sparky8512 ce44f3c021 SSL/TLS support for InfluxDB and MQTT scripts
SSL/TLS support for InfluxDB and MQTT scripts

Copy the command line option handling into the status scripts to facilitate this. Also copy the setting from env from

Better error handling for failures while writing to the data backend. Error printing verbosity is now a bit inconsistent, but I'll address that separately.

Still to be done is, pending a decision on what to do with that script, given that can now be run in one-shot mode.

This is related to issue #2.
2021-01-10 21:36:44 -08:00

130 lines
5 KiB

# Publish Starlink user terminal status info to a MQTT broker.
# This script pulls the current status once and publishes it to the
# specified MQTT broker.
import sys
import getopt
import ssl
ssl_ok = True
except ImportError:
ssl_ok = False
import paho.mqtt.publish
import grpc
import spacex.api.device.device_pb2
import spacex.api.device.device_pb2_grpc
arg_error = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hn:p:C:ISP:U:")
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
arg_error = True
print_usage = False
host_default = "localhost"
mqargs = {"hostname": host_default}
username = None
password = None
if not arg_error:
if len(args) > 0:
arg_error = True
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "-h":
print_usage = True
elif opt == "-n":
mqargs["hostname"] = arg
elif opt == "-p":
mqargs["port"] = int(arg)
elif opt == "-C":
mqargs["tls"] = {"ca_certs": arg}
elif opt == "-I":
if ssl_ok:
mqargs["tls"] = {"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_NONE}
print("No SSL support found")
elif opt == "-P":
password = arg
elif opt == "-S":
mqargs["tls"] = {}
elif opt == "-U":
username = arg
if username is None and password is not None:
print("Password authentication requires username to be set")
arg_error = True
if print_usage or arg_error:
print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options...]")
print(" -h: Be helpful")
print(" -n <name>: Hostname of MQTT broker, default: " + host_default)
print(" -p <num>: Port number to use on MQTT broker")
print(" -C <filename>: Enable SSL/TLS using specified CA cert to verify broker")
print(" -I: Enable SSL/TLS but disable certificate verification (INSECURE!)")
print(" -P: Set password for username/password authentication")
print(" -S: Enable SSL/TLS using default CA cert")
print(" -U: Set username for authentication")
sys.exit(1 if arg_error else 0)
with grpc.insecure_channel("") as channel:
stub = spacex.api.device.device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
response = stub.Handle(spacex.api.device.device_pb2.Request(get_status={}))
except grpc.RpcError:
print("Failed getting status info")
status = response.dish_get_status
# More alerts may be added in future, so rather than list them individually,
# build a bit field based on field numbers of the DishAlerts message.
alert_bits = 0
for alert in status.alerts.ListFields():
alert_bits |= (1 if alert[1] else 0) << (alert[0].number - 1)
topic_prefix = "starlink/dish_status/" + + "/"
msgs = [(topic_prefix + "hardware_version", status.device_info.hardware_version, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "software_version", status.device_info.software_version, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "state", spacex.api.device.dish_pb2.DishState.Name(status.state), 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "uptime", status.device_state.uptime_s, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "snr", status.snr, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot", status.seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "pop_ping_drop_rate", status.pop_ping_drop_rate, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "downlink_throughput_bps", status.downlink_throughput_bps, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "uplink_throughput_bps", status.uplink_throughput_bps, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "pop_ping_latency_ms", status.pop_ping_latency_ms, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "alerts", alert_bits, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "fraction_obstructed", status.obstruction_stats.fraction_obstructed, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "currently_obstructed", status.obstruction_stats.currently_obstructed, 0, False),
# While the field name for this one implies it covers 24 hours, the
# empirical evidence suggests it only covers 12 hours. It also resets
# on dish reboot, so may not cover that whole period. Rather than try
# to convey that complexity in the topic label, just be a bit vague:
(topic_prefix + "seconds_obstructed", status.obstruction_stats.last_24h_obstructed_s, 0, False),
(topic_prefix + "wedges_fraction_obstructed", ",".join(str(x) for x in status.obstruction_stats.wedge_abs_fraction_obstructed), 0, False)]
if username is not None:
mqargs["auth"] = {"username": username}
if password is not None:
mqargs["auth"]["password"] = password
paho.mqtt.publish.multiple(msgs,, **mqargs)
except Exception as e:
print("Failed publishing to MQTT broker: " + str(e))