This commit is contained in:
Yohan Boniface 2018-11-08 22:23:56 +01:00
parent 264c78d261
commit 966b136b5c
5 changed files with 95 additions and 95 deletions

View file

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
{ {
"Add symbol": "Add symbol", "Add symbol": "أضف رمز",
"Allow scroll wheel zoom?": "Allow scroll wheel zoom?", "Allow scroll wheel zoom?": "Allow scroll wheel zoom?",
"Automatic": "Automatic", "Automatic": "Automatic",
"Ball": "Ball", "Ball": "Ball",
"Cancel": "Cancel", "Cancel": "Cancel",
"Caption": "Caption", "Caption": "Caption",
"Change symbol": "Change symbol", "Change symbol": "غيّر رمز",
"Choose the data format": "Choose the data format", "Choose the data format": "إختر شكل البيانات",
"Choose the layer of the feature": "Choose the layer of the feature", "Choose the layer of the feature": "Choose the layer of the feature",
"Circle": "Circle", "Circle": "دائرة",
"Clustered": "Clustered", "Clustered": "Clustered",
"Data browser": "Data browser", "Data browser": "Data browser",
"Default": "Default", "Default": "Default",
@ -41,23 +41,23 @@
"Label key": "Label key", "Label key": "Label key",
"Labels are clickable": "Labels are clickable", "Labels are clickable": "Labels are clickable",
"None": "None", "None": "None",
"On the bottom": "On the bottom", "On the bottom": "في الأسفل",
"On the left": "On the left", "On the left": "على اليسار",
"On the right": "On the right", "On the right": "على اليمين",
"On the top": "On the top", "On the top": "إلى الأعلى",
"Popup content template": "Popup content template", "Popup content template": "Popup content template",
"Set symbol": "Set symbol", "Set symbol": "Set symbol",
"Side panel": "Side panel", "Side panel": "لوحة جانبية",
"Simplify": "Simplify", "Simplify": "بسّط",
"Symbol or url": "Symbol or url", "Symbol or url": "Symbol or url",
"Table": "Table", "Table": "جدول",
"always": "always", "always": "دائماً",
"clear": "clear", "clear": "clear",
"collapsed": "collapsed", "collapsed": "collapsed",
"color": "color", "color": "لون",
"dash array": "dash array", "dash array": "dash array",
"define": "define", "define": "حدّد",
"description": "description", "description": "تقديم",
"expanded": "expanded", "expanded": "expanded",
"fill": "fill", "fill": "fill",
"fill color": "fill color", "fill color": "fill color",
@ -65,17 +65,17 @@
"hidden": "hidden", "hidden": "hidden",
"iframe": "iframe", "iframe": "iframe",
"inherit": "inherit", "inherit": "inherit",
"name": "name", "name": "إسم",
"never": "never", "never": "أبداً",
"new window": "new window", "new window": "نافدة جديدة",
"no": "no", "no": "لا",
"on hover": "on hover", "on hover": "on hover",
"opacity": "opacity", "opacity": "شفافية",
"parent window": "parent window", "parent window": "parent window",
"stroke": "stroke", "stroke": "stroke",
"weight": "weight", "weight": "weight",
"yes": "yes", "yes": "نعم",
"{delay} seconds": "{delay} seconds", "{delay} seconds": "{الأجل} ثواني",
"# one hash for main heading": "# one hash for main heading", "# one hash for main heading": "# one hash for main heading",
"## two hashes for second heading": "## two hashes for second heading", "## two hashes for second heading": "## two hashes for second heading",
"### three hashes for third heading": "### three hashes for third heading", "### three hashes for third heading": "### three hashes for third heading",
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"About": "About", "About": "About",
"Action not allowed :(": "Action not allowed :(", "Action not allowed :(": "Action not allowed :(",
"Activate slideshow mode": "Activate slideshow mode", "Activate slideshow mode": "Activate slideshow mode",
"Add a layer": "Add a layer", "Add a layer": "أضف طبقة",
"Add a line to the current multi": "Add a line to the current multi", "Add a line to the current multi": "Add a line to the current multi",
