# Docker ## Docker Hub An official [uMap docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/umap/umap) is available on the docker hub. ## Docker compose If you prefer to run it with docker compose, here is the configuration file: ```yaml title="docker-compose.yml" version: '3' services: db: # check https://hub.docker.com/r/postgis/postgis to see available versions image: postgis/postgis:14-3.4-alpine environment: - POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust volumes: - umap_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data app: # Check https://hub.docker.com/r/umap/umap/tags to find the latest version image: umap/umap:1.3.7 ports: # modify the external port (8001, on the left) if desired, but make sure it matches SITE_URL, below - "8001:8000" environment: - DATABASE_URL=postgis://postgres@db/postgres - SITE_URL=https://localhost:8001/ - STATIC_ROOT=/srv/umap/static - MEDIA_ROOT=/srv/umap/uploads volumes: - umap_userdata:/srv/umap/uploads # FIX the path on the left, below, to your location - /home/ubuntu/umap.conf:/etc/umap/umap.conf restart: always depends_on: - db volumes: umap_userdata: umap_db: ``` Next, create a basic settings file, named `umap.conf` in the same directory. You can use this example below and it will run, but you may want to look at the project sample config, using `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/umap-project/umap/master/umap/settings/local.py.sample -O /etc/umap/umap.conf` and modify as needed. Make sure the settings in the docker-compose don't conflict with the sample config and vice-versa. In particular, remove the DATABASES section from the config file if using the docker-compose file, or it will override the DATABASE_URL setting and things won't work. ```python title="umap.conf" """ Example settings for docker quickstart: lots of stuff has been removed for simplicity. You can get the whole list of settings at: https://umap-project.readthedocs.io/en/master/settings/ Here are the settings YOU HAVE TO CHANGE before launching: - SECRET_KEY """ from umap.settings.base import * # pylint: disable=W0614,W0401 SECRET_KEY = '!!secretsecret!!' INTERNAL_IPS = ('', ) ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*', ] DEBUG = True COMPRESS_ENABLED = True COMPRESS_OFFLINE = True LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en' # Set to False if login into django account should not be possible. You can # administer accounts in the admin interface. ENABLE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN = True AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', ) # Enables a banner letting users know this site is not for production use UMAP_DEMO_SITE = True # Whether to allow non authenticated people to create maps. UMAP_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS = True ``` Some basic settings are available through env vars (see https://github.com/umap-project/umap/blob/master/umap/settings/base.py) and can be defined right in the docker-compose file, but if you need more custom ones (like custom OAuth configuration), the easiest way is to put them in a [settings file](settings.md) and mount it to `/etc/umap/umap.conf`. ### Getting started with docker compose With docker installed on your machine, start the server with ```bash docker compose up ``` ... and let it run some initial setup until the output quiesces with a message about spawning uWSGI workers. Because there is a race between the time the app tries to connect to the DB and when the DB is actually ready, you might see a few exceptions/errors about 'psycopg' being unable to connect. This should sort itself out as the app retries. Now you need to create your site superuser. Stop the server (Ctrl-C) and then type: ```bash docker-compose run app /venv/bin/umap createsuperuser ``` Once that's done, you can relaunch your server with `docker compose up` You should now be able to browse to your uMap instance from a browser on your local system, by pointing your browser to `https://localhost:8001/` (equivalent to `${SITE_URL}` in the docker-compose file, above). ### Administration To administer the site (add users, change map tiles, other customizations) log in as the root user you just created, then go to `${SITE_URL}/admin`.