.history_time = int( opts.history_time = int(
datetime.strptime(opts.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S").timestamp()) datetime.strptime(opts.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S").timestamp()
except ValueError: except ValueError:
parser.error("Could not parse timestamp") parser.error("Could not parse timestamp")
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Using timestamp", datetime.fromtimestamp(opts.history_time, tz=timezone.utc)) print(
"Using timestamp",
datetime.fromtimestamp(opts.history_time, tz=timezone.utc),
return opts return opts
@ -177,7 +194,9 @@ def get_data(opts, add_item, add_sequence, add_bulk):
if opts.history_stats_mode: if opts.history_stats_mode:
try: try:
groups = starlink_json.history_stats(opts.filename, opts.samples, verbose=opts.verbose) groups = starlink_json.history_stats(
opts.filename, opts.samples, verbose=opts.verbose
except starlink_json.JsonError as e: except starlink_json.JsonError as e:
logging.error("Failure getting history stats: %s", str(e)) logging.error("Failure getting history stats: %s", str(e))
return 1 return 1
@ -197,17 +216,20 @@ def get_data(opts, add_item, add_sequence, add_bulk):
if opts.bulk_mode and add_bulk: if opts.bulk_mode and add_bulk:
timestamp = int(time.time()) if opts.history_time is None else opts.history_time timestamp = int(time.time()) if opts.history_time is None else opts.history_time
try: try:
general, bulk = starlink_json.history_bulk_data(opts.filename, general, bulk = starlink_json.history_bulk_data(
opts.samples, opts.filename, opts.samples, verbose=opts.verbose
verbose=opts.verbose) )
except starlink_json.JsonError as e: except starlink_json.JsonError as e:
logging.error("Failure getting bulk history: %s", str(e)) logging.error("Failure getting bulk history: %s", str(e))
return 1 return 1
parsed_samples = general["samples"] parsed_samples = general["samples"]
new_counter = general["end_counter"] new_counter = general["end_counter"]
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Establishing time base: {0} -> {1}".format( print(
new_counter, datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc))) "Establishing time base: {0} -> {1}".format(
new_counter, datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc)
timestamp -= parsed_samples timestamp -= parsed_samples
add_bulk(bulk, parsed_samples, timestamp, new_counter - parsed_samples) add_bulk(bulk, parsed_samples, timestamp, new_counter - parsed_samples)
@ -219,12 +241,16 @@ def loop_body(opts):
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
csv_data = [] csv_data = []
else: else:
history_time = int(time.time()) if opts.history_time is None else opts.history_time history_time = (
int(time.time()) if opts.history_time is None else opts.history_time
csv_data = [datetime.utcfromtimestamp(history_time).isoformat()] csv_data = [datetime.utcfromtimestamp(history_time).isoformat()]
def cb_data_add_item(name, val): def cb_data_add_item(name, val):
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
csv_data.append("{0:22} {1}".format(VERBOSE_FIELD_MAP.get(name, name) + ":", val)) csv_data.append(
"{0:22} {1}".format(VERBOSE_FIELD_MAP.get(name, name) + ":", val)
else: else:
# special case for get_status failure: this will be the lone item added # special case for get_status failure: this will be the lone item added
if name == "state" and val == "DISH_UNREACHABLE": if name == "state" and val == "DISH_UNREACHABLE":
@ -234,23 +260,36 @@ def loop_body(opts):
def cb_data_add_sequence(name, val): def cb_data_add_sequence(name, val):
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
csv_data.append("{0:22} {1}".format( csv_data.append(
VERBOSE_FIELD_MAP.get(name, name) + ":", ", ".join(str(subval) for subval in val))) "{0:22} {1}".format(
VERBOSE_FIELD_MAP.get(name, name) + ":",
", ".join(str(subval) for subval in val),
else: else:
csv_data.extend(str(subval) for subval in val) csv_data.extend(str(subval) for subval in val)
def cb_add_bulk(bulk, count, timestamp, counter): def cb_add_bulk(bulk, count, timestamp, counter):
if opts.verbose: if opts.verbose:
print("Time range (UTC): {0} -> {1}".format( print(
datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(), "Time range (UTC): {0} -> {1}".format(
datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp + count).isoformat())) datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(),
datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp + count).isoformat(),
for key, val in bulk.items(): for key, val in bulk.items():
print("{0:22} {1}".format(key + ":", ", ".join(str(subval) for subval in val))) print(
"{0:22} {1}".format(
key + ":", ", ".join(str(subval) for subval in val)
else: else:
for i in range(count): for i in range(count):
timestamp += 1 timestamp += 1
fields = [datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat()] fields = [datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat()]
fields.extend(["" if val[i] is None else str(val[i]) for val in bulk.values()]) fields.extend(
["" if val[i] is None else str(val[i]) for val in bulk.values()]
print(",".join(fields)) print(",".join(fields))
rc = get_data(opts, cb_data_add_item, cb_data_add_sequence, cb_add_bulk) rc = get_data(opts, cb_data_add_item, cb_data_add_sequence, cb_add_bulk)

View file

@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ import argparse
from datetime import datetime from datetime import datetime
import logging import logging
import os import os
import png
import sys import sys
import time import time
import starlink_grpc import png
import starlink_grpc_tools.starlink_grpc as starlink_grpc
@ -39,18 +40,28 @@ def loop_body(opts, context):
if point >= 0.0: if point >= 0.0:
if opts.greyscale: if opts.greyscale:
yield round(point * opts.unobstructed_color_g + yield round(
(1.0-point) * opts.obstructed_color_g) point * opts.unobstructed_color_g
+ (1.0 - point) * opts.obstructed_color_g
else: else:
yield round(point * opts.unobstructed_color_r + yield round(
(1.0-point) * opts.obstructed_color_r) point * opts.unobstructed_color_r
yield round(point * opts.unobstructed_color_g + + (1.0 - point) * opts.obstructed_color_r
(1.0-point) * opts.obstructed_color_g) )
yield round(point * opts.unobstructed_color_b + yield round(
(1.0-point) * opts.obstructed_color_b) point * opts.unobstructed_color_g
+ (1.0 - point) * opts.obstructed_color_g
yield round(
point * opts.unobstructed_color_b
+ (1.0 - point) * opts.obstructed_color_b
if not opts.no_alpha: if not opts.no_alpha:
yield round(point * opts.unobstructed_color_a + yield round(
(1.0-point) * opts.obstructed_color_a) point * opts.unobstructed_color_a
+ (1.0 - point) * opts.obstructed_color_a
else: else:
if opts.greyscale: if opts.greyscale:
yield opts.no_data_color_g yield opts.no_data_color_g
@ -67,17 +78,20 @@ def loop_body(opts, context):
else: else:
now = int(time.time()) now = int(time.time())
filename = opts.filename.replace("%u", str(now)) filename = opts.filename.replace("%u", str(now))
filename = filename.replace("%d", filename = filename.replace(
datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now).strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")) "%d", datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now).strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
filename = filename.replace("%s", str(opts.sequence)) filename = filename.replace("%s", str(opts.sequence))
out_file = open(filename, "wb") out_file = open(filename, "wb")
if not snr_data or not snr_data[0]: if not snr_data or not snr_data[0]:
logging.error("Invalid SNR map data: Zero-length") logging.error("Invalid SNR map data: Zero-length")
return 1 return 1