"Add a new property": "Add a new property", "Add a new property": "Add a new property",
"Add a polygon to the current multi": "Add a polygon to the current multi", "Add a polygon to the current multi": "Add a polygon to the current multi",
@ -94,20 +94,20 @@
"Advanced properties": "Advanced properties", "Advanced properties": "Advanced properties",
"Advanced transition": "Advanced transition", "Advanced transition": "Advanced transition",
"All properties are imported.": "All properties are imported.", "All properties are imported.": "All properties are imported.",
"Allow interactions": "Allow interactions", "Allow interactions": "يسمح بالتفاعل",
"An error occured": "An error occured", "An error occured": "حصل خطأ",
"Are you sure you want to cancel your changes?": "Are you sure you want to cancel your changes?", "Are you sure you want to cancel your changes?": "هل تريد فعلاً إلغاء تغييراتك ؟ ",
"Are you sure you want to clone this map and all its datalayers?": "Are you sure you want to clone this map and all its datalayers?", "Are you sure you want to clone this map and all its datalayers?": "Are you sure you want to clone this map and all its datalayers?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the feature?": "Are you sure you want to delete the feature?", "Are you sure you want to delete the feature?": "هل تريد فعلاً حذف الخاصية ؟ ",
"Are you sure you want to delete this layer?": "Are you sure you want to delete this layer?", "Are you sure you want to delete this layer?": "هل تريد فعلاً حذف هذه الطبقة ؟",
"Are you sure you want to delete this map?": "Are you sure you want to delete this map?", "Are you sure you want to delete this map?": "هل تريد فعلاً حذف هذه الخريطة ؟",
"Are you sure you want to delete this property on all the features?": "Are you sure you want to delete this property on all the features?", "Are you sure you want to delete this property on all the features?": "Are you sure you want to delete this property on all the features?",
"Are you sure you want to restore this version?": "Are you sure you want to restore this version?", "Are you sure you want to restore this version?": "Are you sure you want to restore this version?",
"Attach the map to my account": "Attach the map to my account", "Attach the map to my account": "Attach the map to my account",
"Auto": "Auto", "Auto": "Auto",
"Autostart when map is loaded": "Autostart when map is loaded", "Autostart when map is loaded": "Autostart when map is loaded",
"Bring feature to center": "Bring feature to center", "Bring feature to center": "Bring feature to center",
"Browse data": "Browse data", "Browse data": "تصفح البيانات",
"Cancel edits": "Cancel edits", "Cancel edits": "Cancel edits",
"Center map on your location": "Center map on your location", "Center map on your location": "Center map on your location",
"Change map background": "Change map background", "Change map background": "Change map background",
@ -125,11 +125,11 @@
"Clone of {name}": "Clone of {name}", "Clone of {name}": "Clone of {name}",
"Clone this feature": "Clone this feature", "Clone this feature": "Clone this feature",
"Clone this map": "Clone this map", "Clone this map": "Clone this map",
"Close": "Close", "Close": "أغلق",
"Clustering radius": "Clustering radius", "Clustering radius": "Clustering radius",
"Comma separated list of properties to use when filtering features": "Comma separated list of properties to use when filtering features", "Comma separated list of properties to use when filtering features": "Comma separated list of properties to use when filtering features",
