sparky8512 edcf2a2ee4 Detect and correct dish time getting out of sync
If the number of samples reported in the history varies from the number of seconds elapsed as detected on the script host's system clock by more than +/- 2 seconds, forcibly correct the time base back to current system time. This doesn't seem to trigger on hosts with NTP synced system clocks (possibly because the dish's clock is, too), so no attempt is made to make this graceful, there will just be a discontinuity in the timestamps assigned to samples if this correction is made.

Also, enforce a maximum batch size for data points writes to the InfluxDB server. It's somewhat arbitrarily set at 5000 data points. A write of the full 12 hour history buffer would be 43200 data points, so this will break that up a bit.

Related to issue #5
2021-01-19 18:49:46 -08:00

331 lines
12 KiB

# Write Starlink user terminal packet loss, latency, and usage data
# to an InfluxDB database.
# This script examines the most recent samples from the history data,
# and either writes them in whole, or computes several different
# metrics related to packet loss and writes those, to the specified
# InfluxDB database.
# NOTE: The Starlink user terminal does not include time values with
# its history or status data, so this script uses current system time
# to compute the timestamps it sends to InfluxDB. It is recommended
# to run this script on a host that has its system clock synced via
# NTP. Otherwise, the timestamps may get out of sync with real time.
import getopt
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timezone
import logging
import os
import signal
import sys
import time
import warnings
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
import starlink_grpc
class Terminated(Exception):
def handle_sigterm(signum, frame):
# Turn SIGTERM into an exception so main loop can clean up
raise Terminated()
def main():
arg_error = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "abhn:p:rs:t:vC:D:IP:R:SU:")
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
arg_error = True
# Default to 1 hour worth of data samples.
samples_default = 3600
samples = None
print_usage = False
verbose = False
default_loop_time = 0
loop_time = default_loop_time
bulk_mode = False
run_lengths = False
host_default = "localhost"
database_default = "starlinkstats"
icargs = {"host": host_default, "timeout": 5, "database": database_default}
rp = None
flush_limit = 6
max_batch = 5000
# For each of these check they are both set and not empty string
influxdb_host = os.environ.get("INFLUXDB_HOST")
if influxdb_host:
icargs["host"] = influxdb_host
influxdb_port = os.environ.get("INFLUXDB_PORT")
if influxdb_port:
icargs["port"] = int(influxdb_port)
influxdb_user = os.environ.get("INFLUXDB_USER")
if influxdb_user:
icargs["username"] = influxdb_user
influxdb_pwd = os.environ.get("INFLUXDB_PWD")
if influxdb_pwd:
icargs["password"] = influxdb_pwd
influxdb_db = os.environ.get("INFLUXDB_DB")
if influxdb_db:
icargs["database"] = influxdb_db
influxdb_rp = os.environ.get("INFLUXDB_RP")
if influxdb_rp:
rp = influxdb_rp
influxdb_ssl = os.environ.get("INFLUXDB_SSL")
if influxdb_ssl:
icargs["ssl"] = True
if influxdb_ssl.lower() == "secure":
icargs["verify_ssl"] = True
elif influxdb_ssl.lower() == "insecure":
icargs["verify_ssl"] = False
icargs["verify_ssl"] = influxdb_ssl
if not arg_error:
if len(args) > 0:
arg_error = True
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "-a":
samples = -1
elif opt == "-b":
bulk_mode = True
elif opt == "-h":
print_usage = True
elif opt == "-n":
icargs["host"] = arg
elif opt == "-p":
icargs["port"] = int(arg)
elif opt == "-r":
run_lengths = True
elif opt == "-s":
samples = int(arg)
elif opt == "-t":
loop_time = float(arg)
elif opt == "-v":
verbose = True
elif opt == "-C":
icargs["ssl"] = True
icargs["verify_ssl"] = arg
elif opt == "-D":
icargs["database"] = arg
elif opt == "-I":
icargs["ssl"] = True
icargs["verify_ssl"] = False
elif opt == "-P":
icargs["password"] = arg
elif opt == "-R":
rp = arg
elif opt == "-S":
icargs["ssl"] = True
icargs["verify_ssl"] = True
elif opt == "-U":
icargs["username"] = arg
if "password" in icargs and "username" not in icargs:
print("Password authentication requires username to be set")
arg_error = True
if print_usage or arg_error:
print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options...]")
print(" -a: Parse all valid samples")
print(" -b: Bulk mode: write individual sample data instead of summary stats")
print(" -h: Be helpful")
print(" -n <name>: Hostname of InfluxDB server, default: " + host_default)
print(" -p <num>: Port number to use on InfluxDB server")
print(" -r: Include ping drop run length stats")
print(" -s <num>: Number of data samples to parse; in bulk mode, applies to first")