writer = png.Writer(len(snr_data[0]), writer = png.Writer(
len(snr_data), len(snr_data[0]),
alpha=(not opts.no_alpha), len(snr_data),
greyscale=opts.greyscale) alpha=(not opts.no_alpha),
writer.write(out_file, (bytes(pixel_bytes(row)) for row in snr_data)) writer.write(out_file, (bytes(pixel_bytes(row)) for row in snr_data))
out_file.close() out_file.close()
@ -88,62 +102,89 @@ def loop_body(opts, context):
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Collect directional obstruction map data from a Starlink user terminal and " description="Collect directional obstruction map data from a Starlink user terminal and "
"emit it as a PNG image") "emit it as a PNG image"
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"filename", "filename",
help="The image file to write, or - to write to stdout; may be a template with the " help="The image file to write, or - to write to stdout; may be a template with the "
"following to be filled in per loop iteration: %%s for sequence number, %%d for UTC date " "following to be filled in per loop iteration: %%s for sequence number, %%d for UTC date "
"and time, %%u for seconds since Unix epoch.") "and time, %%u for seconds since Unix epoch.",
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"-o", "-o",
"--obstructed-color", "--obstructed-color",
help="Color of obstructed areas, in RGB, ARGB, L, or AL hex notation, default: " + help="Color of obstructed areas, in RGB, ARGB, L, or AL hex notation, default: "
+ " or "
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"-u", "-u",
"--unobstructed-color", "--unobstructed-color",
help="Color of unobstructed areas, in RGB, ARGB, L, or AL hex notation, default: " + help="Color of unobstructed areas, in RGB, ARGB, L, or AL hex notation, default: "
+ " or "
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"-n", "-n",
"--no-data-color", "--no-data-color",
help="Color of areas with no data, in RGB, ARGB, L, or AL hex notation, default: " + help="Color of areas with no data, in RGB, ARGB, L, or AL hex notation, default: "
+ " or "
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"-g", "-g",
"--greyscale", "--greyscale",
action="store_true", action="store_true",
help="Emit a greyscale image instead of the default full color image; greyscale images " help="Emit a greyscale image instead of the default full color image; greyscale images "
"use L or AL hex notation for the color options") "use L or AL hex notation for the color options",
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"-z", "-z",
"--no-alpha", "--no-alpha",
action="store_true", action="store_true",
help="Emit an image without alpha (transparency) channel instead of the default that " help="Emit an image without alpha (transparency) channel instead of the default that "
"includes alpha channel") "includes alpha channel",
parser.add_argument("-e", )
"--target", parser.add_argument(
help="host:port of dish to query, default is the standard IP address " "-e",
"and port (") "--target",
parser.add_argument("-t", help="host:port of dish to query, default is the standard IP address "
"--loop-interval", "and port (",
type=float, )
default=float(LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT), parser.add_argument(
help="Loop interval in seconds or 0 for no loop, default: " + "-t",
str(LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT)) "--loop-interval",
parser.add_argument("-s", type=float,
"--sequence", default=float(LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT),
type=int, help="Loop interval in seconds or 0 for no loop, default: "
default=1, + str(LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT),
help="Starting sequence number for templatized filenames, default: 1") )
help="Starting sequence number for templatized filenames, default: 1",
opts = parser.parse_args() opts = parser.parse_args()
if opts.obstructed_color is None: if opts.obstructed_color is None:
opts.obstructed_color = DEFAULT_OBSTRUCTED_GREYSCALE if opts.greyscale else DEFAULT_OBSTRUCTED_COLOR opts.obstructed_color = (
if opts.unobstructed_color is None: if opts.unobstructed_color is None:
opts.unobstructed_color = DEFAULT_UNOBSTRUCTED_GREYSCALE if opts.greyscale else DEFAULT_UNOBSTRUCTED_COLOR opts.unobstructed_color = (
if opts.greyscale
if opts.no_data_color is None: if opts.no_data_color is None:
opts.no_data_color = DEFAULT_NO_DATA_GREYSCALE if opts.greyscale else DEFAULT_NO_DATA_COLOR opts.no_data_color = (
for option in ("obstructed_color", "unobstructed_color", "no_data_color"): for option in ("obstructed_color", "unobstructed_color", "no_data_color"):
try: try:

View file

@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ try:
from spacex.api.device import device_pb2 from spacex.api.device import device_pb2
from spacex.api.device import device_pb2_grpc from spacex.api.device import device_pb2_grpc
except ModuleNotFoundError: except ModuleNotFoundError:
print("This script requires the generated gRPC protocol modules. See README file for details.", print(
file=sys.stderr) "This script requires the generated gRPC protocol modules. See README file for details.",
sys.exit(1) sys.exit(1)
# Note that if you remove the 'with' clause here, you need to separately # Note that if you remove the 'with' clause here, you need to separately

View file

@ -39,32 +39,43 @@ RETRY_DELAY_DEFAULT = 0
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Poll a gRPC reflection server and record a serialized " description="Poll a gRPC reflection server and record a serialized "
"FileDescriptorSet (protoset) of the reflected information") "FileDescriptorSet (protoset) of the reflected information"
parser.add_argument("outdir", parser.add_argument(
nargs="?", "outdir",
metavar="OUTDIR", nargs="?",
help="Directory in which to write protoset files") metavar="OUTDIR",
parser.add_argument("-g", help="Directory in which to write protoset files",
"--target", )
default=TARGET_DEFAULT, parser.add_argument(
help="host:port of device to query, default: " + TARGET_DEFAULT) "-g",
parser.add_argument("-n", "--target",
"--print-only", default=TARGET_DEFAULT,
action="store_true", help="host:port of device to query, default: " + TARGET_DEFAULT,
help="Print the protoset filename instead of writing the data") )
parser.add_argument("-r", parser.add_argument(
"--retry-delay", "-n",
type=float, "--print-only",
default=float(RETRY_DELAY_DEFAULT), action="store_true",
help="Time in seconds to wait before retrying after network " help="Print the protoset filename instead of writing the data",
"error or 0 for no retry, default: " + str(RETRY_DELAY_DEFAULT)) )
parser.add_argument("-t", parser.add_argument(
"--loop-interval", "-r",
type=float, "--retry-delay",
default=float(LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT), type=float,
help="Loop interval in seconds or 0 for no loop, default: " + default=float(RETRY_DELAY_DEFAULT),
str(LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT)) help="Time in seconds to wait before retrying after network "
"error or 0 for no retry, default: " + str(RETRY_DELAY_DEFAULT),
help="Loop interval in seconds or 0 for no loop, default: "
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Be verbose") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Be verbose")
opts = parser.parse_args() opts = parser.parse_args()

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timezone from datetime import timezone
import time import time
import starlink_grpc import starlink_grpc_tools.starlink_grpc as starlink_grpc
@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ def run_loop(context):
# On the other hand, `starlink_grpc.history_bulk_data` will always # On the other hand, `starlink_grpc.history_bulk_data` will always