"Comma, tab or semi-colon separated values. SRS WGS84 is implied. Only Point geometries are imported. The import will look at the column headers for any mention of «lat» and «lon» at the begining of the header, case insensitive. All other column are imported as properties.": "Comma, tab or semi-colon separated values. SRS WGS84 is implied. Only Point geometries are imported. The import will look at the column headers for any mention of «lat» and «lon» at the begining of the header, case insensitive. All other column are imported as properties.", "Comma, tab or semi-colon separated values. SRS WGS84 is implied. Only Point geometries are imported. The import will look at the column headers for any mention of «lat» and «lon» at the begining of the header, case insensitive. All other column are imported as properties.": "Comma, tab or semi-colon separated values. SRS WGS84 is implied. Only Point geometries are imported. The import will look at the column headers for any mention of «lat» and «lon» at the begining of the header, case insensitive. All other column are imported as properties.",
"Continue line": "Continue line", "Continue line": "واصل الخط",
"Continue line (Ctrl-click)": "Continue line (Ctrl-click)", "Continue line (Ctrl-click)": "Continue line (Ctrl-click)",
"Coordinates": "Coordinates", "Coordinates": "Coordinates",
"Credits": "Credits", "Credits": "Credits",
@ -141,23 +141,23 @@
"Default shape properties": "Default shape properties", "Default shape properties": "Default shape properties",
"Define link to open in a new window on polygon click.": "Define link to open in a new window on polygon click.", "Define link to open in a new window on polygon click.": "Define link to open in a new window on polygon click.",
"Delay between two transitions when in play mode": "Delay between two transitions when in play mode", "Delay between two transitions when in play mode": "Delay between two transitions when in play mode",
"Delete": "Delete", "Delete": "حذف",
"Delete all layers": "Delete all layers", "Delete all layers": "حذف كل الطبقات",
"Delete layer": "Delete layer", "Delete layer": "حذف طبقة",
"Delete this feature": "Delete this feature", "Delete this feature": "حذف هذه الخاصية",
"Delete this property on all the features": "Delete this property on all the features", "Delete this property on all the features": "Delete this property on all the features",
"Delete this shape": "Delete this shape", "Delete this shape": "حذف هذا الشكل",
"Delete this vertex (Alt-click)": "Delete this vertex (Alt-click)", "Delete this vertex (Alt-click)": "Delete this vertex (Alt-click)",
"Directions from here": "Directions from here", "Directions from here": "Directions from here",
"Disable editing": "Disable editing", "Disable editing": "Disable editing",
"Display measure": "Display measure", "Display measure": "Display measure",
"Display on load": "Display on load", "Display on load": "Display on load",
"Download": "Download", "Download": "Download",
"Download data": "Download data", "Download data": "تحميل بيانات",
"Drag to reorder": "Drag to reorder", "Drag to reorder": "Drag to reorder",
"Draw a line": "Draw a line", "Draw a line": "رسم خط",
"Draw a marker": "Draw a marker", "Draw a marker": "رسم علامة",
"Draw a polygon": "Draw a polygon", "Draw a polygon": "رسم متعدد أضلاع",
"Draw a polyline": "Draw a polyline", "Draw a polyline": "Draw a polyline",
"Dynamic": "Dynamic", "Dynamic": "Dynamic",
"Dynamic properties": "Dynamic properties", "Dynamic properties": "Dynamic properties",
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
"Enable editing": "Enable editing", "Enable editing": "Enable editing",
"Error in the tilelayer URL": "Error in the tilelayer URL", "Error in the tilelayer URL": "Error in the tilelayer URL",
"Error while fetching {url}": "Error while fetching {url}", "Error while fetching {url}": "Error while fetching {url}",
"Exit Fullscreen": "Exit Fullscreen", "Exit Fullscreen": "الخروج من الشاشة الكاملة",
"Extract shape to separate feature": "Extract shape to separate feature", "Extract shape to separate feature": "Extract shape to separate feature",
