sparky8512 afab7553e3 Fix -o option breakage from recent change
This restores the ability of -o to keep polled data across a reboot. It broke due to a simple issue in concatenate_history, but I realized that counter tracking for -o accumulated data was also a bit broken, so I fixed that, too.

Fix #31
2021-10-07 12:23:48 -07:00

1234 lines
48 KiB

"""Helpers for grpc communication with a Starlink user terminal.
This module contains functions for getting the history and status data and
either return it as-is or parsed for some specific statistics.
Those functions return data grouped into sets, as follows.
Functions that return field names may indicate which fields hold sequences
(which are not necessarily lists) instead of single items. The field names
returned in those cases will be in one of the following formats:
: "name[]" : A sequence of indeterminate size (or a size that can be
determined from other parts of the returned data).
: "name[n]" : A sequence with exactly n elements.
: "name[n1,]" : A sequence of indeterminate size with recommended starting
index label n1.
: "name[n1,n2]" : A sequence with n2-n1 elements with recommended starting
index label n1. This is similar to the args to range() builtin.
For example, the field name "foo[1,5]" could be expanded to "foo_1",
"foo_2", "foo_3", and "foo_4" (or however else the caller wants to
indicate index numbers, if at all).
General status data
This group holds information about the current state of the user terminal.
: **id** : A string identifying the specific user terminal device that was
reachable from the local network. Something like a serial number.
: **hardware_version** : A string identifying the user terminal hardware
: **software_version** : A string identifying the software currently installed
on the user terminal.
: **state** : As string describing the current connectivity state of the user
: **uptime** : The amount of time, in seconds, since the user terminal last
: **snr** : Most recent sample value. See bulk history data for detail.
: **seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot** : Amount of time from now, in seconds,
until a satellite will be scheduled to be available for transmit/receive.
See also *scheduled* in the bulk history data. May report as a negative
number, which appears to indicate unknown time until next satellite
scheduled and usually correlates with *state* reporting as other than
: **pop_ping_drop_rate** : Most recent sample value. See bulk history data for
: **downlink_throughput_bps** : Most recent sample value. See bulk history
data for detail.
: **uplink_throughput_bps** : Most recent sample value. See bulk history data
for detail.
: **pop_ping_latency_ms** : Most recent sample value. See bulk history data
for detail.
: **alerts** : A bit field combining all active alerts, where a 1 bit
indicates the alert is active. See alert detail status data for which bits
correspond with each alert, or to get individual alert flags instead of a
combined bit mask.
: **fraction_obstructed** : The fraction of total area (or possibly fraction
of time?) that the user terminal has determined to be obstructed between
it and the satellites with which it communicates.
: **currently_obstructed** : Most recent sample value. See bulk history data
for detail.
: **seconds_obstructed** : The amount of time within the history buffer,
in seconds, that the user terminal determined to be obstructed, regardless
of whether or not packets were able to be transmitted or received. See also
*count_obstructed* in general ping drop history data; this value will be
equal to that value when computed across all available history samples.
NOTE: The history buffer is now much smaller than it used to be, so this
field is probably either not very useful, or may be computed differently
by the user terminal than described above.
: **obstruction_duration** : Average consecutive time, in seconds, the user
terminal has detected its signal to be obstructed for a period of time
that it considers "prolonged", or None if no such obstructions were
: **obstruction_interval** : Average time, in seconds, between the start of
such "prolonged" obstructions, or None if no such obstructions were
: **direction_azimuth** : Azimuth angle, in degrees, of the direction in which
the user terminal's dish antenna is physically pointing. Note that this
generally is not the exact direction of the satellite with which the user
terminal is communicating.
: **direction_elevation** : Elevation angle, in degrees, of the direction in
which the user terminal's dish antenna is physically pointing.
Obstruction detail status data
This group holds additional detail regarding the specific areas the user
terminal has determined to be obstructed.
: **wedges_fraction_obstructed** : A 12 element sequence. Each element
represents a 30 degree wedge of area and its value indicates the fraction
of area (time?) within that wedge that the user terminal has determined to
be obstructed between it and the satellites with which it communicates.
The values are expressed as a fraction of total, not a fraction of the
wedge, so max value for each element should be something like 1/12, but
may vary from wedge to wedge if they are weighted differently. The first
element in the sequence represents the wedge that spans exactly North to
30 degrees East of North, and subsequent wedges rotate 30 degrees further
in the same direction. (It's not clear if this will hold true at all
: **raw_wedges_fraction_obstructed** : A 12 element sequence. Wedges
presumably correlate with the ones in *wedges_fraction_obstructed*, but
the exact relationship is unknown. The numbers in this one are generally
higher and may represent fraction of the wedge, in which case max value
for each element should be 1.
