231 lines
7.9 KiB
231 lines
7.9 KiB
import gzip
import os
from pathlib import Path
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.staticfiles.storage import ManifestStaticFilesStorage
from django.urls import URLPattern, URLResolver, get_resolver
from rcssmin import cssmin
from rjsmin import jsmin
def _urls_for_js(urls=None):
Return templated URLs prepared for javascript.
if urls is None:
# prevent circular import
from .urls import i18n_urls, urlpatterns
urls = [
url.name for url in urlpatterns + i18n_urls if getattr(url, "name", None)
urls = dict(zip(urls, [get_uri_template(url) for url in urls]))
urls.update(getattr(settings, "UMAP_EXTRA_URLS", {}))
return urls
def get_uri_template(urlname, args=None, prefix=""):
Utility function to return an URI Template from a named URL in django
Copied from django-digitalpaper.
- Only supports named urls! i.e. url(... name="toto")
- Only support one namespace level
- Only returns the first URL possibility.
- Supports multiple pattern possibilities (i.e., patterns with
non-capturing parenthesis in them) by trying to find a pattern
whose optional parameters match those you specified (a parameter
is considered optional if it doesn't appear in every pattern possibility)
def _convert(template, args=None):
"""URI template converter"""
if not args:
args = []
paths = template % dict([p, "{%s}" % p] for p in args)
return "%s/%s" % (prefix, paths)
resolver = get_resolver(None)
parts = urlname.split(":")
if len(parts) > 1 and parts[0] in resolver.namespace_dict:
namespace = parts[0]
urlname = parts[1]
nprefix, resolver = resolver.namespace_dict[namespace]
prefix = prefix + "/" + nprefix.rstrip("/")
possibilities = resolver.reverse_dict.getlist(urlname)
for tmp in possibilities:
possibility, pattern = tmp[:2]
if not args:
# If not args are specified, we only consider the first pattern
# django gives us
result, params = possibility[0]
return _convert(result, params)
# If there are optionnal arguments passed, use them to try to find
# the correct pattern.
# First, we need to build a list with all the arguments
seen_params = []
for result, params in possibility:
# Then build a set to find the common ones, and use it to build the
# list of all the expected params
common_params = reduce(lambda x, y: set(x) & set(y), seen_params)
expected_params = sorted(common_params.union(args))
# Then loop again over the pattern possibilities and return
# the first one that strictly match expected params
for result, params in possibility:
if sorted(params) == expected_params:
return _convert(result, params)
return None
class DecoratedURLPattern(URLPattern):
def resolve(self, *args, **kwargs):
result = URLPattern.resolve(self, *args, **kwargs)
if result:
for func in self._decorate_with:
result.func = func(result.func)
return result
def decorated_patterns(func, *urls):
Utility function to decorate a group of url in urls.py
Taken from http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/532/ + comments
See also http://friendpaste.com/6afByRiBB9CMwPft3a6lym
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^language/(?P<lang_code>[a-z]+)$', views.MyView, name='name'),
] + decorated_patterns(login_required, url(r'^', include('cms.urls')),
def decorate(urls, func):
for url in urls:
if isinstance(url, URLPattern):
url.__class__ = DecoratedURLPattern
if not hasattr(url, "_decorate_with"):
setattr(url, "_decorate_with", [])
elif isinstance(url, URLResolver):
for pp in url.url_patterns:
if isinstance(pp, URLPattern):
pp.__class__ = DecoratedURLPattern
if not hasattr(pp, "_decorate_with"):
setattr(pp, "_decorate_with", [])
if func:
if not isinstance(func, (list, tuple)):
func = [func]
for f in func:
decorate(urls, f)
return urls
def gzip_file(from_path, to_path):
stat = os.stat(from_path)
with open(from_path, "rb") as f_in:
with gzip.open(to_path, "wb") as f_out:
os.utime(to_path, ns=(stat.st_mtime_ns, stat.st_mtime_ns))
def is_ajax(request):
return request.headers.get("x-requested-with") == "XMLHttpRequest"
class ConflictError(ValueError):
def merge_features(reference: list, latest: list, incoming: list):
"""Finds the changes between reference and incoming, and reapplies them on top of latest."""
if latest == incoming:
return latest
removed = [item for item in reference if item not in incoming]
added = [item for item in incoming if item not in reference]
# Ensure that items changed in the reference weren't also changed in the latest.
for item in removed:
if item not in latest:
raise ConflictError()
merged = latest[:]
# Reapply the changes on top of the latest.
for item in removed:
for item in added:
return merged
class UmapManifestStaticFilesStorage(ManifestStaticFilesStorage):
support_js_module_import_aggregation = True
# We remove `;` at the end of all regexps to match our prettier config.
_js_module_import_aggregation_patterns = (
'import%(import)s from "%(url)s"\n',
'export%(exports)s from "%(url)s"\n',
# https://github.com/django/django/blob/0fcee1676c7f14bb08e2cc662898dee56d9cf207↩
# /django/contrib/staticfiles/storage.py#L78C5-L105C6
patterns = (
"""@import url("%(url)s")""",
# Remove CSS source map rewriting
# Remove JS source map rewriting
def post_process(self, paths, **options):
collected = super().post_process(paths, **options)
for original_path, processed_path, processed in collected:
if processed_path.endswith(".js"):
path = Path(settings.STATIC_ROOT) / processed_path
minified = jsmin(path.read_text())
if processed_path.endswith(".css"):
path = Path(settings.STATIC_ROOT) / processed_path
minified = cssmin(path.read_text())
yield original_path, processed_path, True