"Fetch data each time map view changes.": "Fetch data each time map view changes.", "Fetch data each time map view changes.": "Fetch data each time map view changes.",
"Filter keys": "Filter keys", "Filter keys": "Filter keys",
@ -185,9 +185,9 @@
"Go to «{feature}»": "Go to «{feature}»", "Go to «{feature}»": "Go to «{feature}»",
"Heatmap intensity property": "Heatmap intensity property", "Heatmap intensity property": "Heatmap intensity property",
"Heatmap radius": "Heatmap radius", "Heatmap radius": "Heatmap radius",
"Help": "Help", "Help": "مساعدة",
"Hide controls": "Hide controls", "Hide controls": "Hide controls",
"Home": "Home", "Home": "الصفحة الرئيسية",
"How much to simplify the polyline on each zoom level (more = better performance and smoother look, less = more accurate)": "How much to simplify the polyline on each zoom level (more = better performance and smoother look, less = more accurate)", "How much to simplify the polyline on each zoom level (more = better performance and smoother look, less = more accurate)": "How much to simplify the polyline on each zoom level (more = better performance and smoother look, less = more accurate)",
"If false, the polygon will act as a part of the underlying map.": "If false, the polygon will act as a part of the underlying map.", "If false, the polygon will act as a part of the underlying map.": "If false, the polygon will act as a part of the underlying map.",
"Iframe export options": "Iframe export options", "Iframe export options": "Iframe export options",
@ -206,11 +206,11 @@
"Invalid umap data in {filename}": "Invalid umap data in {filename}", "Invalid umap data in {filename}": "Invalid umap data in {filename}",
"Keep current visible layers": "Keep current visible layers", "Keep current visible layers": "Keep current visible layers",
"Latitude": "Latitude", "Latitude": "Latitude",
"Layer": "Layer", "Layer": "طبقة",
"Layer properties": "Layer properties", "Layer properties": "خصوصيات طبقة",
"Licence": "Licence", "Licence": "الترخيص",
"Limit bounds": "Limit bounds", "Limit bounds": "Limit bounds",
"Link to…": "Link to…", "Link to…": "الرابط إلى...",
"Link with text: [[|text of the link]]": "Link with text: [[|text of the link]]", "Link with text: [[|text of the link]]": "Link with text: [[|text of the link]]",
"Long credits": "Long credits", "Long credits": "Long credits",
"Longitude": "Longitude", "Longitude": "Longitude",
@ -233,12 +233,12 @@
"Open this map extent in a map editor to provide more accurate data to OpenStreetMap": "Open this map extent in a map editor to provide more accurate data to OpenStreetMap", "Open this map extent in a map editor to provide more accurate data to OpenStreetMap": "Open this map extent in a map editor to provide more accurate data to OpenStreetMap",
"Optional intensity property for heatmap": "Optional intensity property for heatmap", "Optional intensity property for heatmap": "Optional intensity property for heatmap",
"Optional. Same as color if not set.": "Optional. Same as color if not set.", "Optional. Same as color if not set.": "Optional. Same as color if not set.",
"Optionnal.": "Optionnal.", "Optionnal.": "إختياري.",
"Override clustering radius (default 80)": "Override clustering radius (default 80)", "Override clustering radius (default 80)": "Override clustering radius (default 80)",
"Override heatmap radius (default 25)": "Override heatmap radius (default 25)", "Override heatmap radius (default 25)": "Override heatmap radius (default 25)",
"Paste here your data": "Paste here your data", "Paste here your data": "Paste here your data",
"Please be sure the licence is compliant with your use.": "Please be sure the licence is compliant with your use.", "Please be sure the licence is compliant with your use.": "Please be sure the licence is compliant with your use.",
"Please choose a format": "Please choose a format", "Please choose a format": "الرجاء إختيار الشكل",