: **valid_s** : It is unclear what this field means exactly, but it appears to
be a measure of how complete the data is that the user terminal uses to
determine obstruction locations.
See also *fraction_obstructed* in general status data, which should equal the
sum of all *wedges_fraction_obstructed* elements.
Alert detail status data
This group holds the current state of each individual alert reported by the
user terminal. Note that more alerts may be added in the future. See also
*alerts* in the general status data for a bit field combining them if you
need a set of fields that will not change size in the future.
Descriptions on these are vague due to them being difficult to confirm by
their nature, but the field names are pretty self-explanatory.
: **alert_motors_stuck** : Alert corresponding with bit 0 (bit mask 1) in
: **alert_thermal_shutdown** : Alert corresponding with bit 1 (bit mask 2) in
: **alert_thermal_throttle** : Alert corresponding with bit 2 (bit mask 4) in
: **alert_unexpected_location** : Alert corresponding with bit 3 (bit mask 8)
in *alerts*.
: **alert_mast_not_near_vertical** : Alert corresponding with bit 4 (bit mask
16) in *alerts*.
: **slow_ethernet_speeds** : Alert corresponding with bit 5 (bit mask 32) in
General history data
This set of fields contains data relevant to all the other history groups.
The sample interval is currently 1 second.
: **samples** : The number of samples analyzed (for statistics) or returned
(for bulk data).
: **end_counter** : The total number of data samples that have been written to
the history buffer since reboot of the user terminal, irrespective of
buffer wrap. This can be used to keep track of how many samples are new
in comparison to a prior query of the history data.
Bulk history data
This group holds the history data as-is for the requested range of
samples, just unwound from the circular buffers that the raw data holds.
It contains some of the same fields as the status info, but instead of
representing the current values, each field contains a sequence of values
representing the value over time, ending at the current time.
: **pop_ping_drop_rate** : Fraction of lost ping replies per sample.
: **pop_ping_latency_ms** : Round trip time, in milliseconds, during the
sample period, or None if a sample experienced 100% ping drop.
: **downlink_throughput_bps** : Download usage during the sample period
(actual, not max available), in bits per second.
: **uplink_throughput_bps** : Upload usage during the sample period, in bits
per second.
: **snr** : Signal to noise ratio during the sample period.
: **scheduled** : Boolean indicating whether or not a satellite was scheduled
to be available for transmit/receive during the sample period. When
false, ping drop shows as "No satellites" in Starlink app.
: **obstructed** : Boolean indicating whether or not the user terminal
determined the signal between it and the satellite was obstructed during
the sample period. When true, ping drop shows as "Obstructed" in the
Starlink app.
There is no specific data field in the raw history data that directly
correlates with "Other" or "Beta downtime" in the Starlink app (or whatever it
gets renamed to after beta), but empirical evidence suggests any sample where
*pop_ping_drop_rate* is 1, *scheduled* is true, and *obstructed* is false is
counted as "Beta downtime".
Note that neither *scheduled*=false nor *obstructed*=true necessarily means
packet loss occurred. Those need to be examined in combination with
*pop_ping_drop_rate* to be meaningful.
General ping drop history statistics
This group of statistics characterize the packet loss (labeled "ping drop" in
the field names of the Starlink gRPC service protocol) in various ways.
: **total_ping_drop** : The total amount of time, in sample intervals, that
experienced ping drop.
: **count_full_ping_drop** : The number of samples that experienced 100% ping
: **count_obstructed** : The number of samples that were marked as
"obstructed", regardless of whether they experienced any ping
: **total_obstructed_ping_drop** : The total amount of time, in sample
intervals, that experienced ping drop in samples marked as "obstructed".
: **count_full_obstructed_ping_drop** : The number of samples that were marked
as "obstructed" and that experienced 100% ping drop.
: **count_unscheduled** : The number of samples that were not marked as
"scheduled", regardless of whether they experienced any ping drop.
: **total_unscheduled_ping_drop** : The total amount of time, in sample
intervals, that experienced ping drop in samples not marked as
: **count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop** : The number of samples that were not
marked as "scheduled" and that experienced 100% ping drop.
