#!/usr/bin/python3 ###################################################################### # # Output get_status info in CSV format. # # This script pulls the current status once and prints to stdout. # ###################################################################### import datetime import sys import getopt import grpc import spacex.api.device.device_pb2 import spacex.api.device.device_pb2_grpc arg_error = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hH") except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(str(err)) arg_error = True print_usage = False print_header = False if not arg_error: if len(args) > 0: arg_error = True else: for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-h": print_usage = True elif opt == "-H": print_header = True if print_usage or arg_error: print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [options...]") print("Options:") print(" -h: Be helpful") print(" -H: print CSV header instead of parsing file") sys.exit(1 if arg_error else 0) if print_header: header = [ "datetimestamp_utc", "hardware_version", "software_version", "state", "uptime", "snr", "seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot", "pop_ping_drop_rate", "downlink_throughput_bps", "uplink_throughput_bps", "pop_ping_latency_ms", "alerts", "fraction_obstructed", "currently_obstructed", "seconds_obstructed" ] header.extend("wedges_fraction_obstructed_" + str(x) for x in range(12)) print(",".join(header)) sys.exit(0) try: with grpc.insecure_channel("") as channel: stub = spacex.api.device.device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel) response = stub.Handle(spacex.api.device.device_pb2.Request(get_status={})) except grpc.RpcError: print("Failed getting status info") sys.exit(1) timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() status = response.dish_get_status # More alerts may be added in future, so rather than list them individually, # build a bit field based on field numbers of the DishAlerts message. alert_bits = 0 for alert in status.alerts.ListFields(): alert_bits |= (1 if alert[1] else 0) << (alert[0].number - 1) csv_data = [ timestamp.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat(), status.device_info.id, status.device_info.hardware_version, status.device_info.software_version, spacex.api.device.dish_pb2.DishState.Name(status.state) ] csv_data.extend(str(x) for x in [ status.device_state.uptime_s, status.snr, status.seconds_to_first_nonempty_slot, status.pop_ping_drop_rate, status.downlink_throughput_bps, status.uplink_throughput_bps, status.pop_ping_latency_ms, alert_bits, status.obstruction_stats.fraction_obstructed, status.obstruction_stats.currently_obstructed, status.obstruction_stats.last_24h_obstructed_s ]) csv_data.extend(str(x) for x in status.obstruction_stats.wedge_abs_fraction_obstructed) print(",".join(csv_data))