"Please enter the name of the property": "Please enter the name of the property", "Please enter the name of the property": "Please enter the name of the property",
"Please enter the new name of this property": "Please enter the new name of this property", "Please enter the new name of this property": "Please enter the new name of this property",
"Please save the map before": "Please save the map before", "Please save the map before": "Please save the map before",
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
"Rename this property on all the features": "Rename this property on all the features", "Rename this property on all the features": "Rename this property on all the features",
"Replace layer content": "Replace layer content", "Replace layer content": "Replace layer content",
"Restore this version": "Restore this version", "Restore this version": "Restore this version",
"Save": "Save", "Save": "تسجيل",
"Save anyway": "Save anyway", "Save anyway": "Save anyway",
"Save current edits": "Save current edits", "Save current edits": "Save current edits",
"Save this center and zoom": "Save this center and zoom", "Save this center and zoom": "Save this center and zoom",
@ -358,8 +358,8 @@
"{distance} miles": "{distance} miles", "{distance} miles": "{distance} miles",
"{distance} yd": "{distance} yd", "{distance} yd": "{distance} yd",
"1 day": "1 day", "1 day": "1 day",
"1 hour": "1 hour", "1 hour": "ساعة",
"5 min": "5 min", "5 min": "5 دقائق",
"Cache proxied request": "Cache proxied request", "Cache proxied request": "Cache proxied request",
"No cache": "No cache", "No cache": "No cache",
"Popup": "Popup", "Popup": "Popup",

View file

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ var locale = {
"Add a new property": "Προσθήκη νέας ιδιότητας", "Add a new property": "Προσθήκη νέας ιδιότητας",
"Add a polygon to the current multi": "Προσθήκη πολυγώνου στο παρόν πολυδεδομένο ", "Add a polygon to the current multi": "Προσθήκη πολυγώνου στο παρόν πολυδεδομένο ",
"Advanced actions": "Εξειδικευμένες ενέργειες ", "Advanced actions": "Εξειδικευμένες ενέργειες ",
"Advanced properties": "Εξειδικευμένα ιδιότητες ", "Advanced properties": "Εξειδικευμένες ιδιότητες ",
"Advanced transition": "Προχωρημένος μετασχηματισμός ", "Advanced transition": "Προχωρημένος μετασχηματισμός ",
"All properties are imported.": "Εισήχθησαν όλες οι ιδιότητες", "All properties are imported.": "Εισήχθησαν όλες οι ιδιότητες",
"Allow interactions": "Επέτρεψε αλληλεπιδράσεις ", "Allow interactions": "Επέτρεψε αλληλεπιδράσεις ",
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ var locale = {
"Properties imported:": "Ιδιότητες που έχουν εισαχθεί:", "Properties imported:": "Ιδιότητες που έχουν εισαχθεί:",
"Property to use for sorting features": "Ιδιότητα που χρησιμοποιείται για τη ταξινόμηση στοιχείων", "Property to use for sorting features": "Ιδιότητα που χρησιμοποιείται για τη ταξινόμηση στοιχείων",
"Provide an URL here": "Δώστε ένα σύνδεσμο URL εδώ ", "Provide an URL here": "Δώστε ένα σύνδεσμο URL εδώ ",
"Proxy request": "Αίτημα απολακτισμένου μεσολαβητή ", "Proxy request": "Αίτημα απομακρυσμένου μεσολαβητή ",
"Remote data": "Απομακρυσμένα δεδομένα ", "Remote data": "Απομακρυσμένα δεδομένα ",
"Remove shape from the multi": "Αφαίρεση σχήματος από πολυδεδομένο", "Remove shape from the multi": "Αφαίρεση σχήματος από πολυδεδομένο",
"Rename this property on all the features": "Μετονομασία αυτής της ιδιότητας από όλα τα στοιχεία", "Rename this property on all the features": "Μετονομασία αυτής της ιδιότητας από όλα τα στοιχεία",

View file

@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ var locale = {
"{distance} m": "{distance} m", "{distance} m": "{distance} m",
"{distance} miles": "{distance} millas", "{distance} miles": "{distance} millas",
"{distance} yd": "{distance} yd", "{distance} yd": "{distance} yd",