Total packet loss ratio can be computed with *total_ping_drop* / *samples*.
Ping drop run length history statistics
This group of statistics characterizes packet loss by how long a
consecutive run of 100% packet loss lasts.
: **init_run_fragment** : The number of consecutive sample periods at the
start of the sample set that experienced 100% ping drop. This period may
be a continuation of a run that started prior to the sample set, so is not
counted in the following stats.
: **final_run_fragment** : The number of consecutive sample periods at the end
of the sample set that experienced 100% ping drop. This period may
continue as a run beyond the end of the sample set, so is not counted in
the following stats.
: **run_seconds** : A 60 element sequence. Each element records the total
amount of time, in sample intervals, that experienced 100% ping drop in a
consecutive run that lasted for (index + 1) sample intervals (seconds).
That is, the first element contains time spent in 1 sample runs, the
second element contains time spent in 2 sample runs, etc.
: **run_minutes** : A 60 element sequence. Each element records the total
amount of time, in sample intervals, that experienced 100% ping drop in a
consecutive run that lasted for more that (index + 1) multiples of 60
sample intervals (minutes), but less than or equal to (index + 2)
multiples of 60 sample intervals. Except for the last element in the
sequence, which records the total amount of time in runs of more than
60*60 samples.
No sample should be counted in more than one of the run length stats or stat
elements, so the total of all of them should be equal to
*count_full_ping_drop* from the ping drop stats.
Samples that experience less than 100% ping drop are not counted in this group
of stats, even if they happen at the beginning or end of a run of 100% ping
drop samples. To compute the amount of time that experienced ping loss in less
than a single run of 100% ping drop, use (*total_ping_drop* -
*count_full_ping_drop*) from the ping drop stats.
Ping latency history statistics
This group of statistics characterizes latency of ping request/response in
various ways. For all non-sequence fields and most sequence elements, the
value may report as None to indicate no matching samples. The exception is
*load_bucket_samples* elements, which report 0 for no matching samples.
The fields that have "all" in their name are computed across all samples that
had any ping success (ping drop < 1). The fields that have "full" in their
name are computed across only the samples that have 100% ping success (ping
drop = 0). Which one is more interesting may depend on intended use. High rate
of packet loss appears to cause outlier latency values on the high side. On
the one hand, those are real cases, so should not be dismissed lightly. On the
other hand, the "full" numbers are more directly comparable to sample sets
taken over time.
: **mean_all_ping_latency** : Weighted mean latency value, in milliseconds, of
all samples that experienced less than 100% ping drop. Values are weighted
by amount of ping success (1 - ping drop).
: **deciles_all_ping_latency** : An 11 element sequence recording the weighted
deciles (10-quantiles) of latency values, in milliseconds, for all samples
that experienced less that 100% ping drop, including the minimum and
maximum values as the 0th and 10th deciles respectively. The 5th decile
(at sequence index 5) is the weighted median latency value.
: **mean_full_ping_latency** : Mean latency value, in milliseconds, of samples
that experienced no ping drop.
: **deciles_full_ping_latency** : An 11 element sequence recording the deciles
(10-quantiles) of latency values, in milliseconds, for all samples that
experienced no ping drop, including the minimum and maximum values as the
0th and 10th deciles respectively. The 5th decile (at sequence index 5) is
the median latency value.
: **stdev_full_ping_latency** : Population standard deviation of the latency
value of samples that experienced no ping drop.
Loaded ping latency statistics
This group of statistics attempts to characterize latency of ping
request/response under various network load conditions. Samples are grouped by
total (down+up) bandwidth used during the sample period, using a log base 2
scale. These groups are referred to as "load buckets" below. The first bucket
in each sequence represents samples that use less than 1Mbps (millions of bits
per second). Subsequent buckets use more bandwidth than that covered by prior
buckets, but less than twice the maximum bandwidth of the immediately prior
bucket. The last bucket, at sequence index 14, represents all samples not
covered by a prior bucket, which works out to any sample using 8192Mbps or
greater. Only samples that experience no ping drop are included in any of the
This group of fields should be considered EXPERIMENTAL and thus subject to
change without regard to backward compatibility.
Note that in all cases, the latency values are of "ping" traffic, which may be
prioritized lower than other traffic by various network layers. How much
bandwidth constitutes a fully loaded network connection may vary over time.
Buckets with few samples may not contain statistically significant latency
: **load_bucket_samples** : A 15 element sequence recording the number of
samples per load bucket. See above for load bucket partitioning.