# return 2 dicts, because that's all the data there is. # return 2 dicts, because that's all the data there is.
general, bulk = starlink_grpc.history_bulk_data(samples, start=counter, context=context) general, bulk = starlink_grpc.history_bulk_data(
samples, start=counter, context=context
except starlink_grpc.GrpcError: except starlink_grpc.GrpcError:
# Dish rebooting maybe, or LAN connectivity error. Just ignore it # Dish rebooting maybe, or LAN connectivity error. Just ignore it
# and hope it goes away. # and hope it goes away.
@ -44,14 +46,17 @@ def run_loop(context):
# be replaced with something more useful. # be replaced with something more useful.
# This computes a trigger detecting any packet loss (ping drop): # This computes a trigger detecting any packet loss (ping drop):
#triggered = any(x > 0 for x in bulk["pop_ping_drop_rate"]) # triggered = any(x > 0 for x in bulk["pop_ping_drop_rate"])
# This computes a trigger detecting samples marked as obstructed: # This computes a trigger detecting samples marked as obstructed:
#triggered = any(bulk["obstructed"]) # triggered = any(bulk["obstructed"])
# This computes a trigger detecting samples not marked as scheduled: # This computes a trigger detecting samples not marked as scheduled:
triggered = not all(bulk["scheduled"]) triggered = not all(bulk["scheduled"])
if triggered or prev_triggered: if triggered or prev_triggered:
print("Triggered" if triggered else "Continued", "at:", print( "Triggered" if triggered else "Continued",
print("status:", status) print("status:", status)
print("history:", bulk) print("history:", bulk)
if not triggered: if not triggered:

View file

@ -370,13 +370,21 @@ period.
from itertools import chain from itertools import chain
import math import math
import statistics import statistics
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, get_type_hints from typing import Dict
from typing_extensions import TypedDict, get_args from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import get_type_hints
import grpc import grpc
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from typing_extensions import get_args
try: try:
from yagrc import importer from yagrc import importer
importer.add_lazy_packages(["spacex.api.device"]) importer.add_lazy_packages(["spacex.api.device"])
imports_pending = True imports_pending = True
except (ImportError, AttributeError): except (ImportError, AttributeError):
@ -390,11 +398,16 @@ from spacex.api.device import dish_pb2
# prevent hang if the connection goes dead without closing. # prevent hang if the connection goes dead without closing.
HISTORY_FIELDS = ("pop_ping_drop_rate", "pop_ping_latency_ms", "downlink_throughput_bps", HISTORY_FIELDS = (
"uplink_throughput_bps") "pop_ping_drop_rate",
StatusDict = TypedDict( StatusDict = TypedDict(
"StatusDict", { "StatusDict",
"id": str, "id": str,
"hardware_version": str, "hardware_version": str,
"software_version": str, "software_version": str,
@ -415,30 +428,40 @@ StatusDict = TypedDict(
"direction_azimuth": float, "direction_azimuth": float,
"direction_elevation": float, "direction_elevation": float,
"is_snr_above_noise_floor": bool, "is_snr_above_noise_floor": bool,
}) },
ObstructionDict = TypedDict( ObstructionDict = TypedDict(
"ObstructionDict", { "ObstructionDict",
"wedges_fraction_obstructed[]": Sequence[Optional[float]], "wedges_fraction_obstructed[]": Sequence[Optional[float]],
"raw_wedges_fraction_obstructed[]": Sequence[Optional[float]], "raw_wedges_fraction_obstructed[]": Sequence[Optional[float]],
"valid_s": float, "valid_s": float,
}) },
AlertDict = Dict[str, bool] AlertDict = Dict[str, bool]
LocationDict = TypedDict("LocationDict", { LocationDict = TypedDict(
"latitude": Optional[float], "LocationDict",
"longitude": Optional[float], {
"altitude": Optional[float], "latitude": Optional[float],
}) "longitude": Optional[float],
"altitude": Optional[float],
HistGeneralDict = TypedDict("HistGeneralDict", { HistGeneralDict = TypedDict(
"samples": int, "HistGeneralDict",
"end_counter": int, {
}) "samples": int,
"end_counter": int,
HistBulkDict = TypedDict( HistBulkDict = TypedDict(
"HistBulkDict", { "HistBulkDict",
"pop_ping_drop_rate": Sequence[float], "pop_ping_drop_rate": Sequence[float],
"pop_ping_latency_ms": Sequence[Optional[float]], "pop_ping_latency_ms": Sequence[Optional[float]],
"downlink_throughput_bps": Sequence[float], "downlink_throughput_bps": Sequence[float],
@ -446,10 +469,12 @@ HistBulkDict = TypedDict(
"snr": Sequence[Optional[float]], "snr": Sequence[Optional[float]],
"scheduled": Sequence[Optional[bool]], "scheduled": Sequence[Optional[bool]],
"obstructed": Sequence[Optional[bool]], "obstructed": Sequence[Optional[bool]],
}) },
PingDropDict = TypedDict( PingDropDict = TypedDict(
"PingDropDict", { "PingDropDict",
"total_ping_drop": float, "total_ping_drop": float,
"count_full_ping_drop": int, "count_full_ping_drop": int,
"count_obstructed": int, "count_obstructed": int,
@ -458,37 +483,47 @@ PingDropDict = TypedDict(
"count_unscheduled": int, "count_unscheduled": int,
"total_unscheduled_ping_drop": float, "total_unscheduled_ping_drop": float,
"count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": int, "count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": int,
}) },
PingDropRlDict = TypedDict( PingDropRlDict = TypedDict(
"PingDropRlDict", { "PingDropRlDict",
"init_run_fragment": int, "init_run_fragment": int,
"final_run_fragment": int, "final_run_fragment": int,
"run_seconds[1,]": Sequence[int], "run_seconds[1,]": Sequence[int],
"run_minutes[1,]": Sequence[int], "run_minutes[1,]": Sequence[int],
}) },
PingLatencyDict = TypedDict( PingLatencyDict = TypedDict(
"PingLatencyDict", { "PingLatencyDict",
"mean_all_ping_latency": float, "mean_all_ping_latency": float,
"deciles_all_ping_latency[]": Sequence[float], "deciles_all_ping_latency[]": Sequence[float],
"mean_full_ping_latency": float, "mean_full_ping_latency": float,
"deciles_full_ping_latency[]": Sequence[float], "deciles_full_ping_latency[]": Sequence[float],
"stdev_full_ping_latency": Optional[float], "stdev_full_ping_latency": Optional[float],
}) },
LoadedLatencyDict = TypedDict( LoadedLatencyDict = TypedDict(
"LoadedLatencyDict", { "LoadedLatencyDict",
"load_bucket_samples[]": Sequence[int], "load_bucket_samples[]": Sequence[int],
"load_bucket_min_latency[]": Sequence[Optional[float]], "load_bucket_min_latency[]": Sequence[Optional[float]],
"load_bucket_median_latency[]": Sequence[Optional[float]], "load_bucket_median_latency[]": Sequence[Optional[float]],
