2021-01-15 19:27:10 -08:00

185 lines
6 KiB

# Publish Starlink user terminal packet loss statistics to a MQTT
# broker.
# This script examines the most recent samples from the history data,
# computes several different metrics related to packet loss, and
# publishes those to the specified MQTT broker.
import getopt
import logging
import sys
import time
import ssl
ssl_ok = True
except ImportError:
ssl_ok = False
import paho.mqtt.publish
import starlink_grpc
def main():
arg_error = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ahn:p:rs:t:vC:ISP:U:")
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
arg_error = True
# Default to 1 hour worth of data samples.
samples_default = 3600
samples = None
print_usage = False
verbose = False
default_loop_time = 0
loop_time = default_loop_time
run_lengths = False
host_default = "localhost"
mqargs = {"hostname": host_default}
username = None
password = None
if not arg_error:
if len(args) > 0:
arg_error = True
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "-a":
samples = -1
elif opt == "-h":
print_usage = True
elif opt == "-n":
mqargs["hostname"] = arg
elif opt == "-p":
mqargs["port"] = int(arg)
elif opt == "-r":
run_lengths = True
elif opt == "-s":
samples = int(arg)
elif opt == "-t":
loop_time = float(arg)
elif opt == "-v":
verbose = True
elif opt == "-C":
mqargs["tls"] = {"ca_certs": arg}
elif opt == "-I":
if ssl_ok:
mqargs["tls"] = {"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE}
print("No SSL support found")
elif opt == "-P":
password = arg
elif opt == "-S":
mqargs["tls"] = {}
elif opt == "-U":
username = arg
if username is None and password is not None:
print("Password authentication requires username to be set")
arg_error = True
if print_usage or arg_error:
print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options...]")
print(" -a: Parse all valid samples")
print(" -h: Be helpful")
print(" -n <name>: Hostname of MQTT broker, default: " + host_default)
print(" -p <num>: Port number to use on MQTT broker")
print(" -r: Include ping drop run length stats")
print(" -s <num>: Number of data samples to parse, default: loop interval,")
print(" if set, else " + str(samples_default))
print(" -t <num>: Loop interval in seconds or 0 for no loop, default: " +
print(" -v: Be verbose")
print(" -C <filename>: Enable SSL/TLS using specified CA cert to verify broker")
print(" -I: Enable SSL/TLS but disable certificate verification (INSECURE!)")
print(" -P: Set password for username/password authentication")
print(" -S: Enable SSL/TLS using default CA cert")
print(" -U: Set username for authentication")
sys.exit(1 if arg_error else 0)
if samples is None:
samples = int(loop_time) if loop_time > 0 else samples_default
if username is not None:
mqargs["auth"] = {"username": username}
if password is not None:
mqargs["auth"]["password"] = password
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
class GlobalState:
gstate = GlobalState()
gstate.dish_id = None
def conn_error(msg, *args):
# Connection errors that happen in an interval loop are not critical
# failures, but are interesting enough to print in non-verbose mode.
if loop_time > 0:
print(msg % args)
logging.error(msg, *args)
def loop_body():
if gstate.dish_id is None:
gstate.dish_id = starlink_grpc.get_id()
if verbose:
print("Using dish ID: " + gstate.dish_id)
except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e:
conn_error("Failure getting dish ID: %s", str(e))
return 1
g_stats, pd_stats, rl_stats = starlink_grpc.history_ping_stats(samples, verbose)
except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e:
conn_error("Failure getting ping stats: %s", str(e))
return 1
topic_prefix = "starlink/dish_ping_stats/" + gstate.dish_id + "/"
msgs = [(topic_prefix + k, v, 0, False) for k, v in g_stats.items()]
msgs.extend([(topic_prefix + k, v, 0, False) for k, v in pd_stats.items()])
if run_lengths:
for k, v in rl_stats.items():
if k.startswith("run_"):
msgs.append((topic_prefix + k, ",".join(str(x) for x in v), 0, False))
msgs.append((topic_prefix + k, v, 0, False))
paho.mqtt.publish.multiple(msgs, client_id=gstate.dish_id, **mqargs)
if verbose:
print("Successfully published to MQTT broker")
except Exception as e:
conn_error("Failed publishing to MQTT broker: %s", str(e))
return 1
return 0
next_loop = time.monotonic()
while True:
rc = loop_body()
if loop_time > 0:
now = time.monotonic()
next_loop = max(next_loop + loop_time, now)
time.sleep(next_loop - now)
if __name__ == '__main__':