"1 day": "1 day", "1 day": "1 día",
"1 hour": "1 hour", "1 hour": "1 hora",
"5 min": "5 min", "5 min": "5 min",
"Cache proxied request": "Cache proxied request", "Cache proxied request": "Cache proxied request",
"No cache": "No cache", "No cache": "No cache",

View file

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ var locale = {
"Coordinates": "Koordináták", "Coordinates": "Koordináták",
"Credits": "Alkotók", "Credits": "Alkotók",
"Current view instead of default map view?": "Használja-e a jelenlegi nézetet az alapértelmezett helyett?", "Current view instead of default map view?": "Használja-e a jelenlegi nézetet az alapértelmezett helyett?",
"Custom background": "Egyéni háttér", "Custom background": "Egyedi háttér",
"Data is browsable": "Az adatok böngészhetők", "Data is browsable": "Az adatok böngészhetők",
"Default interaction options": "Alapértelmezett interakciós beállítások", "Default interaction options": "Alapértelmezett interakciós beállítások",
"Default properties": "Alapértelmezett tulajdonságok", "Default properties": "Alapértelmezett tulajdonságok",
@ -357,15 +357,15 @@ var locale = {
"{distance} m": "{distance} m", "{distance} m": "{distance} m",
"{distance} miles": "{distance} mérföld", "{distance} miles": "{distance} mérföld",
"{distance} yd": "{distance} yard", "{distance} yd": "{distance} yard",
"1 day": "1 day", "1 day": "1 nap",
"1 hour": "1 hour", "1 hour": "1 óra",
"5 min": "5 min", "5 min": "5 perc",
"Cache proxied request": "Cache proxied request", "Cache proxied request": "Cache proxied request",
"No cache": "No cache", "No cache": "Nincs gyorsítótár",
"Popup": "Popup", "Popup": "Felugró",
"Popup (large)": "Popup (large)", "Popup (large)": "Felugró (nagy)",
"Popup content style": "Popup content style", "Popup content style": "Felugró tartalom stílusa",
"Popup shape": "Popup shape" "Popup shape": "Felugró ablak alakja"
}; };
L.registerLocale("hu", locale); L.registerLocale("hu", locale);
L.setLocale("hu"); L.setLocale("hu");

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ var locale = {
"On the right": "Po prawej", "On the right": "Po prawej",
"On the top": "Na górze", "On the top": "Na górze",
"Popup content template": "Szablon treści dymka", "Popup content template": "Szablon treści dymka",
"Set symbol": "Set symbol", "Set symbol": "Ustaw symbol",
"Side panel": "Panel boczny", "Side panel": "Panel boczny",
"Simplify": "Uprość", "Simplify": "Uprość",
"Symbol or url": "Symbol or url", "Symbol or url": "Symbol or url",
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ var locale = {
"Are you sure you want to delete this map?": "Na pewno chcesz usunąć tą mapę?", "Are you sure you want to delete this map?": "Na pewno chcesz usunąć tą mapę?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this property on all the features?": "Na pewno chcesz usunąć tę właściwość we wszystkich obiektach?", "Are you sure you want to delete this property on all the features?": "Na pewno chcesz usunąć tę właściwość we wszystkich obiektach?",
"Are you sure you want to restore this version?": "Na pewno chcesz przywrócić tą wersję?", "Are you sure you want to restore this version?": "Na pewno chcesz przywrócić tą wersję?",
"Attach the map to my account": "Attach the map to my account", "Attach the map to my account": "Dołącz mapę do mojego konta",
"Auto": "Auto", "Auto": "Auto",
"Autostart when map is loaded": "Autostart when map is loaded", "Autostart when map is loaded": "Autostart when map is loaded",
"Bring feature to center": "Przenieś obiekt do środka", "Bring feature to center": "Przenieś obiekt do środka",
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ var locale = {
"Disable editing": "Wyłącz edytor", "Disable editing": "Wyłącz edytor",
"Display measure": "Display measure", "Display measure": "Display measure",