"load_bucket_max_latency[]": Sequence[Optional[float]], "load_bucket_max_latency[]": Sequence[Optional[float]],
}) },
UsageDict = TypedDict("UsageDict", { UsageDict = TypedDict(
"download_usage": int, "UsageDict",
"upload_usage": int, {
}) "download_usage": int,
"upload_usage": int,
# For legacy reasons, there is a slight difference between the field names # For legacy reasons, there is a slight difference between the field names
# returned in the actual data vs the *_field_names functions. This is a map of # returned in the actual data vs the *_field_names functions. This is a map of
@ -534,6 +569,7 @@ def resolve_imports(channel: grpc.Channel):
class GrpcError(Exception): class GrpcError(Exception):
"""Provides error info when something went wrong with a gRPC call.""" """Provides error info when something went wrong with a gRPC call."""
def __init__(self, e, *args, **kwargs): def __init__(self, e, *args, **kwargs):
# grpc.RpcError is too verbose to print in whole, but it may also be # grpc.RpcError is too verbose to print in whole, but it may also be
# a Call object, and that class has some minimally useful info. # a Call object, and that class has some minimally useful info.
@ -560,6 +596,7 @@ class ChannelContext:
`close()` should be called on the object when it is no longer `close()` should be called on the object when it is no longer
in use. in use.
""" """
def __init__(self, target: Optional[str] = None) -> None: def __init__(self, target: Optional[str] = None) -> None: = None = None = "" if target is None else target = "" if target is None else target
@ -577,7 +614,9 @@ class ChannelContext: = None = None
def call_with_channel(function, *args, context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None, **kwargs): def call_with_channel(
function, *args, context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None, **kwargs
"""Call a function with a channel object. """Call a function with a channel object.
Args: Args:
@ -662,7 +701,11 @@ def status_field_types(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None):
num_alerts = len(dish_pb2.DishAlerts.DESCRIPTOR.fields) num_alerts = len(dish_pb2.DishAlerts.DESCRIPTOR.fields)
except AttributeError: except AttributeError:
pass pass
return (_field_types(StatusDict), _field_types(ObstructionDict), [bool] * num_alerts) return (
[bool] * num_alerts,
def get_status(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None): def get_status(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None):
@ -680,11 +723,14 @@ def get_status(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None):
Starlink user terminal or the grpc protocol has changed in a way Starlink user terminal or the grpc protocol has changed in a way
this module cannot handle. this module cannot handle.
""" """
def grpc_call(channel): def grpc_call(channel):
if imports_pending: if imports_pending:
resolve_imports(channel) resolve_imports(channel)
stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel) stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
response = stub.Handle(device_pb2.Request(get_status={}), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) response = stub.Handle(
device_pb2.Request(get_status={}), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT
return response.dish_get_status return response.dish_get_status
return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context) return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context)
@ -712,7 +758,8 @@ def get_id(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None) -> str:
def status_data( def status_data(
context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None) -> Tuple[StatusDict, ObstructionDict, AlertDict]: context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None,
) -> Tuple[StatusDict, ObstructionDict, AlertDict]:
"""Fetch current status data. """Fetch current status data.
Args: Args:
@ -768,40 +815,61 @@ def status_data(
obstruction_stats = getattr(status, "obstruction_stats", None) obstruction_stats = getattr(status, "obstruction_stats", None)
if obstruction_stats is not None: if obstruction_stats is not None:
try: try:
if (obstruction_stats.avg_prolonged_obstruction_duration_s > 0.0 if (
and not math.isnan(obstruction_stats.avg_prolonged_obstruction_interval_s)): obstruction_stats.avg_prolonged_obstruction_duration_s > 0.0
obstruction_duration = obstruction_stats.avg_prolonged_obstruction_duration_s and not math.isnan(
obstruction_interval = obstruction_stats.avg_prolonged_obstruction_interval_s obstruction_stats.avg_prolonged_obstruction_interval_s
obstruction_duration = (
obstruction_interval = (
except AttributeError: except AttributeError:
pass pass
device_info = getattr(status, "device_info", None) device_info = getattr(status, "device_info", None)
return { return (
"id": getattr(device_info, "id", None), {
"hardware_version": getattr(device_info, "hardware_version", None), "id": getattr(device_info, "id", None),
"software_version": getattr(device_info, "software_version", None), "hardware_version": getattr(device_info, "hardware_version", None),
"state": state, "software_version": getattr(device_info, "software_version", None),
"uptime": getattr(getattr(status, "device_state", None), "uptime_s", None), "state": state,
"snr": None, # obsoleted in grpc service "uptime": getattr(getattr(status, "device_state", None), "uptime_s", None),
"seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot": getattr(status, "seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot", None), "snr": None, # obsoleted in grpc service
"pop_ping_drop_rate": getattr(status, "pop_ping_drop_rate", None), "seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot": getattr(
"downlink_throughput_bps": getattr(status, "downlink_throughput_bps", None), status, "seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot", None
"uplink_throughput_bps": getattr(status, "uplink_throughput_bps", None), ),
"pop_ping_latency_ms": getattr(status, "pop_ping_latency_ms", None), "pop_ping_drop_rate": getattr(status, "pop_ping_drop_rate", None),
"alerts": alert_bits, "downlink_throughput_bps": getattr(status, "downlink_throughput_bps", None),
"fraction_obstructed": getattr(obstruction_stats, "fraction_obstructed", None), "uplink_throughput_bps": getattr(status, "uplink_throughput_bps", None),
"currently_obstructed": getattr(obstruction_stats, "currently_obstructed", None), "pop_ping_latency_ms": getattr(status, "pop_ping_latency_ms", None),
