.DEFAULT_GOAL := help .PHONY: install install: ## Install the dependencies python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip python3 -m pip install -e . .PHONY: develop develop: ## Install the test and dev dependencies python3 -m pip install -e .[test,dev] .PHONY: pretty-templates pretty-templates: ## Prettify template files djlint umap/templates --reformat .PHONY: lint-templates lint-templates: ## Lint template files djlint umap/templates --lint .PHONY: version version: ## Display the current version @hatch version .PHONY: bump bump: ## Bump the current version to a new minor one @hatch version fix .PHONY: docker docker: ## Create a new Docker image and publish it $(eval VERSION=$(shell hatch version)) @echo "Version to build: ${VERSION}" docker build -t umap/umap:${VERSION} . docker push umap/umap:${VERSION} .PHONY: build build: test compilemessages ## Build the Python package before release @hatch build .PHONY: publish publish: ## Publish the Python package to Pypi @hatch publish make clean test: py.test -xv umap/tests/ clean: rm -f dist/* rm -rf build/* compilemessages: umap compilemessages umap generate_js_locale messages: cd umap && umap makemessages -l en node node_modules/leaflet-i18n/bin/i18n.js --dir_path=umap/static/umap/js/ --dir_path=umap/static/umap/vendors/measurable/ --locale_dir_path=umap/static/umap/locale/ --locale_codes=en --mode=json --clean --default_values vendors: npm run vendors installjs: npm install testjsfx: firefox umap/static/umap/test/index.html testjs: node_modules @./node_modules/mocha-phantomjs/bin/mocha-phantomjs --view 1024x768 umap/static/umap/test/index.html tx_push: tx push -s tx_pull: tx pull jsdir = umap/static/umap/js/ filepath = "${jsdir}*.js" .PHONY: pretty pretty: ## Apply PrettierJS to all JS files (or specified `filepath`) ./node_modules/prettier/bin-prettier.js --write ${filepath} .PHONY: lebab lebab: ## Convert JS `filepath` to modern syntax with Lebab, then prettify ./node_modules/lebab/bin/index.js --replace ${filepath} --transform arrow,arrow-return ./node_modules/lebab/bin/index.js --replace ${filepath} --transform let ./node_modules/lebab/bin/index.js --replace ${filepath} --transform template $(MAKE) pretty filepath=${filepath} .PHONY: lebab-all lebab-all: $(jsdir)* ## Convert all JS files to modern syntax with Lebab + prettify for file in $^ ; do $(MAKE) lebab filepath=$${file}; done icons: scour -i umap/static/umap/img/source/24.svg -o umap/static/umap/img/24.svg --strip-xml-prolog --enable-comment-stripping .PHONY: help help: @python -c "$$PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT" < $(MAKEFILE_LIST) # See https://daniel.feldroy.com/posts/autodocumenting-makefiles define PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT # start of Python section import re, sys output = [] # Loop through the lines in this file for line in sys.stdin: # if the line has a command and a comment start with # two pound signs, add it to the output match = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z_-]+):.*?## (.*)$$', line) if match: target, help = match.groups() output.append("\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s" % (target, help)) # Sort the output in alphanumeric order output.sort() # Print the help result print('\n'.join(output)) endef export PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT # End of python section