# Configuration uMap runs with Django, so any Django setting should work, if you know what you are doing. The Django settings reference is here: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/ref/settings/ Here are a few relevent settings for uMap. #### ALLOWED_HOSTS The hosts that uMap expects. `ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['umap.mydomain.org']` Can be set through env var too: `ALLOWED_HOSTS=umap.mydomain.org` #### DEBUG Set it to True for easier debugging in case of error. #### EMAIL_BACKEND Must be configured if you want uMap to send emails to anonymous users. See [Emails](install.md#emails) for more details. #### ENABLE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN Do you want users to be able to create an account directly on your uMap instance (instead of only using OAuth). Can be set through env var: `ENABLE_ACCOUNT_LOGIN=1` #### FROM_EMAIL See `EMAIL_BACKEND`. #### LANGUAGE_CODE Set it to the default language you want. `LANGUAGE_CODE = "it"` #### LEAFLET_LONGITUDE, LEAFLET_LATITUDE, LEAFLET_ZOOM Default longitude, latitude and zoom for the map #### MEDIA_ROOT Where uMap should datalayers and icons, must be consistent with your Nginx configuration. #### SECRET_KEY Must be defined to something unique and secret. #### SITE_URL The final URL of you instance, including the protocol: `SITE_URL="http://umap.org"` #### SHORT_SITE_URL If you have a short domain for sharing links. Eg.: `SHORT_SITE_URL=https://u.umap.org` #### SITE_NAME The name of the site, to be used in header and HTML title. #### STATIC_ROOT Where uMap should store static files (CSS, JS…), must be consistent with your Nginx configuration. #### USE_I18N Default is True. Set it to False if you don't want uMap to localize the app. #### USER_AUTOCOMPLETE_FIELDS Which fields to search when autocompleting users (in permissions). Eg.: `USER_AUTOCOMPLETE_FIELDS = ["^username", "email"]` #### USER_DISPLAY_NAME Advanced setting for controling which user fields will be used for displaying they name on the application, depending on which fields you collect with your OAuth configuration. For example: `USER_DISPLAY_NAME = "{username}"` #### USER_URL_FIELD Which field to be used in URL for user. Must be a unique field. Eg.: `USER_URL_FIELD = "pk"` #### UMAP_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS Should uMap allows user without an account to create maps. Can be set through env var: `UMAP_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS=1` #### UMAP_EXTRA_URLS By default: ``` UMAP_EXTRA_URLS = { 'routing': 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=osrm_car&route={lat},{lng}&locale={locale}#map={zoom}/{lat}/{lng}', 'ajax_proxy': '/ajax-proxy/?url={url}&ttl={ttl}', 'search': 'https://photon.komoot.io/api/?', } ``` #### UMAP_KEEP_VERSIONS How many datalayer versions to keep. 10 by default. #### UMAP_DEMO_SITE Set to True if you want to display a message saying that your instance is not ready for production use (no backup, etc.) #### UMAP_FEEDBACK_LINK Link to show on the header under the "Feedback and help" label. #### UMAP_MAPS_PER_PAGE How many maps to show in maps list, like search or home page. #### UMAP_MAPS_PER_SEARCH How many total maps to return in the search. #### UMAP_MAPS_PER_PAGE_OWNER How many maps to show in the user "my maps" page. #### UMAP_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION Use it if you take control over the search configuration. See [search](install.md#search) for details. #### UMAP_READONLY Is your instance readonly ? Useful for server maintenance. #### UMAP_GZIP Should uMap gzip datalayers geojson. #### SOCIAL_AUTH_OPENSTREETMAP_KEY, SOCIAL_AUTH_OPENSTREETMAP_SECRET If you use OpenStreetMap as OAuth provider, use those settings. Otherwise, use any valid [python-social-auth configuration](https://python-social-auth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration/django.html).