"seconds_obstructed": None, # obsoleted in grpc service "alerts": alert_bits,
"obstruction_duration": obstruction_duration, "fraction_obstructed": getattr(
"obstruction_interval": obstruction_interval, obstruction_stats, "fraction_obstructed", None
"direction_azimuth": getattr(status, "boresight_azimuth_deg", None), ),
"direction_elevation": getattr(status, "boresight_elevation_deg", None), "currently_obstructed": getattr(
"is_snr_above_noise_floor": getattr(status, "is_snr_above_noise_floor", None), obstruction_stats, "currently_obstructed", None
}, { ),
"wedges_fraction_obstructed[]": [None] * 12, # obsoleted in grpc service "seconds_obstructed": None, # obsoleted in grpc service
"raw_wedges_fraction_obstructed[]": [None] * 12, # obsoleted in grpc service "obstruction_duration": obstruction_duration,
"valid_s": getattr(obstruction_stats, "valid_s", None), "obstruction_interval": obstruction_interval,
}, alerts "direction_azimuth": getattr(status, "boresight_azimuth_deg", None),
"direction_elevation": getattr(status, "boresight_elevation_deg", None),
"is_snr_above_noise_floor": getattr(
status, "is_snr_above_noise_floor", None
"wedges_fraction_obstructed[]": [None] * 12, # obsoleted in grpc service
"raw_wedges_fraction_obstructed[]": [None]
* 12, # obsoleted in grpc service
"valid_s": getattr(obstruction_stats, "valid_s", None),
def location_field_names(): def location_field_names():
@ -839,11 +907,14 @@ def get_location(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None):
Starlink user terminal or the grpc protocol has changed in a way Starlink user terminal or the grpc protocol has changed in a way
this module cannot handle. this module cannot handle.
""" """
def grpc_call(channel): def grpc_call(channel):
if imports_pending: if imports_pending:
resolve_imports(channel) resolve_imports(channel)
stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel) stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
response = stub.Handle(device_pb2.Request(get_location={}), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) response = stub.Handle(
device_pb2.Request(get_location={}), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT
return response.get_location return response.get_location
return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context) return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context)
@ -935,8 +1006,14 @@ def history_stats_field_names():
additional data groups, so it not recommended for the caller to additional data groups, so it not recommended for the caller to
assume exactly 6 elements. assume exactly 6 elements.
""" """
return (_field_names(HistGeneralDict), _field_names(PingDropDict), _field_names(PingDropRlDict), return (
_field_names(PingLatencyDict), _field_names(LoadedLatencyDict), _field_names(UsageDict)) _field_names(HistGeneralDict),
def history_stats_field_types(): def history_stats_field_types():
@ -955,8 +1032,14 @@ def history_stats_field_types():
additional data groups, so it not recommended for the caller to additional data groups, so it not recommended for the caller to
assume exactly 6 elements. assume exactly 6 elements.
""" """
return (_field_types(HistGeneralDict), _field_types(PingDropDict), _field_types(PingDropRlDict), return (
_field_types(PingLatencyDict), _field_types(LoadedLatencyDict), _field_types(UsageDict)) _field_types(HistGeneralDict),
def get_history(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None): def get_history(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None):
@ -974,20 +1057,22 @@ def get_history(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None):
Starlink user terminal or the grpc protocol has changed in a way Starlink user terminal or the grpc protocol has changed in a way
this module cannot handle. this module cannot handle.
""" """
def grpc_call(channel: grpc.Channel): def grpc_call(channel: grpc.Channel):
if imports_pending: if imports_pending:
resolve_imports(channel) resolve_imports(channel)
stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel) stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
response = stub.Handle(device_pb2.Request(get_history={}), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) response = stub.Handle(
device_pb2.Request(get_history={}), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT
return response.dish_get_history return response.dish_get_history
return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context) return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context)
def _compute_sample_range(history, def _compute_sample_range(
parse_samples: int, history, parse_samples: int, start: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = False
start: Optional[int] = None, ):
verbose: bool = False):
try: try:
current = int(history.current) current = int(history.current)
samples = len(history.pop_ping_drop_rate) samples = len(history.pop_ping_drop_rate)
@ -1021,7 +1106,7 @@ def _compute_sample_range(history,
# Not a ring buffer is simple case. # Not a ring buffer is simple case.
if hasattr(history, "unwrapped"): if hasattr(history, "unwrapped"):
return range(samples - (current-start), samples), current - start, current return range(samples - (current - start), samples), current - start, current
# This is ring buffer offset, so both index to oldest data sample and # This is ring buffer offset, so both index to oldest data sample and
# index to next data sample after the newest one. # index to next data sample after the newest one.
@ -1039,11 +1124,13 @@ def _compute_sample_range(history,
return sample_range, current - start, current return sample_range, current - start, current
def concatenate_history(history1, def concatenate_history(
history2, history1,
samples1: int = -1, history2,
start1: Optional[int] = None, samples1: int = -1,
verbose: bool = False): start1: Optional[int] = None,
verbose: bool = False,
"""Append the sample-dependent fields of one history object to another. """Append the sample-dependent fields of one history object to another.
Note: Note:
@ -1085,7 +1172,9 @@ def concatenate_history(history1,
# but this layer of the code tries not to make that sort of logging # but this layer of the code tries not to make that sort of logging
# policy decision, so honor requested verbosity. # policy decision, so honor requested verbosity.
if verbose: if verbose:
print("WARNING: Appending discontiguous samples. Polling interval probably too short.") print(
"WARNING: Appending discontiguous samples. Polling interval probably too short."