"Display on load": "Wyświetl przy ładowaniu", "Display on load": "Wyświetl przy ładowaniu",
"Download": "Download", "Download": "Pobieranie",
"Download data": "Pobierz dane", "Download data": "Pobierz dane",
"Drag to reorder": "Drag to reorder", "Drag to reorder": "Drag to reorder",
"Draw a line": "Rysuj linię", "Draw a line": "Rysuj linię",
@ -217,18 +217,18 @@ var locale = {
"Make main shape": "Narysuj główny kształt", "Make main shape": "Narysuj główny kształt",
"Manage layers": "Usuń warstwę", "Manage layers": "Usuń warstwę",
"Map background credits": "Źródło tła mapy", "Map background credits": "Źródło tła mapy",
"Map has been attached to your account": "Map has been attached to your account", "Map has been attached to your account": "Mapa została dołączona do twojego konta",
"Map has been saved!": "Mapa została zapisana!", "Map has been saved!": "Mapa została zapisana!",
"Map user content has been published under licence": "Zawartość mapy użytkownika została opublikowana pod licencją", "Map user content has been published under licence": "Zawartość mapy użytkownika została opublikowana pod licencją",
"Map's editors": "Map's editors", "Map's editors": "Edytorzy mapy",
"Map's owner": "Map's owner", "Map's owner": "Właściciel mapy",
"Merge lines": "Połącz linie", "Merge lines": "Połącz linie",
"More controls": "Więcej przycisków", "More controls": "Więcej przycisków",
"Must be a valid CSS value (eg.: DarkBlue or #123456)": "Musi być prawidłową wartością CSS (np. DarkBlue lub #123456)", "Must be a valid CSS value (eg.: DarkBlue or #123456)": "Musi być prawidłową wartością CSS (np. DarkBlue lub #123456)",
"No licence has been set": "Nie wybrano licencji", "No licence has been set": "Nie wybrano licencji",
"No results": "Brak wyników", "No results": "Brak wyników",
"Only visible features will be downloaded.": "Tylko widoczne obiekty zostaną pobrane.", "Only visible features will be downloaded.": "Tylko widoczne obiekty zostaną pobrane.",
"Open download panel": "Open download panel", "Open download panel": "Otwórz panel pobierania",
"Open link in…": "Open link in…", "Open link in…": "Open link in…",
"Open this map extent in a map editor to provide more accurate data to OpenStreetMap": "Otwórz ten zakres mapy w edytorze, by wprowadzić do OpenStreetMap dokładniejsze dane", "Open this map extent in a map editor to provide more accurate data to OpenStreetMap": "Otwórz ten zakres mapy w edytorze, by wprowadzić do OpenStreetMap dokładniejsze dane",
"Optional intensity property for heatmap": "Opcjonalna intensywności mapy cieplnej", "Optional intensity property for heatmap": "Opcjonalna intensywności mapy cieplnej",
@ -261,9 +261,9 @@ var locale = {
"Save this location as new feature": "Zapisz to miejsce jako nowy obiekt", "Save this location as new feature": "Zapisz to miejsce jako nowy obiekt",
"Search a place name": "Search a place name", "Search a place name": "Search a place name",
"Search location": "Znajdź miejsce", "Search location": "Znajdź miejsce",
"Secret edit link is:<br>{link}": "Secret edit link is:<br>{link}", "Secret edit link is:<br>{link}": "Sekretny link do edytowania to:<br>{link}",
"See all": "Pokaż wszystko", "See all": "Pokaż wszystko",
"See data layers": "See data layers", "See data layers": "Zobacz wszystkie warstwy danych",
"See full screen": "Pełny ekran", "See full screen": "Pełny ekran",
"Set it to false to hide this layer from the slideshow, the data browser, the popup navigation…": "Set it to false to hide this layer from the slideshow, the data browser, the popup navigation…", "Set it to false to hide this layer from the slideshow, the data browser, the popup navigation…": "Set it to false to hide this layer from the slideshow, the data browser, the popup navigation…",
"Shape properties": "Właściwości kształtu", "Shape properties": "Właściwości kształtu",
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ var locale = {