: **load_bucket_min_latency** : A 15 element sequence recording the minimum
latency value, in milliseconds, per load bucket. EXPERIMENTAL.
: **load_bucket_median_latency** : A 15 element sequence recording the median
latency value, in milliseconds, per load bucket. EXPERIMENTAL.
: **load_bucket_max_latency** : A 15 element sequence recording the maximum
latency value, in milliseconds, per load bucket. EXPERIMENTAL.
Bandwidth usage history statistics
This group of statistics characterizes total bandwidth usage over the sample
: **download_usage** : Total number of bytes downloaded to the user terminal
during the sample period.
: **upload_usage** : Total number of bytes uploaded from the user terminal
during the sample period.
from itertools import chain
import math
import statistics
import grpc
from yagrc import importer
imports_pending = True
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
imports_pending = False
from spacex.api.device import device_pb2
from spacex.api.device import device_pb2_grpc
from spacex.api.device import dish_pb2
HISTORY_FIELDS = ("pop_ping_drop_rate", "pop_ping_latency_ms", "downlink_throughput_bps",
"uplink_throughput_bps", "snr", "scheduled", "obstructed")
def resolve_imports(channel):
global imports_pending
imports_pending = False
class GrpcError(Exception):
"""Provides error info when something went wrong with a gRPC call."""
def __init__(self, e, *args, **kwargs):
# grpc.RpcError is too verbose to print in whole, but it may also be
# a Call object, and that class has some minimally useful info.
if isinstance(e, grpc.Call):
msg = e.details()
elif isinstance(e, grpc.RpcError):
msg = "Unknown communication or service error"
msg = str(e)
super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
class UnwrappedHistory:
"""Empty class for holding a copy of grpc history data."""
class ChannelContext:
"""A wrapper for reusing an open grpc Channel across calls.
`close()` should be called on the object when it is no longer
in use.
def __init__(self, target=None): = None = "" if target is None else target
def get_channel(self):
reused = True
if is None: = grpc.insecure_channel(
reused = False
return, reused
def close(self):
if is not None: = None
def call_with_channel(function, *args, context=None, **kwargs):
"""Call a function with a channel object.
function: Function to call with channel as first arg.
args: Additional args to pass to function
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for (re)use.
If not set, a new default channel will be used and then closed.
kwargs: Additional keyword args to pass to function.
if context is None:
with grpc.insecure_channel("") as channel:
return function(channel, *args, **kwargs)
while True:
channel, reused = context.get_channel()
return function(channel, *args, **kwargs)
except grpc.RpcError:
if not reused:
def status_field_names(context=None):
"""Return the field names of the status data.
See module level docs regarding brackets in field names.
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for (re)use
with reflection service.
A tuple with 3 lists, with status data field names, alert detail field
names, and obstruction detail field names, in that order.
GrpcError: No user terminal is currently available to resolve imports
via reflection.
if imports_pending:
call_with_channel(resolve_imports, context=context)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
raise GrpcError(e)
alert_names = []
for field in dish_pb2.DishAlerts.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
alert_names.append("alert_" +
return [
], [
], alert_names
def status_field_types(context=None):
"""Return the field types of the status data.
Return the type classes for each field. For sequence types, the type of
element in the sequence is returned, not the type of the sequence.
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for (re)use
with reflection service.
A tuple with 3 lists, with status data field types, alert detail field
types, and obstruction detail field types, in that order.
GrpcError: No user terminal is currently available to resolve imports
via reflection.
if imports_pending:
call_with_channel(resolve_imports, context=context)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
raise GrpcError(e)
return [
str, # id
str, # hardware_version
str, # software_version
str, # state
int, # uptime
float, # snr
float, # seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot
float, # pop_ping_drop_rate
float, # downlink_throughput_bps
float, # uplink_throughput_bps
float, # pop_ping_latency_ms
int, # alerts
float, # fraction_obstructed
bool, # currently_obstructed
float, # seconds_obstructed
float, # obstruction_duration
float, # obstruction_interval
float, # direction_azimuth
float, # direction_elevation
], [
float, # wedges_fraction_obstructed[]
float, # raw_wedges_fraction_obstructed[]
float, # valid_s
], [bool] * len(dish_pb2.DishAlerts.DESCRIPTOR.fields)
def get_status(context=None):
"""Fetch status data and return it in grpc structure format.