new_samples = size2 new_samples = size2
unwrapped = UnwrappedHistory() unwrapped = UnwrappedHistory()
@ -1094,8 +1183,13 @@ def concatenate_history(history1,
setattr(unwrapped, field, []) setattr(unwrapped, field, [])
unwrapped.unwrapped = True unwrapped.unwrapped = True
sample_range, ignore1, ignore2 = _compute_sample_range( # pylint: disable=unused-variable (
history1, samples1, start=start1) sample_range,
) = _compute_sample_range( # pylint: disable=unused-variable
history1, samples1, start=start1
for i in sample_range: for i in sample_range:
for field in HISTORY_FIELDS: for field in HISTORY_FIELDS:
if hasattr(unwrapped, field): if hasattr(unwrapped, field):
@ -1104,7 +1198,9 @@ def concatenate_history(history1,
except (IndexError, TypeError): except (IndexError, TypeError):
pass pass
sample_range, ignore1, ignore2 = _compute_sample_range(history2, new_samples) # pylint: disable=unused-variable sample_range, ignore1, ignore2 = _compute_sample_range(
history2, new_samples
) # pylint: disable=unused-variable
for i in sample_range: for i in sample_range:
for field in HISTORY_FIELDS: for field in HISTORY_FIELDS:
if hasattr(unwrapped, field): if hasattr(unwrapped, field):
@ -1117,11 +1213,13 @@ def concatenate_history(history1,
return unwrapped return unwrapped
def history_bulk_data(parse_samples: int, def history_bulk_data(
start: Optional[int] = None, parse_samples: int,
verbose: bool = False, start: Optional[int] = None,
context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None, verbose: bool = False,
history=None) -> Tuple[HistGeneralDict, HistBulkDict]: context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None,
) -> Tuple[HistGeneralDict, HistBulkDict]:
"""Fetch history data for a range of samples. """Fetch history data for a range of samples.
Args: Args:
@ -1164,10 +1262,9 @@ def history_bulk_data(parse_samples: int,
except (AttributeError, ValueError, grpc.RpcError) as e: except (AttributeError, ValueError, grpc.RpcError) as e:
raise GrpcError(e) from e raise GrpcError(e) from e
sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(history, sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(
parse_samples, history, parse_samples, start=start, verbose=verbose
start=start, )
pop_ping_drop_rate = [] pop_ping_drop_rate = []
pop_ping_latency_ms = [] pop_ping_latency_ms = []
@ -1214,10 +1311,9 @@ def history_bulk_data(parse_samples: int,
} }
def history_ping_stats(parse_samples: int, def history_ping_stats(
verbose: bool = False, parse_samples: int, verbose: bool = False, context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None
context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None ) -> Tuple[HistGeneralDict, PingDropDict, PingDropRlDict]:
) -> Tuple[HistGeneralDict, PingDropDict, PingDropRlDict]:
"""Deprecated. Use history_stats instead.""" """Deprecated. Use history_stats instead."""
return history_stats(parse_samples, verbose=verbose, context=context)[0:3] return history_stats(parse_samples, verbose=verbose, context=context)[0:3]
@ -1227,9 +1323,15 @@ def history_stats(
start: Optional[int] = None, start: Optional[int] = None,
verbose: bool = False, verbose: bool = False,
context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None, context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None,
history=None history=None,
) -> Tuple[HistGeneralDict, PingDropDict, PingDropRlDict, PingLatencyDict, LoadedLatencyDict, ) -> Tuple[
UsageDict]: HistGeneralDict,
"""Fetch, parse, and compute ping and usage stats. """Fetch, parse, and compute ping and usage stats.
Note: Note:
@ -1268,10 +1370,9 @@ def history_stats(
except (AttributeError, ValueError, grpc.RpcError) as e: except (AttributeError, ValueError, grpc.RpcError) as e:
raise GrpcError(e) from e raise GrpcError(e) from e
sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(history, sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(
parse_samples, history, parse_samples, start=start, verbose=verbose
start=start, )
tot = 0.0 tot = 0.0
count_full_drop = 0 count_full_drop = 0
@ -1308,7 +1409,7 @@ def history_stats(
if run_length <= 60: if run_length <= 60:
second_runs[run_length - 1] += run_length second_runs[run_length - 1] += run_length
else: else:
minute_runs[min((run_length-1) // 60 - 1, 59)] += run_length minute_runs[min((run_length - 1) // 60 - 1, 59)] += run_length
run_length = 0 run_length = 0
elif init_run_length is None: elif init_run_length is None:
init_run_length = 0 init_run_length = 0
@ -1337,7 +1438,7 @@ def history_stats(
if d == 0.0: if d == 0.0:
rtt_full.append(rtt) rtt_full.append(rtt)
if down + up > 500000: if down + up > 500000:
rtt_buckets[min(14, int(math.log2((down+up) / 500000)))].append(rtt) rtt_buckets[min(14, int(math.log2((down + up) / 500000)))].append(rtt)
else: else:
rtt_buckets[0].append(rtt) rtt_buckets[0].append(rtt)
if d < 1.0: if d < 1.0:
@ -1353,7 +1454,7 @@ def history_stats(
def weighted_mean_and_quantiles(data, n): def weighted_mean_and_quantiles(data, n):
if not data: if not data:
return None, [None] * (n+1) return None, [None] * (n + 1)
total_weight = sum(x[1] for x in data) total_weight = sum(x[1] for x in data)
result = [] result = []
items = iter(data) items = iter(data)
@ -1392,40 +1493,51 @@ def history_stats(
rtt_all.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) rtt_all.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
wmean_all, wdeciles_all = weighted_mean_and_quantiles(rtt_all, 10) wmean_all, wdeciles_all = weighted_mean_and_quantiles(rtt_all, 10)
rtt_full.sort() rtt_full.sort()
mean_full, deciles_full = weighted_mean_and_quantiles(tuple((x, 1.0) for x in rtt_full), 10) mean_full, deciles_full = weighted_mean_and_quantiles(
tuple((x, 1.0) for x in rtt_full), 10
return { return (
"samples": parsed_samples, {
"end_counter": current, "samples": parsed_samples,
}, { "end_counter": current,
"total_ping_drop": tot, },
"count_full_ping_drop": count_full_drop, {
"count_obstructed": count_obstruct, "total_ping_drop": tot,
"total_obstructed_ping_drop": total_obstruct_drop, "count_full_ping_drop": count_full_drop,
"count_full_obstructed_ping_drop": count_full_obstruct, "count_obstructed": count_obstruct,
"count_unscheduled": count_unsched, "total_obstructed_ping_drop": total_obstruct_drop,
"total_unscheduled_ping_drop": total_unsched_drop, "count_full_obstructed_ping_drop": count_full_obstruct,
"count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": count_full_unsched, "count_unscheduled": count_unsched,
}, { "total_unscheduled_ping_drop": total_unsched_drop,
"init_run_fragment": init_run_length, "count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": count_full_unsched,
"final_run_fragment": run_length, },
"run_seconds[1,]": second_runs, {
"run_minutes[1,]": minute_runs, "init_run_fragment": init_run_length,
}, { "final_run_fragment": run_length,
"mean_all_ping_latency": wmean_all, "run_seconds[1,]": second_runs,
"deciles_all_ping_latency[]": wdeciles_all, "run_minutes[1,]": minute_runs,
"mean_full_ping_latency": mean_full, },
"deciles_full_ping_latency[]": deciles_full, {
"stdev_full_ping_latency": statistics.pstdev(rtt_full) if rtt_full else None, "mean_all_ping_latency": wmean_all,
}, { "deciles_all_ping_latency[]": wdeciles_all,
"load_bucket_samples[]": bucket_samples, "mean_full_ping_latency": mean_full,
"load_bucket_min_latency[]": bucket_min, "deciles_full_ping_latency[]": deciles_full,
"load_bucket_median_latency[]": bucket_median, "stdev_full_ping_latency": statistics.pstdev(rtt_full)
"load_bucket_max_latency[]": bucket_max, if rtt_full
}, { else None,
"download_usage": int(round(usage_down / 8)), },
"upload_usage": int(round(usage_up / 8)), {
} "load_bucket_samples[]": bucket_samples,
"load_bucket_min_latency[]": bucket_min,
"load_bucket_median_latency[]": bucket_median,
"load_bucket_max_latency[]": bucket_max,
"download_usage": int(round(usage_down / 8)),
"upload_usage": int(round(usage_up / 8)),
def get_obstruction_map(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None): def get_obstruction_map(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None):
@ -1443,12 +1555,14 @@ def get_obstruction_map(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None):
Starlink user terminal or the grpc protocol has changed in a way Starlink user terminal or the grpc protocol has changed in a way
this module cannot handle. this module cannot handle.
