sparky8512 e16649fbf1 Change name of "current" to "end_counter"
Since "current" got added to the global data group returned from getting the history stats in non-bulk mode, it was being output by all 3 of the history scripts, and the name "current" was a little confusing when looking at prior output, since old values would no longer be current. The description of it in the start param of history_bulk_data was confusing, too.
2021-01-22 18:43:51 -08:00

415 lines
16 KiB

"""Helpers for grpc communication with a Starlink user terminal.
This module may eventually contain more expansive parsing logic, but for now
it contains functions to either get the history data as-is or parse it for
some specific packet loss statistics.
Those functions return data grouped into sets, as follows:
General data:
This set of fields contains data relevant to all the other groups.
The sample interval is currently 1 second.
samples: The number of samples analyzed (for statistics) or returned
(for bulk data).
end_counter: The total number of data samples that have been written to
the history buffer since dish reboot, irrespective of buffer wrap.
This can be used to keep track of how many samples are new in
comparison to a prior query of the history data.
Bulk history data:
This group holds the history data as-is for the requested range of
samples, just unwound from the circular buffers that the raw data holds.
It contains some of the same fields as the status info, but instead of
representing the current values, each field contains a sequence of values
representing the value over time, ending at the current time.
pop_ping_drop_rate: Fraction of lost ping replies per sample.
pop_ping_latency_ms: Round trip time, in milliseconds, during the
sample period, or None if a sample experienced 100% ping drop.
downlink_throughput_bps: Download usage during the sample period
(actual, not max available), in bits per second.
uplink_throughput_bps: Upload usage during the sample period, in bits
per second.
snr: Signal to noise ratio during the sample period.
scheduled: Boolean indicating whether or not a satellite was scheduled
to be available for transmit/receive during the sample period.
When false, ping drop shows as "No satellites" in Starlink app.
obstructed: Boolean indicating whether or not the dish determined the
signal between it and the satellite was obstructed during the
sample period. When true, ping drop shows as "Obstructed" in the
Starlink app.
There is no specific data field in the raw history data that directly
correlates with "Other" or "Beta downtime" in the Starlink app (or
whatever it gets renamed to after beta), but empirical evidence suggests
any sample where pop_ping_drop_rate is 1, scheduled is true, and
obstructed is false is counted as "Beta downtime".
Note that neither scheduled=false nor obstructed=true necessarily means
packet loss occurred. Those need to be examined in combination with
pop_ping_drop_rate to be meaningful.
General ping drop (packet loss) statistics:
This group of statistics characterize the packet loss (labeled "ping drop"
in the field names of the Starlink gRPC service protocol) in various ways.
total_ping_drop: The total amount of time, in sample intervals, that
experienced ping drop.
count_full_ping_drop: The number of samples that experienced 100%
ping drop.
count_obstructed: The number of samples that were marked as
"obstructed", regardless of whether they experienced any ping
total_obstructed_ping_drop: The total amount of time, in sample
intervals, that experienced ping drop in samples marked as
count_full_obstructed_ping_drop: The number of samples that were
marked as "obstructed" and that experienced 100% ping drop.
count_unscheduled: The number of samples that were not marked as
"scheduled", regardless of whether they experienced any ping
total_unscheduled_ping_drop: The total amount of time, in sample
intervals, that experienced ping drop in samples not marked as
count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop: The number of samples that were
not marked as "scheduled" and that experienced 100% ping drop.
Total packet loss ratio can be computed with total_ping_drop / samples.
