from fabric.api import task, env, run, local, roles, cd, execute, hide, puts,\ sudo import posixpath env.project_name = 'youmap' env.repository = '' env.local_branch = 'master' env.remote_ref = 'origin/master' env.requirements_file = 'requirements.pip' env.restart_sudo = False #============================================================================== # Tasks which set up deployment environments #============================================================================== @task def live(): """ Use the live deployment environment. """ server = '' env.roledefs = { 'web': [server], 'db': [server], } env.system_users = {server: 'www-data'} env.virtualenv_dir = '/home/ybon/.virtualenvs/{project_name}'.format(**env) env.project_dir = '{virtualenv_dir}/src/{project_name}'.format(**env) env.project_conf = '{project_name}.settings.local'.format(**env) env.restart_command = 'circusctl restart {project_name}'.format(**env) @task def dev(): """ Use the development deployment environment. """ server = '' env.roledefs = { 'web': [server], 'db': [server], } env.system_users = {server: 'www-data'} env.virtualenv_dir = '/home/ybon/.virtualenvs/{project_name}'.format(**env) env.project_dir = '/home/ybon/dev/{project_name}'.format(**env) env.project_conf = '{project_name}.settings.local'.format(**env) env.restart_command = '{virtualenv_dir}/bin/circusctl restart {project_name}'.format(**env) # Set the default environment. dev() #============================================================================== # Actual tasks #============================================================================== @task @roles('web', 'db') def bootstrap(action=''): """ Bootstrap the environment. """ with hide('running', 'stdout'): exists = run('if [ -d "{virtualenv_dir}" ]; then echo 1; fi'\ .format(**env)) if exists and not action == 'force': puts('Assuming {host} has already been bootstrapped since ' '{virtualenv_dir} exists.'.format(**env)) return # run('mkvirtualenv {project_name}'.format(**env)) with hide('running', 'stdout'): project_git_exists = run('if [ -d "{project_dir}" ]; then echo 1; fi'\ .format(**env)) if not project_git_exists: run('mkdir -p {0}'.format(posixpath.dirname(env.virtualenv_dir))) run('git clone {repository} {project_dir}'.format(**env)) # sudo('{virtualenv_dir}/bin/pip install -e {project_dir}'.format(**env)) # with cd(env.virtualenv_dir): # sudo('chown -R {user} .'.format(**env)) # fix_permissions() requirements() puts('Bootstrapped {host} - database creation needs to be done manually.'\ .format(**env)) @task @roles('web', 'db') def push(): """ Push branch to the repository. """ remote, dest_branch = env.remote_ref.split('/', 1) local('git push {remote} {local_branch}:{dest_branch}'.format( remote=remote, dest_branch=dest_branch, **env)) @task def deploy(verbosity='normal'): """ Full server deploy. Updates the repository (server-side), synchronizes the database, collects static files and then restarts the web service. """ if verbosity == 'noisy': hide_args = [] else: hide_args = ['running', 'stdout'] with hide(*hide_args): puts('Updating repository...') execute(update) puts('Collecting static files...') execute(collectstatic) puts('Synchronizing database...') execute(syncdb) puts('Restarting web server...') execute(restart) @task @roles('web', 'db') def update(action='check'): """ Update the repository (server-side). By default, if the requirements file changed in the repository then the requirements will be updated. Use ``action='force'`` to force updating requirements. Anything else other than ``'check'`` will avoid updating requirements at all. """ with cd(env.project_dir): remote, dest_branch = env.remote_ref.split('/', 1) run('git fetch {remote}'.format(remote=remote, dest_branch=dest_branch, **env)) with hide('running', 'stdout'): changed_files = run('git diff-index --cached --name-only ' '{remote_ref}'.format(**env)).splitlines() if not changed_files and action != 'force': # No changes, we can exit now. return if action == 'check': reqs_changed = env.requirements_file in changed_files else: reqs_changed = False run('git merge {remote_ref}'.format(**env)) run('find -name "*.pyc" -delete') if action == "clean": run('git clean -df') if action == 'force' or reqs_changed: # Not using execute() because we don't want to run multiple times for # each role (since this task gets run per role). requirements() @task @roles('web') def collectstatic(): """ Collect static files from apps and other locations in a single location. """ collect_remote_statics() dj('collectstatic --link --noinput') # dj('compress') # with cd('{virtualenv_dir}/var/static'.format(**env)): # fix_permissions() @task @roles('db') def syncdb(sync=True, migrate=True): """ Synchronize the database. """ dj('syncdb --noinput') @task @roles('web') def restart(): """ Restart the web service. """ if env.restart_sudo: cmd = sudo else: cmd = run cmd(env.restart_command) @task @roles('web', 'db') def requirements(name=None, upgrade=False): """ Update the requirements. """ base_command = '{virtualenv_dir}/bin/pip install'.format(virtualenv_dir=env.virtualenv_dir) if upgrade: base_command += ' --upgrade' if not name: kwargs = { "base_command": base_command, "project_dir": env.project_dir, "requirements_file": env.requirements_file, } run('{base_command} -r {project_dir}/{requirements_file}'\ .format(**kwargs)) else: run('{base_command} {name}'.format( base_command=base_command, name=name )) #============================================================================== # Helper functions #============================================================================== def dj(command): """ Run a Django command on the server. """ run('{virtualenv_dir}/bin/python {project_dir}/ {dj_command} ' '--settings {project_conf}'.format(dj_command=command, **env)) def fix_permissions(path='.'): """ Fix the file permissions. """ if ' ' in path: full_path = '{path} (in {cwd})'.format(path=path, cwd=env.cwd) else: full_path = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(env.cwd, path)) puts('Fixing {0} permissions'.format(full_path)) with hide('running'): system_user = env.system_users.get( if system_user: run('chmod -R g=rX,o= -- {0}'.format(path)) run('chgrp -R {0} -- {1}'.format(system_user, path)) else: run('chmod -R go= -- {0}'.format(path)) def collect_remote_statics(): """ Add leaflet and leaflet.draw in a repository watched by collectstatic. """ remote_static_dir = '{project_dir}/{project_name}/remote_static'.format(**env) run('mkdir -p {0}'.format(remote_static_dir)) remote_repositories = { 'leaflet': "git://", 'draw': "git://", 'hash': "git://", } with cd(remote_static_dir): for subdir, repository in remote_repositories.iteritems(): with hide("running", "stdout"): exists = run('if [ -d "{0}" ]; then echo 1; fi'.format(subdir)) if exists: with cd(subdir): run('git pull') else: run('git clone {0} {1}'.format(repository, subdir))