""" """
def grpc_call(channel: grpc.Channel): def grpc_call(channel: grpc.Channel):
if imports_pending: if imports_pending:
resolve_imports(channel) resolve_imports(channel)
stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel) stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
response = stub.Handle(device_pb2.Request(dish_get_obstruction_map={}), response = stub.Handle(
timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) device_pb2.Request(dish_get_obstruction_map={}), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT
return response.dish_get_obstruction_map return response.dish_get_obstruction_map
return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context) return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context)
@ -1478,7 +1592,10 @@ def obstruction_map(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None):
try: try:
cols = map_data.num_cols cols = map_data.num_cols
return tuple((map_data.snr[i:i + cols]) for i in range(0, cols * map_data.num_rows, cols)) return tuple(
(map_data.snr[i : i + cols])
for i in range(0, cols * map_data.num_rows, cols)
except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError) as e: except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError) as e:
raise GrpcError(e) from e raise GrpcError(e) from e
@ -1495,6 +1612,7 @@ def reboot(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None) -> None:
Raises: Raises:
GrpcError: Communication or service error. GrpcError: Communication or service error.
""" """
def grpc_call(channel: grpc.Channel) -> None: def grpc_call(channel: grpc.Channel) -> None:
if imports_pending: if imports_pending:
resolve_imports(channel) resolve_imports(channel)
@ -1508,7 +1626,9 @@ def reboot(context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None) -> None:
raise GrpcError(e) from e raise GrpcError(e) from e
def set_stow_state(unstow: bool = False, context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None) -> None: def set_stow_state(
unstow: bool = False, context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None
) -> None:
"""Request dish stow or unstow operation. """Request dish stow or unstow operation.
Args: Args:
@ -1522,11 +1642,14 @@ def set_stow_state(unstow: bool = False, context: Optional[ChannelContext] = Non
Raises: Raises:
GrpcError: Communication or service error. GrpcError: Communication or service error.
""" """
def grpc_call(channel: grpc.Channel) -> None: def grpc_call(channel: grpc.Channel) -> None:
if imports_pending: if imports_pending:
resolve_imports(channel) resolve_imports(channel)
stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel) stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
stub.Handle(device_pb2.Request(dish_stow={"unstow": unstow}), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT) stub.Handle(
device_pb2.Request(dish_stow={"unstow": unstow}), timeout=REQUEST_TIMEOUT
# response is empty message in this case, so just ignore it # response is empty message in this case, so just ignore it
try: try:
@ -1535,10 +1658,12 @@ def set_stow_state(unstow: bool = False, context: Optional[ChannelContext] = Non
raise GrpcError(e) from e raise GrpcError(e) from e
def set_sleep_config(start: int, def set_sleep_config(
duration: int, start: int,
enable: bool = True, duration: int,
context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None) -> None: enable: bool = True,
context: Optional[ChannelContext] = None,
) -> None:
"""Set sleep mode configuration. """Set sleep mode configuration.
Args: Args:
@ -1565,13 +1690,16 @@ def set_sleep_config(start: int,
if imports_pending: if imports_pending:
resolve_imports(channel) resolve_imports(channel)
stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel) stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
stub.Handle(device_pb2.Request( stub.Handle(
dish_power_save={ device_pb2.Request(
"power_save_start_minutes": start, dish_power_save={
"power_save_duration_minutes": duration, "power_save_start_minutes": start,
"enable_power_save": enable "power_save_duration_minutes": duration,
}), "enable_power_save": enable,
# response is empty message in this case, so just ignore it # response is empty message in this case, so just ignore it
try: try:

View file

@ -9,13 +9,12 @@ response does.
See the starlink_grpc module docstring for descriptions of the stat elements. See the starlink_grpc module docstring for descriptions of the stat elements.
""" """
from itertools import chain
import json import json
import math import math
import statistics import statistics
import sys import sys
from itertools import chain
class JsonError(Exception): class JsonError(Exception):
"""Provides error info when something went wrong with JSON parsing.""" """Provides error info when something went wrong with JSON parsing."""
@ -66,38 +65,45 @@ def history_stats_field_names():
additional data groups, so it not recommended for the caller to additional data groups, so it not recommended for the caller to
assume exactly 6 elements. assume exactly 6 elements.