"Unable to detect format of file {filename}": "Unable to detect format of file {filename}", "Unable to detect format of file {filename}": "Unable to detect format of file {filename}",
"Untitled layer": "Warstwa bez nazwy", "Untitled layer": "Warstwa bez nazwy",
"Untitled map": "Mapa bez nazwy", "Untitled map": "Mapa bez nazwy",
"Update permissions": "Update permissions", "Update permissions": "Zaktualizuj uprawnienia",
"Update permissions and editors": "Aktualizuj uprawnienia i edytory", "Update permissions and editors": "Aktualizuj uprawnienia i edytory",
"Url": "Adres URL", "Url": "Adres URL",
"Use current bounds": "Użyj bieżących granic", "Use current bounds": "Użyj bieżących granic",
@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ var locale = {
"Where do we go from here?": "Gdzie można stąd pojechać?", "Where do we go from here?": "Gdzie można stąd pojechać?",
"Whether to display or not polygons paths.": "Czy wyświetlić obrysy obszarów", "Whether to display or not polygons paths.": "Czy wyświetlić obrysy obszarów",
"Whether to fill polygons with color.": "Czy wypełnić obszary kolorem", "Whether to fill polygons with color.": "Czy wypełnić obszary kolorem",
"Who can edit": "Who can edit", "Who can edit": "Kto może edytować",
"Who can view": "Who can view", "Who can view": "Kto może zobaczyć",
"Will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the map": "Będzie wyświetlone w prawym dolnym rogu mapy", "Will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the map": "Będzie wyświetlone w prawym dolnym rogu mapy",
"Will be visible in the caption of the map": "Będzie widoczne w nagłówku mapy", "Will be visible in the caption of the map": "Będzie widoczne w nagłówku mapy",
"Woops! Someone else seems to have edited the data. You can save anyway, but this will erase the changes made by others.": "Ups! Ktoś jeszcze edytował dane. Możesz mimo wszystko zapisać, ale to uszkodzi zmiany dokonane przez innych.", "Woops! Someone else seems to have edited the data. You can save anyway, but this will erase the changes made by others.": "Ups! Ktoś jeszcze edytował dane. Możesz mimo wszystko zapisać, ale to uszkodzi zmiany dokonane przez innych.",
@ -340,26 +340,26 @@ var locale = {
"previous": "poprzednie", "previous": "poprzednie",
"width": "szerokość", "width": "szerokość",
"{count} errors during import: {message}": "{count} errors during import: {message}", "{count} errors during import: {message}": "{count} errors during import: {message}",
"Measure distances": "Measure distances", "Measure distances": "Pomiar odległości",
"NM": "NM", "NM": "NM",
"kilometers": "kilometers", "kilometers": "kilometry",
"km": "km", "km": "km",
"mi": "mi", "mi": "mi",
"miles": "miles", "miles": "mile",
"nautical miles": "nautical miles", "nautical miles": "mile morskie",
"{area} acres": "{area} acres", "{area} acres": "{powierzchnia} akry",
"{area} ha": "{area} ha", "{area} ha": "{powierzchnia} ha",
"{area} m&sup2;": "{area} m&sup2;", "{area} m&sup2;": "{powierzchnia} m&sup2;",
"{area} mi&sup2;": "{area} mi&sup2;", "{area} mi&sup2;": "{powierzchnia} mi&sup2;",
"{area} yd&sup2;": "{area} yd&sup2;", "{area} yd&sup2;": "{powierzchnia} yd&sup2;",
"{distance} NM": "{distance} NM", "{distance} NM": "{odległość} NM",
"{distance} km": "{distance} km", "{distance} km": "{odegłość} km",
"{distance} m": "{distance} m", "{distance} m": "{odległość} m",
"{distance} miles": "{distance} miles", "{distance} miles": "{odległość} mile",
"{distance} yd": "{distance} yd", "{distance} yd": "{odległość} yardy",
"1 day": "1 day", "1 day": "1 dzień",
"1 hour": "1 hour", "1 hour": "1 godzina",
"5 min": "5 min", "5 min": "5 minut",
"Cache proxied request": "Cache proxied request", "Cache proxied request": "Cache proxied request",
"No cache": "No cache", "No cache": "No cache",
"Popup": "Popup", "Popup": "Popup",