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for reuse
across repeated calls. If an existing channel is reused, the RPC
call will be retried at most once, since connectivity may have
been lost and restored in the time since it was last used.
grpc.RpcError: Communication or service error.
def grpc_call(channel):
if imports_pending:
stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
response = stub.Handle(device_pb2.Request(get_status={}))
return response.dish_get_status
return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context)
def get_id(context=None):
"""Return the ID from the dish status information.
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for reuse
across repeated calls.
A string identifying the Starlink user terminal reachable from the
local network.
GrpcError: No user terminal is currently reachable.
status = get_status(context)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
raise GrpcError(e)
def status_data(context=None):
"""Fetch current status data.
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for reuse
across repeated calls.
A tuple with 3 dicts, mapping status data field names, alert detail
field names, and obstruction detail field names to their respective
values, in that order.
GrpcError: Failed getting status info from the Starlink user terminal.
status = get_status(context)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
raise GrpcError(e)
# More alerts may be added in future, so in addition to listing them
# individually, provide a bit field based on field numbers of the
# DishAlerts message.
alerts = {}
alert_bits = 0
for field in status.alerts.DESCRIPTOR.fields:
value = getattr(status.alerts,
alerts["alert_" +] = value
if field.number < 65:
alert_bits |= (1 if value else 0) << (field.number - 1)
if status.obstruction_stats.avg_prolonged_obstruction_valid:
obstruction_duration = status.obstruction_stats.avg_prolonged_obstruction_duration_s
obstruction_interval = status.obstruction_stats.avg_prolonged_obstruction_interval_s
obstruction_duration = None
obstruction_interval = None
return {
"hardware_version": status.device_info.hardware_version,
"software_version": status.device_info.software_version,
"state": dish_pb2.DishState.Name(status.state),
"uptime": status.device_state.uptime_s,
"snr": status.snr,
"seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot": status.seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot,
"pop_ping_drop_rate": status.pop_ping_drop_rate,
"downlink_throughput_bps": status.downlink_throughput_bps,
"uplink_throughput_bps": status.uplink_throughput_bps,
"pop_ping_latency_ms": status.pop_ping_latency_ms,
"alerts": alert_bits,
"fraction_obstructed": status.obstruction_stats.fraction_obstructed,
"currently_obstructed": status.obstruction_stats.currently_obstructed,
"seconds_obstructed": status.obstruction_stats.last_24h_obstructed_s,
"obstruction_duration": obstruction_duration,
"obstruction_interval": obstruction_interval,
"direction_azimuth": status.boresight_azimuth_deg,
"direction_elevation": status.boresight_elevation_deg,
}, {
"wedges_fraction_obstructed[]": status.obstruction_stats.wedge_abs_fraction_obstructed,
"raw_wedges_fraction_obstructed[]": status.obstruction_stats.wedge_fraction_obstructed,
"valid_s": status.obstruction_stats.valid_s,
}, alerts
def history_bulk_field_names():
"""Return the field names of the bulk history data.
See module level docs regarding brackets in field names.
A tuple with 2 lists, the first with general data names, the second
with bulk history data names.
return [
], [
def history_bulk_field_types():
"""Return the field types of the bulk history data.
Return the type classes for each field. For sequence types, the type of
element in the sequence is returned, not the type of the sequence.
A tuple with 2 lists, the first with general data types, the second
with bulk history data types.
return [
int, # samples
int, # end_counter
], [
float, # pop_ping_drop_rate[]
float, # pop_ping_latency_ms[]
float, # downlink_throughput_bps[]
float, # uplink_throughput_bps[]
float, # snr[]
bool, # scheduled[]
bool, # obstructed[]
def history_ping_field_names():
"""Deprecated. Use history_stats_field_names instead."""
return history_stats_field_names()[0:3]
def history_stats_field_names():
"""Return the field names of the packet loss stats.
See module level docs regarding brackets in field names.
A tuple with 6 lists, with general data names, ping drop stat names,
ping drop run length stat names, ping latency stat names, loaded ping
latency stat names, and bandwidth usage stat names, in that order.
Additional lists may be added to this tuple in the future with
additional data groups, so it not recommended for the caller to
assume exactly 6 elements.
return [
], [
], [
], [
], [
], [
def history_stats_field_types():
"""Return the field types of the packet loss stats.
Return the type classes for each field. For sequence types, the type of
element in the sequence is returned, not the type of the sequence.