Ping drop run length statistics:
This group of statistics characterizes packet loss by how long a
consecutive run of 100% packet loss lasts.
init_run_fragment: The number of consecutive sample periods at the
start of the sample set that experienced 100% ping drop. This
period may be a continuation of a run that started prior to the
sample set, so is not counted in the following stats.
final_run_fragment: The number of consecutive sample periods at the
end of the sample set that experienced 100% ping drop. This
period may continue as a run beyond the end of the sample set, so
is not counted in the following stats.
run_seconds: A 60 element sequence. Each element records the total
amount of time, in sample intervals, that experienced 100% ping
drop in a consecutive run that lasted for (index + 1) sample
intervals (seconds). That is, the first element contains time
spent in 1 sample runs, the second element contains time spent in
2 sample runs, etc.
run_minutes: A 60 element sequence. Each element records the total
amount of time, in sample intervals, that experienced 100% ping
drop in a consecutive run that lasted for more that (index + 1)
multiples of 60 sample intervals (minutes), but less than or equal
to (index + 2) multiples of 60 sample intervals. Except for the
last element in the sequence, which records the total amount of
time in runs of more than 60*60 samples.
No sample should be counted in more than one of the run length stats or
stat elements, so the total of all of them should be equal to
count_full_ping_drop from the ping drop stats.
Samples that experience less than 100% ping drop are not counted in this
group of stats, even if they happen at the beginning or end of a run of
100% ping drop samples. To compute the amount of time that experienced
ping loss in less than a single run of 100% ping drop, use
(total_ping_drop - count_full_ping_drop) from the ping drop stats.
from itertools import chain
import grpc
import spacex.api.device.device_pb2
import spacex.api.device.device_pb2_grpc
class GrpcError(Exception):
"""Provides error info when something went wrong with a gRPC call."""
def __init__(self, e, *args, **kwargs):
# grpc.RpcError is too verbose to print in whole, but it may also be
# a Call object, and that class has some minimally useful info.
if isinstance(e, grpc.Call):
msg = e.details()
elif isinstance(e, grpc.RpcError):
msg = "Unknown communication or service error"
msg = str(e)
super().__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
def get_status():
"""Fetch status data and return it in grpc structure format.
grpc.RpcError: Communication or service error.
with grpc.insecure_channel("") as channel:
stub = spacex.api.device.device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
response = stub.Handle(spacex.api.device.device_pb2.Request(get_status={}))
return response.dish_get_status
def get_id():
"""Return the ID from the dish status information.
A string identifying the Starlink user terminal reachable from the
local network.
GrpcError: No user terminal is currently reachable.
status = get_status()
except grpc.RpcError as e:
raise GrpcError(e)
def history_ping_field_names():
"""Return the field names of the packet loss stats.
A tuple with 3 lists, the first with general data names, the second
with ping drop stat names, and the third with ping drop run length
stat names.
return [
], [
], [
def get_history():
"""Fetch history data and return it in grpc structure format.
grpc.RpcError: Communication or service error.
with grpc.insecure_channel("") as channel:
stub = spacex.api.device.device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel)
response = stub.Handle(spacex.api.device.device_pb2.Request(get_history={}))
return response.dish_get_history
def _compute_sample_range(history, parse_samples, start=None, verbose=False):
current = int(history.current)
samples = len(history.pop_ping_drop_rate)
if verbose:
print("current counter: " + str(current))
print("All samples: " + str(samples))
samples = min(samples, current)
if verbose:
print("Valid samples: " + str(samples))
if parse_samples < 0 or samples < parse_samples:
parse_samples = samples
if start is not None and start > current:
if verbose:
print("Counter reset detected, ignoring requested start count")
start = None
if start is None or start < current - parse_samples:
start = current - parse_samples
# This is ring buffer offset, so both index to oldest data sample and
# index to next data sample after the newest one.
end_offset = current % samples
start_offset = start % samples
# Set the range for the requested set of samples. This will iterate
# sample index in order from oldest to newest.
if start_offset < end_offset:
sample_range = range(start_offset, end_offset)
sample_range = chain(range(start_offset, samples), range(0, end_offset))
return sample_range, current - start, current
def history_bulk_data(parse_samples, start=None, verbose=False):
"""Fetch history data for a range of samples.
parse_samples (int): Number of samples to process, or -1 to parse all
available samples (bounded by start, if it is set).
start (int): Optional. If set, the samples returned will be limited to
the ones that have a counter value greater than this value. The
"end_counter" field in the general data dict returned by this
function represents the counter value of the last data sample
returned, so if that value is passed as start in a subsequent call
to this function, only new samples will be returned.