""" """
return [ return (
"samples", [
"end_counter", "samples",
], [ "end_counter",
"total_ping_drop", ],
"count_full_ping_drop", [
"count_obstructed", "total_ping_drop",
"total_obstructed_ping_drop", "count_full_ping_drop",
"count_full_obstructed_ping_drop", "count_obstructed",
"count_unscheduled", "total_obstructed_ping_drop",
"total_unscheduled_ping_drop", "count_full_obstructed_ping_drop",
"count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop", "count_unscheduled",
], [ "total_unscheduled_ping_drop",
"init_run_fragment", "count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop",
"final_run_fragment", ],
"run_seconds[1,61]", [
"run_minutes[1,61]", "init_run_fragment",
], [ "final_run_fragment",
"mean_all_ping_latency", "run_seconds[1,61]",
"deciles_all_ping_latency[11]", "run_minutes[1,61]",
"mean_full_ping_latency", ],
"deciles_full_ping_latency[11]", [
"stdev_full_ping_latency", "mean_all_ping_latency",
], [ "deciles_all_ping_latency[11]",
"load_bucket_samples[15]", "mean_full_ping_latency",
"load_bucket_min_latency[15]", "deciles_full_ping_latency[11]",
"load_bucket_median_latency[15]", "stdev_full_ping_latency",
"load_bucket_max_latency[15]", ],
], [ [
"download_usage", "load_bucket_samples[15]",
"upload_usage", "load_bucket_min_latency[15]",
] "load_bucket_median_latency[15]",
def get_history(filename): def get_history(filename):
@ -184,9 +190,9 @@ def history_bulk_data(filename, parse_samples, verbose=False):
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
raise JsonError(e) raise JsonError(e)
sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(history, sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(
parse_samples, history, parse_samples, verbose=verbose
verbose=verbose) )
pop_ping_drop_rate = [] pop_ping_drop_rate = []
pop_ping_latency_ms = [] pop_ping_latency_ms = []
@ -196,7 +202,10 @@ def history_bulk_data(filename, parse_samples, verbose=False):
for i in sample_range: for i in sample_range:
pop_ping_drop_rate.append(history["popPingDropRate"][i]) pop_ping_drop_rate.append(history["popPingDropRate"][i])
pop_ping_latency_ms.append( pop_ping_latency_ms.append(
history["popPingLatencyMs"][i] if history["popPingDropRate"][i] < 1 else None) history["popPingLatencyMs"][i]
if history["popPingDropRate"][i] < 1
else None
downlink_throughput_bps.append(history["downlinkThroughputBps"][i]) downlink_throughput_bps.append(history["downlinkThroughputBps"][i])
uplink_throughput_bps.append(history["uplinkThroughputBps"][i]) uplink_throughput_bps.append(history["uplinkThroughputBps"][i])
@ -250,9 +259,9 @@ def history_stats(filename, parse_samples, verbose=False):
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
raise JsonError(e) raise JsonError(e)
sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(history, sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(
parse_samples, history, parse_samples, verbose=verbose
verbose=verbose) )
tot = 0.0 tot = 0.0
count_full_drop = 0 count_full_drop = 0
@ -289,7 +298,7 @@ def history_stats(filename, parse_samples, verbose=False):
if run_length <= 60: if run_length <= 60:
second_runs[run_length - 1] += run_length second_runs[run_length - 1] += run_length
else: else:
minute_runs[min((run_length-1) // 60 - 1, 59)] += run_length minute_runs[min((run_length - 1) // 60 - 1, 59)] += run_length
run_length = 0 run_length = 0
elif init_run_length is None: elif init_run_length is None:
init_run_length = 0 init_run_length = 0
@ -305,7 +314,7 @@ def history_stats(filename, parse_samples, verbose=False):
if d == 0.0: if d == 0.0:
rtt_full.append(rtt) rtt_full.append(rtt)
if down + up > 500000: if down + up > 500000:
rtt_buckets[min(14, int(math.log2((down+up) / 500000)))].append(rtt) rtt_buckets[min(14, int(math.log2((down + up) / 500000)))].append(rtt)
else: else:
rtt_buckets[0].append(rtt) rtt_buckets[0].append(rtt)
if d < 1.0: if d < 1.0:
@ -321,7 +330,7 @@ def history_stats(filename, parse_samples, verbose=False):
def weighted_mean_and_quantiles(data, n): def weighted_mean_and_quantiles(data, n):
if not data: if not data:
return None, [None] * (n+1) return None, [None] * (n + 1)
total_weight = sum(x[1] for x in data) total_weight = sum(x[1] for x in data)
result = [] result = []
items = iter(data) items = iter(data)
@ -360,37 +369,48 @@ def history_stats(filename, parse_samples, verbose=False):
rtt_all.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) rtt_all.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
wmean_all, wdeciles_all = weighted_mean_and_quantiles(rtt_all, 10) wmean_all, wdeciles_all = weighted_mean_and_quantiles(rtt_all, 10)
rtt_full.sort() rtt_full.sort()
mean_full, deciles_full = weighted_mean_and_quantiles(tuple((x, 1.0) for x in rtt_full), 10) mean_full, deciles_full = weighted_mean_and_quantiles(
tuple((x, 1.0) for x in rtt_full), 10
return { return (
"samples": parsed_samples, {
"end_counter": current, "samples": parsed_samples,
}, { "end_counter": current,
"total_ping_drop": tot, },
"count_full_ping_drop": count_full_drop, {
"count_obstructed": count_obstruct, "total_ping_drop": tot,
"total_obstructed_ping_drop": total_obstruct_drop, "count_full_ping_drop": count_full_drop,
"count_full_obstructed_ping_drop": count_full_obstruct, "count_obstructed": count_obstruct,
"count_unscheduled": count_unsched, "total_obstructed_ping_drop": total_obstruct_drop,
"total_unscheduled_ping_drop": total_unsched_drop, "count_full_obstructed_ping_drop": count_full_obstruct,
"count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": count_full_unsched, "count_unscheduled": count_unsched,
}, { "total_unscheduled_ping_drop": total_unsched_drop,
"init_run_fragment": init_run_length, "count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": count_full_unsched,
"final_run_fragment": run_length, },
"run_seconds[1,]": second_runs, {
"run_minutes[1,]": minute_runs, "init_run_fragment": init_run_length,
}, { "final_run_fragment": run_length,
"mean_all_ping_latency": wmean_all, "run_seconds[1,]": second_runs,
"deciles_all_ping_latency[]": wdeciles_all, "run_minutes[1,]": minute_runs,
"mean_full_ping_latency": mean_full, },
"deciles_full_ping_latency[]": deciles_full, {
"stdev_full_ping_latency": statistics.pstdev(rtt_full) if rtt_full else None, "mean_all_ping_latency": wmean_all,
}, { "deciles_all_ping_latency[]": wdeciles_all,
"load_bucket_samples[]": bucket_samples, "mean_full_ping_latency": mean_full,
"load_bucket_min_latency[]": bucket_min, "deciles_full_ping_latency[]": deciles_full,
"load_bucket_median_latency[]": bucket_median, "stdev_full_ping_latency": statistics.pstdev(rtt_full)
"load_bucket_max_latency[]": bucket_max, if rtt_full
}, { else None,
"download_usage": int(round(usage_down / 8)), },
"upload_usage": int(round(usage_up / 8)), {
} "load_bucket_samples[]": bucket_samples,
"load_bucket_min_latency[]": bucket_min,
"load_bucket_median_latency[]": bucket_median,
"load_bucket_max_latency[]": bucket_max,
"download_usage": int(round(usage_down / 8)),
"upload_usage": int(round(usage_up / 8)),