A tuple with 6 lists, with general data types, ping drop stat types,
ping drop run length stat types, ping latency stat types, loaded ping
latency stat types, and bandwidth usage stat types, in that order.
Additional lists may be added to this tuple in the future with
additional data groups, so it not recommended for the caller to
assume exactly 6 elements.
return [
int, # samples
int, # end_counter
], [
float, # total_ping_drop
int, # count_full_ping_drop
int, # count_obstructed
float, # total_obstructed_ping_drop
int, # count_full_obstructed_ping_drop
int, # count_unscheduled
float, # total_unscheduled_ping_drop
int, # count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop
], [
int, # init_run_fragment
int, # final_run_fragment
int, # run_seconds[]
int, # run_minutes[]
], [
float, # mean_all_ping_latency
float, # deciles_all_ping_latency[]
float, # mean_full_ping_latency
float, # deciles_full_ping_latency[]
float, # stdev_full_ping_latency
], [
int, # load_bucket_samples[]
float, # load_bucket_min_latency[]
float, # load_bucket_median_latency[]
float, # load_bucket_max_latency[]
], [
int, # download_usage
int, # upload_usage
def get_history(context=None):
"""Fetch history data and return it in grpc structure format.
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for reuse
across repeated calls. If an existing channel is reused, the RPC
call will be retried at most once, since connectivity may have
been lost and restored in the time since it was last used.
grpc.RpcError: Communication or service error.
def grpc_call(channel):
if imports_pending:
stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
response = stub.Handle(device_pb2.Request(get_history={}))
return response.dish_get_history
return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context)
def _compute_sample_range(history, parse_samples, start=None, verbose=False):
current = int(history.current)
samples = len(history.pop_ping_drop_rate)
if verbose:
print("current counter: " + str(current))
print("All samples: " + str(samples))
if not hasattr(history, "unwrapped"):
samples = min(samples, current)
if verbose:
print("Valid samples: " + str(samples))
if parse_samples < 0 or samples < parse_samples:
parse_samples = samples
if start is not None and start > current:
if verbose:
print("Counter reset detected, ignoring requested start count")
start = None
if start is None or start < current - parse_samples:
start = current - parse_samples
if start == current:
return range(0), 0, current
# Not a ring buffer is simple case.
if hasattr(history, "unwrapped"):
return range(samples - (current-start), samples), current - start, current
# This is ring buffer offset, so both index to oldest data sample and
# index to next data sample after the newest one.
end_offset = current % samples
start_offset = start % samples
# Set the range for the requested set of samples. This will iterate
# sample index in order from oldest to newest.
if start_offset < end_offset:
sample_range = range(start_offset, end_offset)
sample_range = chain(range(start_offset, samples), range(0, end_offset))
return sample_range, current - start, current
def concatenate_history(history1, history2, start=None, verbose=False):
""" Append the sample-dependent fields of one history object to another.
Samples data will be appended regardless of dish reboot or history
data ring buffer wrap, which may result in discontiguous sample data
with lost data.
history1: The grpc history object, such as one returned by a prior
call to `get_history`, or object with similar attributes, to which
to append.
history2: The grpc history object, such as one returned by a prior
call to `get_history`, from which to append.
start (int): Optional starting counter value to be applied to the
history1 data. See `history_bulk_data` documentation for more
details on how this parameter is used.
verbose (bool): Optionally produce verbose output.
An object with the unwrapped history data and the same attribute
fields as a grpc history object.
size2 = len(history2.pop_ping_drop_rate)
new_samples = history2.current - history1.current
if new_samples < 0:
if verbose:
print("Dish reboot detected. Appending anyway.")
new_samples = history2.current if history2.current < size2 else size2
elif new_samples > size2:
# This should probably go to stderr and not depend on verbose flag,
# but this layer of the code tries not to make that sort of logging
# policy decision, so honor requested verbosity.
if verbose:
print("WARNING: Appending discontiguous samples. Polling interval probably too short.")
new_samples = size2
unwrapped = UnwrappedHistory()
for field in HISTORY_FIELDS:
setattr(unwrapped, field, [])
unwrapped.unwrapped = True
sample_range, ignore1, ignore2 = _compute_sample_range( # pylint: disable=unused-variable
history1, len(history1.pop_ping_drop_rate), start=start)
for i in sample_range:
for field in HISTORY_FIELDS:
getattr(unwrapped, field).append(getattr(history1, field)[i])
sample_range, ignore1, ignore2 = _compute_sample_range(history2, new_samples) # pylint: disable=unused-variable
for i in sample_range:
for field in HISTORY_FIELDS:
getattr(unwrapped, field).append(getattr(history2, field)[i])
unwrapped.current = history2.current
return unwrapped
def history_bulk_data(parse_samples, start=None, verbose=False, context=None, history=None):
"""Fetch history data for a range of samples.
