# Configuration uMap runs with Django, so any Django setting should work, if you know what you are doing. The Django settings reference is here: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/ref/settings/ Here are a few relevant settings for uMap. ## Usage Those settings should either: - be in `/etc/umap/umap.conf`, which uMap will try to load by default - be in a random place on your server, which is then reference with the `UMAP_SETTINGS` env var - be declared as env vars directly, for simple ones (string/boolean/list) #### ALLOWED_HOSTS The hosts that uMap expects. `ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['umap.mydomain.org']` Can be set through env var too: `ALLOWED_HOSTS=umap.mydomain.org,u.mydomain.org` #### DEBUG Set it to `True` for easier debugging in case of error. #### EMAIL_BACKEND Must be configured if you want uMap to send emails to anonymous users. UMap can send the anonymous edit link by email. For this to work, you need to add email specific settings. See [Django](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/topics/email/#smtp-backend) documentation. In general, you'll need to add something like this in your local settings: ```python title="local_settings.py" FROM_EMAIL = "youradmin@email.org" EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend" EMAIL_HOST = "smtp.provider.org" EMAIL_PORT = 456 EMAIL_HOST_USER = "username" EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = "xxxx" EMAIL_USE_TLS = True # or EMAIL_USE_SSL = True ``` #### ENABLE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN Do you want users to be able to create an account directly on your uMap instance (instead of only using OAuth). Can be set through env var: `ENABLE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN=1` User accounts can be managed via the Django admin page (`{SITE_URL}/admin`). The required superuser must be created on the command line with this command: `umap createsuperuser`. #### FROM_EMAIL See `EMAIL_BACKEND`. #### LANGUAGE_CODE Set it to the default language you want. `LANGUAGE_CODE = "it"` #### Default map center #### LEAFLET_LONGITUDE, LEAFLET_LATITUDE, LEAFLET_ZOOM Default longitude, latitude and zoom for the map #### MEDIA_ROOT Where uMap should store your datalayers and icons, must be consistent with your Nginx configuration. See [Django documentation for MEDIA_ROOT](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/ref/settings/#media-root) #### SECRET_KEY Must be defined to something unique and secret. Running uMap / Django with a known SECRET_KEY defeats many of Django’s security protections, and can lead to privilege escalation and remote code execution vulnerabilities. See [Django documentation for SECRET_KEY](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/ref/settings/#secret-key) #### SITE_URL The final URL of you instance, including the protocol: `SITE_URL=http://umap.org` #### SHORT_SITE_URL If you have a short domain for sharing links. Eg.: `SHORT_SITE_URL=https://u.umap.org` #### SITE_NAME The name of the site, to be used in header and HTML title. #### STATIC_ROOT Where uMap should store static files (CSS, JS…), must be consistent with your Nginx configuration. See [Django documentation for STATIC_ROOT](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/ref/settings/#static-root) #### USE_I18N Default is True. Set it to False if you don't want uMap to localize the app. #### USER_AUTOCOMPLETE_FIELDS Which fields to search when autocompleting users (in permissions). Eg.: `USER_AUTOCOMPLETE_FIELDS = ["^username", "email"]` #### USER_DISPLAY_NAME Advanced setting for controling which user fields will be used for displaying their name on the application, depending on which fields you collect with your OAuth configuration. For example: `USER_DISPLAY_NAME = "{username}"` #### USER_URL_FIELD Which field to be used in URL for user. Must be a unique field. Eg.: `USER_URL_FIELD = "pk"` #### UMAP_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS Should uMap allows user without an account to create maps (default is False). Can be set through env var: `UMAP_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS=1` #### UMAP_CUSTOM_TEMPLATES To be used when you want to override some HTML templates: UMAP_CUSTOM_TEMPLATES = "/path/to/custom/templates" See [customization](customize.md) for details. #### UMAP_CUSTOM_STATICS To be used when you want to override some CSS or images: UMAP_CUSTOM_STATICS = "/path/to/custom/static" See [customization](customize.md) for details. #### UMAP_EXTRA_URLS By default: ``` UMAP_EXTRA_URLS = { 'routing': 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=osrm_car&route={lat},{lng}&locale={locale}#map={zoom}/{lat}/{lng}', 'ajax_proxy': '/ajax-proxy/?url={url}&ttl={ttl}', 'search': 'https://photon.komoot.io/api/?', } ``` #### UMAP_KEEP_VERSIONS How many datalayer versions to keep. 10 by default. #### UMAP_DEFAULT_EDIT_STATUS Define the map default edit status. Possible values: - 1 (Everyone) - 2 (Editors only) - 3 (Owner only) #### UMAP_DEFAULT_SHARE_STATUS Define the map default share status. Possible values: - 1 (Everyone (public)) - 2 (Anyone with link) - 3 (Editors only) #### UMAP_DEMO_SITE Set to True if you want to display a message saying that your instance is not ready for production use (no backup, etc.) #### UMAP_FEEDBACK_LINK Link to show on the header under the "Feedback and help" label. #### UMAP_MAPS_PER_PAGE How many maps to show in maps list, like search or home page. #### UMAP_MAPS_PER_SEARCH How many total maps to return in the search. #### UMAP_MAPS_PER_PAGE_OWNER How many maps to show in the user "my maps" page. #### UMAP_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION Use it if you take control over the search configuration. UMap uses PostgreSQL tsvector for searching. In case your database is big, you may want to add an index. For that, here are the SQL commands to run: ```SQL # Create a basic search configuration CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION umapdict (COPY=simple); # If you also want to deal with accents and case, add this before creating the index CREATE EXTENSION unaccent; CREATE EXTENSION btree_gin; ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION umapdict ALTER MAPPING FOR hword, hword_part, word WITH unaccent, simple; # Now create the index CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS search_idx ON umap_map USING GIN(to_tsvector('umapdict', COALESCE(name, ''::character varying)::text), share_status); ``` Then set: ```python title="settings.py" UMAP_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION = "umapdict" ``` #### UMAP_READONLY Is your instance readonly? Useful for server maintenance. #### UMAP_GZIP Should uMap gzip datalayers geojson. #### UMAP_XSENDFILE_HEADER Can be set to `X-Accel-Redirect` to enable the [NGINX X-Accel](https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/xsendfile/) feature. See the NGINX documentation in addition. #### SOCIAL_AUTH_OPENSTREETMAP_KEY, SOCIAL_AUTH_OPENSTREETMAP_SECRET If you use OpenStreetMap as OAuth provider, use those settings. Otherwise, use any valid [python-social-auth configuration](https://python-social-auth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration/django.html).