print(" loop iteration only, default: loop interval, if set, else " +
print(" -t <num>: Loop interval in seconds or 0 for no loop, default: " +
print(" -v: Be verbose")
print(" -C <filename>: Enable SSL/TLS using specified CA cert to verify server")
print(" -D <name>: Database name to use, default: " + database_default)
print(" -I: Enable SSL/TLS but disable certificate verification (INSECURE!)")
print(" -P <word>: Set password for authentication")
print(" -R <name>: Retention policy name to use")
print(" -S: Enable SSL/TLS using default CA cert")
print(" -U <name>: Set username for authentication")
sys.exit(1 if arg_error else 0)
if samples is None:
samples = int(loop_time) if loop_time > 0 else samples_default
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
class GlobalState:
gstate = GlobalState()
gstate.dish_id = None
gstate.points = []
gstate.counter = None
gstate.timestamp = None
def conn_error(msg, *args):
# Connection errors that happen in an interval loop are not critical
# failures, but are interesting enough to print in non-verbose mode.
if loop_time > 0:
print(msg % args)
logging.error(msg, *args)
def flush_points(client):
while len(gstate.points) > max_batch:
client.write_points(gstate.points[:max_batch], retention_policy=rp)
if verbose:
print("Data points written: " + str(max_batch))
del gstate.points[:max_batch]
if gstate.points:
client.write_points(gstate.points, retention_policy=rp)
if verbose:
print("Data points written: " + str(len(gstate.points)))
except Exception as e:
conn_error("Failed writing to InfluxDB database: %s", str(e))
return 1
return 0
def process_bulk_data():
before = time.time()
start = gstate.counter
parse_samples = samples if start is None else -1
general, bulk = starlink_grpc.history_bulk_data(parse_samples, start=start, verbose=verbose)
after = time.time()
parsed_samples = general["samples"]
new_counter = general["current"]
timestamp = gstate.timestamp
# Check this first, so it doesn't report as lost time sync
if gstate.counter is not None and new_counter != gstate.counter + parsed_samples:
timestamp = None
# Allow up to 2 seconds of time drift before forcibly re-syncing, since
# +/- 1 second can happen just due to scheduler timing.
if timestamp is not None and not before - 2.0 <= timestamp + parsed_samples <= after + 2.0:
if verbose:
print("Lost sample time sync at: " +
str(datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp + parsed_samples, tz=timezone.utc)))
timestamp = None
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = before
if verbose:
print("Establishing new time base: " + str(new_counter) + " -> " +
str(datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc)))
timestamp -= parsed_samples
for i in range(parsed_samples):
"measurement": "spacex.starlink.user_terminal.history",
"tags": {
"id": gstate.dish_id
"time": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp),
"fields": {k: v[i] for k, v in bulk.items() if v[i] is not None},
timestamp += 1
gstate.counter = new_counter
gstate.timestamp = timestamp
def process_ping_stats():
timestamp = time.time()
general, pd_stats, rl_stats = starlink_grpc.history_ping_stats(samples, verbose)
all_stats = general.copy()
if run_lengths:
for k, v in rl_stats.items():
if k.startswith("run_"):
for i, subv in enumerate(v, start=1):
all_stats[k + "_" + str(i)] = subv
all_stats[k] = v
"measurement": "spacex.starlink.user_terminal.ping_stats",
"tags": {
"id": gstate.dish_id
"time": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp),
"fields": all_stats,
def loop_body(client):
if gstate.dish_id is None:
gstate.dish_id = starlink_grpc.get_id()
if verbose:
print("Using dish ID: " + gstate.dish_id)
except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e:
conn_error("Failure getting dish ID: %s", str(e))
return 1
if bulk_mode:
except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e:
conn_error("Failure getting history: %s", str(e))
return 1
except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e:
conn_error("Failure getting ping stats: %s", str(e))
return 1
if verbose:
print("Data points queued: " + str(len(gstate.points)))
if len(gstate.points) >= flush_limit:
return flush_points(client)
return 0
if "verify_ssl" in icargs and not icargs["verify_ssl"]:
# user has explicitly said be insecure, so don't warn about it
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Unverified HTTPS request")
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_sigterm)
influx_client = InfluxDBClient(**icargs)
next_loop = time.monotonic()
while True:
rc = loop_body(influx_client)
if loop_time > 0:
now = time.monotonic()
next_loop = max(next_loop + loop_time, now)
time.sleep(next_loop - now)
except Terminated:
if gstate.points:
rc = flush_points(influx_client)
if __name__ == '__main__':