parse_samples (int): Number of samples to process, or -1 to parse all
available samples (bounded by start, if it is set).
start (int): Optional. If set, the samples returned will be limited to
the ones that have a counter value greater than this value. The
"end_counter" field in the general data dict returned by this
function represents the counter value of the last data sample
returned, so if that value is passed as start in a subsequent call
to this function, only new samples will be returned.
Note: The sample counter will reset to 0 when the dish reboots. If
the requested start value is greater than the new "end_counter"
value, this function will assume that happened and treat all
samples as being later than the requested start, and thus include
them (bounded by parse_samples, if it is not -1).
verbose (bool): Optionally produce verbose output.
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for reuse
across repeated calls.
history: Optionally provide the history data to use instead of fetching
it, from a prior call to `get_history`.
A tuple with 2 dicts, the first mapping general data names to their
values and the second mapping bulk history data names to their values.
Note: The field names in the returned data do _not_ include brackets
to indicate sequences, since those would just need to be parsed
out. The general data is all single items and the bulk history
data is all sequences.
GrpcError: Failed getting history info from the Starlink user
if history is None:
history = get_history(context)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
raise GrpcError(e)
sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(history,
pop_ping_drop_rate = []
pop_ping_latency_ms = []
downlink_throughput_bps = []
uplink_throughput_bps = []
snr = []
scheduled = []
obstructed = []
for i in sample_range:
history.pop_ping_latency_ms[i] if history.pop_ping_drop_rate[i] < 1 else None)
return {
"samples": parsed_samples,
"end_counter": current,
}, {
"pop_ping_drop_rate": pop_ping_drop_rate,
"pop_ping_latency_ms": pop_ping_latency_ms,
"downlink_throughput_bps": downlink_throughput_bps,
"uplink_throughput_bps": uplink_throughput_bps,
"snr": snr,
"scheduled": scheduled,
"obstructed": obstructed,
def history_ping_stats(parse_samples, verbose=False, context=None):
"""Deprecated. Use history_stats instead."""
return history_stats(parse_samples, verbose=verbose, context=context)[0:3]
def history_stats(parse_samples, start=None, verbose=False, context=None, history=None):
"""Fetch, parse, and compute ping and usage stats.
See module level docs regarding brackets in field names.
parse_samples (int): Number of samples to process, or -1 to parse all
available samples.
start (int): Optional starting counter value to be applied to the
history data. See `history_bulk_data` documentation for more
details on how this parameter is used.
verbose (bool): Optionally produce verbose output.
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for reuse
across repeated calls.
history: Optionally provide the history data to use instead of fetching
it, from a prior call to `get_history`.
A tuple with 6 dicts, mapping general data names, ping drop stat
names, ping drop run length stat names, ping latency stat names,
loaded ping latency stat names, and bandwidth usage stat names to
their respective values, in that order.
Additional dicts may be added to this tuple in the future with
additional data groups, so it not recommended for the caller to
assume exactly 6 elements.
GrpcError: Failed getting history info from the Starlink user
if history is None:
history = get_history(context)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
raise GrpcError(e)
sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(history,
tot = 0.0
count_full_drop = 0
count_unsched = 0
total_unsched_drop = 0.0
count_full_unsched = 0
count_obstruct = 0
total_obstruct_drop = 0.0
count_full_obstruct = 0
second_runs = [0] * 60
minute_runs = [0] * 60
run_length = 0
init_run_length = None
usage_down = 0.0
usage_up = 0.0
rtt_full = []
rtt_all = []
rtt_buckets = [[] for _ in range(15)]
for i in sample_range:
d = history.pop_ping_drop_rate[i]
if d >= 1:
# just in case...
d = 1
count_full_drop += 1
run_length += 1
elif run_length > 0:
if init_run_length is None:
init_run_length = run_length
if run_length <= 60:
second_runs[run_length - 1] += run_length
minute_runs[min((run_length-1) // 60 - 1, 59)] += run_length
run_length = 0
elif init_run_length is None:
init_run_length = 0
if not history.scheduled[i]:
count_unsched += 1
total_unsched_drop += d
if d >= 1:
count_full_unsched += 1
# scheduled=false and obstructed=true do not ever appear to overlap,
# but in case they do in the future, treat that as just unscheduled
# in order to avoid double-counting it.
elif history.obstructed[i]:
count_obstruct += 1
total_obstruct_drop += d
if d >= 1:
count_full_obstruct += 1
tot += d
down = history.downlink_throughput_bps[i]
usage_down += down
up = history.uplink_throughput_bps[i]
usage_up += up
rtt = history.pop_ping_latency_ms[i]
# note that "full" here means the opposite of ping drop full
if d == 0.0:
if down + up > 500000:
rtt_buckets[min(14, int(math.log2((down+up) / 500000)))].append(rtt)
if d < 1.0:
rtt_all.append((rtt, 1.0 - d))
# If the entire sample set is one big drop run, it will be both initial
# fragment (continued from prior sample range) and final one (continued
# to next sample range), but to avoid double-reporting, just call it
# the initial run.
if init_run_length is None:
init_run_length = run_length
run_length = 0
def weighted_mean_and_quantiles(data, n):
if not data:
return None, [None] * (n+1)
total_weight = sum(x[1] for x in data)
result = []
items = iter(data)
value, accum_weight = next(items)
accum_value = value * accum_weight
for boundary in (total_weight * x / n for x in range(n)):
while accum_weight < boundary:
value, weight = next(items)
accum_value += value * weight
accum_weight += weight
except StopIteration:
# shouldn't happen, but in case of float precision weirdness...
accum_value += sum(x[0] for x in items)
return accum_value / total_weight, result
bucket_samples = []
bucket_min = []
bucket_median = []
bucket_max = []
for bucket in rtt_buckets:
if bucket:
rtt_all.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
wmean_all, wdeciles_all = weighted_mean_and_quantiles(rtt_all, 10)
mean_full, deciles_full = weighted_mean_and_quantiles(tuple((x, 1.0) for x in rtt_full), 10)
return {
"samples": parsed_samples,
"end_counter": current,
}, {
"total_ping_drop": tot,
"count_full_ping_drop": count_full_drop,
"count_obstructed": count_obstruct,
"total_obstructed_ping_drop": total_obstruct_drop,
"count_full_obstructed_ping_drop": count_full_obstruct,
"count_unscheduled": count_unsched,
"total_unscheduled_ping_drop": total_unsched_drop,
"count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": count_full_unsched,
}, {
"init_run_fragment": init_run_length,
"final_run_fragment": run_length,
"run_seconds[1,]": second_runs,
"run_minutes[1,]": minute_runs,
}, {
"mean_all_ping_latency": wmean_all,
"deciles_all_ping_latency[]": wdeciles_all,
"mean_full_ping_latency": mean_full,
"deciles_full_ping_latency[]": deciles_full,
"stdev_full_ping_latency": statistics.pstdev(rtt_full) if rtt_full else None,
}, {
"load_bucket_samples[]": bucket_samples,
"load_bucket_min_latency[]": bucket_min,
"load_bucket_median_latency[]": bucket_median,
"load_bucket_max_latency[]": bucket_max,
}, {
"download_usage": int(round(usage_down / 8)),
"upload_usage": int(round(usage_up / 8)),
def get_obstruction_map(context=None):
"""Fetch obstruction map data and return it in grpc structure format.
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for reuse
across repeated calls. If an existing channel is reused, the RPC
call will be retried at most once, since connectivity may have
been lost and restored in the time since it was last used.
grpc.RpcError: Communication or service error.
def grpc_call(channel):
if imports_pending:
stub = device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
response = stub.Handle(device_pb2.Request(dish_get_obstruction_map={}))
return response.dish_get_obstruction_map
return call_with_channel(grpc_call, context=context)
def obstruction_map(context=None):
"""Fetch current obstruction map data.
context (ChannelContext): Optionally provide a channel for reuse
across repeated calls.
A tuple of row data, each of which is a tuple of column data, which
hold floats indicating SNR info per direction in the range of 0.0 to
1.0 for valid data and -1.0 for invalid data. To get a flat
representation the SNR data instead, see `get_obstruction_map`.
GrpcError: Failed getting status info from the Starlink user terminal.
map_data = get_obstruction_map(context)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
raise GrpcError(e)
cols = map_data.num_cols
return tuple((map_data.snr[i:i + cols]) for i in range(0, cols * map_data.num_rows, cols))