NOTE: The sample counter will reset to 0 when the dish reboots. If
the requested start value is greater than the new "end_counter"
value, this function will assume that happened and treat all
samples as being later than the requested start, and thus include
them (bounded by parse_samples, if it is not -1).
verbose (bool): Optionally produce verbose output.
A tuple with 2 dicts, the first mapping general data names to their
values and the second mapping bulk history data names to their values.
GrpcError: Failed getting history info from the Starlink user
history = get_history()
except grpc.RpcError as e:
raise GrpcError(e)
sample_range, parsed_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(history,
pop_ping_drop_rate = []
pop_ping_latency_ms = []
downlink_throughput_bps = []
uplink_throughput_bps = []
snr = []
scheduled = []
obstructed = []
for i in sample_range:
history.pop_ping_latency_ms[i] if history.pop_ping_drop_rate[i] < 1 else None)
return {
"samples": parsed_samples,
"end_counter": current,
}, {
"pop_ping_drop_rate": pop_ping_drop_rate,
"pop_ping_latency_ms": pop_ping_latency_ms,
"downlink_throughput_bps": downlink_throughput_bps,
"uplink_throughput_bps": uplink_throughput_bps,
"snr": snr,
"scheduled": scheduled,
"obstructed": obstructed,
def history_ping_stats(parse_samples, verbose=False):
"""Fetch, parse, and compute the packet loss stats.
parse_samples (int): Number of samples to process, or -1 to parse all
available samples.
verbose (bool): Optionally produce verbose output.
A tuple with 3 dicts, the first mapping general data names to their
values, the second mapping ping drop stat names to their values and
the third mapping ping drop run length stat names to their values.
GrpcError: Failed getting history info from the Starlink user
history = get_history()
except grpc.RpcError as e:
raise GrpcError(e)
sample_range, parse_samples, current = _compute_sample_range(history,
tot = 0.0
count_full_drop = 0
count_unsched = 0
total_unsched_drop = 0.0
count_full_unsched = 0
count_obstruct = 0
total_obstruct_drop = 0.0
count_full_obstruct = 0
second_runs = [0] * 60
minute_runs = [0] * 60
run_length = 0
init_run_length = None
for i in sample_range:
d = history.pop_ping_drop_rate[i]
if d >= 1:
# just in case...
d = 1
count_full_drop += 1
run_length += 1
elif run_length > 0:
if init_run_length is None:
init_run_length = run_length
if run_length <= 60:
second_runs[run_length - 1] += run_length
minute_runs[min((run_length-1) // 60 - 1, 59)] += run_length
run_length = 0
elif init_run_length is None:
init_run_length = 0
if not history.scheduled[i]:
count_unsched += 1
total_unsched_drop += d
if d >= 1:
count_full_unsched += 1
# scheduled=false and obstructed=true do not ever appear to overlap,
# but in case they do in the future, treat that as just unscheduled
# in order to avoid double-counting it.
elif history.obstructed[i]:
count_obstruct += 1
total_obstruct_drop += d
if d >= 1:
count_full_obstruct += 1
tot += d
# If the entire sample set is one big drop run, it will be both initial
# fragment (continued from prior sample range) and final one (continued
# to next sample range), but to avoid double-reporting, just call it
# the initial run.
if init_run_length is None:
init_run_length = run_length
run_length = 0
return {
"samples": parse_samples,
"end_counter": current,
}, {
"total_ping_drop": tot,
"count_full_ping_drop": count_full_drop,
"count_obstructed": count_obstruct,
"total_obstructed_ping_drop": total_obstruct_drop,
"count_full_obstructed_ping_drop": count_full_obstruct,
"count_unscheduled": count_unsched,
"total_unscheduled_ping_drop": total_unsched_drop,
"count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop": count_full_unsched,
}, {
"init_run_fragment": init_run_length,
"final_run_fragment": run_length,
"run_seconds": second_runs,
"run_minutes": minute_runs,