# Installation *Note: for Ubuntu follow procedure [Ubuntu from scratch](ubuntu.md)* Create a geo aware database. See [Geodjango doc](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/install/) for backend installation. Create a virtual environment virtualenv umap source umap/bin/activate Install dependencies and project pip install umap-project Create a default local settings file wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/umap-project/umap/master/umap/settings/local.py.sample -O local.py Reference it as env var: export UMAP_SETTINGS=`pwd`/local.py Add database connexion informations in `local.py`, for example DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis', 'NAME': 'umap', } } Add a `SECRET_KEY` in `local.py` with a long random secret key SECRET_KEY = "a long and random secret key that must not be shared" uMap uses [python-social-auth](http://python-social-auth.readthedocs.org/) for user authentication. So you will need to configure it according to your needs. For example AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social_auth.backends.contrib.github.GithubBackend', 'social_auth.backends.contrib.bitbucket.BitbucketBackend', 'social_auth.backends.twitter.TwitterBackend', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', ) GITHUB_APP_ID = 'xxx' GITHUB_API_SECRET = 'zzz' BITBUCKET_CONSUMER_KEY = 'xxx' BITBUCKET_CONSUMER_SECRET = 'zzz' TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = "xxx" TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = "yyy" Example of callback URL to use for setting up OAuth apps http://umap.foo.bar/complete/github/ Adapt the `STATIC_ROOT` and `MEDIA_ROOT` to your local environment. Create the tables umap migrate Collect and compress the statics umap collectstatic umap compress Create a superuser umap createsuperuser Start the server umap runserver ## Search UMap uses Postgresql tsvector for searching. In case your database is big, you may want to add an index. For that, you should do so: CREATE EXTENSION unaccent; CREATE EXTENSION btree_gin; ALTER FUNCTION unaccent(text) IMMUTABLE; ALTER FUNCTION to_tsvector(text) IMMUTABLE; CREATE INDEX search_idx ON leaflet_storage_map USING gin(to_tsvector(unaccent(name)), share_status); ## Optimisations To speed up uMap homepage rendering on a large instance, the following index can be added too (make sure you set the center to your default instance map center): CREATE INDEX leaflet_storage_map_optim ON leaflet_storage_map (modified_at) WHERE ("leaflet_storage_map"."share_status" = 1 AND ST_Distance("leaflet_storage_map"."center", ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(2 51)')) > 1000.0);