"""Shared code among the dish_grpc_* commands Note: This module is not intended to be generically useful or to export a stable interface. Rather, it should be considered an implementation detail of the other scripts, and will change as needed. For a module that exports an interface intended for general use, see starlink_grpc. """ import argparse from datetime import datetime from datetime import timezone import logging import re import time import grpc import starlink_grpc BRACKETS_RE = re.compile(r"([^[]*)(\[((\d+),|)(\d*)\]|)$") SAMPLES_DEFAULT = 3600 LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT = 0 STATUS_MODES = ["status", "obstruction_detail", "alert_detail"] HISTORY_STATS_MODES = [ "ping_drop", "ping_run_length", "ping_latency", "ping_loaded_latency", "usage" ] UNGROUPED_MODES = [] def create_arg_parser(output_description, bulk_history=True): """Create an argparse parser and add the common command line options.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Collect status and/or history data from a Starlink user terminal and " + output_description, epilog="Additional arguments can be read from a file by including @FILENAME as an " "option, where FILENAME is a path to a file that contains arguments, one per line.", fromfile_prefix_chars="@", add_help=False) # need to remember this for later parser.bulk_history = bulk_history group = parser.add_argument_group(title="General options") group.add_argument("-g", "--target", help="host:port of dish to query, default is the standard IP address " "and port (") group.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Be helpful") group.add_argument("-N", "--numeric", action="store_true", help="Record boolean values as 1 and 0 instead of True and False") group.add_argument("-t", "--loop-interval", type=float, default=float(LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT), help="Loop interval in seconds or 0 for no loop, default: " + str(LOOP_TIME_DEFAULT)) group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Be verbose") group = parser.add_argument_group(title="History mode options") group.add_argument("-a", "--all-samples", action="store_const", const=-1, dest="samples", help="Parse all valid samples") group.add_argument("-o", "--poll-loops", type=int, help="Poll history for N loops and aggregate data before computing history " "stats; this allows for a smaller loop interval with less loss of data " "when the dish reboots", metavar="N") if bulk_history: sample_help = ("Number of data samples to parse; normally applies to first loop " "iteration only, default: all in bulk mode, loop interval if loop " "interval set, else " + str(SAMPLES_DEFAULT)) no_counter_help = ("Don't track sample counter across loop iterations in non-bulk " "modes; keep using samples option value instead") else: sample_help = ("Number of data samples to parse; normally applies to first loop " "iteration only, default: loop interval, if set, else " + str(SAMPLES_DEFAULT)) no_counter_help = ("Don't track sample counter across loop iterations; keep using " "samples option value instead") group.add_argument("-s", "--samples", type=int, help=sample_help) group.add_argument("-j", "--no-counter", action="store_true", help=no_counter_help) return parser def run_arg_parser(parser, need_id=False, no_stdout_errors=False): """Run parse_args on a parser previously created with create_arg_parser Args: need_id (bool): A flag to set in options to indicate whether or not to set dish_id on the global state object; see get_data for more detail. no_stdout_errors (bool): A flag set in options to protect stdout from error messages, in case that's where the data output is going, so may be being redirected to a file. Returns: An argparse Namespace object with the parsed options set as attributes. """ all_modes = STATUS_MODES + HISTORY_STATS_MODES + UNGROUPED_MODES if parser.bulk_history: all_modes.append("bulk_history") parser.add_argument("mode", nargs="+", choices=all_modes, help="The data group to record, one or more of: " + ", ".join(all_modes), metavar="mode") opts = parser.parse_args() if opts.loop_interval <= 0.0 or opts.poll_loops is None: opts.poll_loops = 1 elif opts.poll_loops < 2: parser.error("Poll loops arg must be 2 or greater to be meaningful") # for convenience, set flags for whether any mode in a group is selected opts.satus_mode = bool(set(STATUS_MODES).intersection(opts.mode)) opts.history_stats_mode = bool(set(HISTORY_STATS_MODES).intersection(opts.mode)) opts.bulk_mode = "bulk_history" in opts.mode if opts.samples is None: opts.samples = int(opts.loop_interval * opts.poll_loops) if opts.loop_interval >= 1.0 else SAMPLES_DEFAULT opts.bulk_samples = -1 else: opts.bulk_samples = opts.samples opts.no_stdout_errors = no_stdout_errors opts.need_id = need_id return opts def conn_error(opts, msg, *args): """Indicate an error in an appropriate way.""" # Connection errors that happen in an interval loop are not critical # failures, but are interesting enough to print in non-verbose mode. if opts.loop_interval > 0.0 and not opts.no_stdout_errors: print(msg % args) else: logging.error(msg, *args) class GlobalState: """A class for keeping state across loop iterations.""" def __init__(self, target=None): # counter for bulk_history: self.counter = None # counter for history stats: self.counter_stats = None self.timestamp = None self.dish_id = None self.context = starlink_grpc.ChannelContext(target=target) self.poll_count = 0 self.accum_history = None def shutdown(self): self.context.close() def get_data(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence, add_bulk=None): """Fetch data from the dish, pull it apart and call back with the pieces. This function uses call backs to return the useful data. If need_id is set in opts, then it is guaranteed that dish_id will have been set in gstate prior to any of the call backs being invoked. Args: opts (object): The options object returned from run_arg_parser. gstate (GlobalState): An object for keeping track of state across multiple calls. add_item (function): Call back for non-sequence data, with prototype: add_item(name, value, category) add_sequence (function): Call back for sequence data, with prototype: add_sequence(name, value, category, start_index_label) add_bulk (function): Optional. Call back for bulk history data, with prototype: add_bulk(bulk_data, count, start_timestamp, start_counter) Returns: 1 if there were any failures getting data from the dish, otherwise 0. """ rc = get_status_data(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence) if opts.history_stats_mode and not rc: rc = get_history_stats(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence) if opts.bulk_mode and add_bulk and not rc: rc = get_bulk_data(opts, gstate, add_bulk) return rc def add_data_normal(data, category, add_item, add_sequence): for key, val in data.items(): name, start, seq = BRACKETS_RE.match(key).group(1, 4, 5) if seq is None: add_item(name, val, category) else: add_sequence(name, val, category, int(start) if start else 0) def add_data_numeric(data, category, add_item, add_sequence): for key, val in data.items(): name, start, seq = BRACKETS_RE.match(key).group(1, 4, 5) if seq is None: add_item(name, int(val) if isinstance(val, int) else val, category) else: add_sequence(name, [int(subval) if isinstance(subval, int) else subval for subval in val], category, int(start) if start else 0) def get_status_data(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence): if opts.satus_mode: try: groups = starlink_grpc.status_data(context=gstate.context) status_data, obstruct_detail, alert_detail = groups[0:3] except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e: if "status" in opts.mode: if opts.need_id and gstate.dish_id is None: conn_error(opts, "Dish unreachable and ID unknown, so not recording state") return 1 if opts.verbose: print("Dish unreachable") add_item("state", "DISH_UNREACHABLE", "status") return 0 conn_error(opts, "Failure getting status: %s", str(e)) return 1 if opts.need_id: gstate.dish_id = status_data["id"] del status_data["id"] add_data = add_data_numeric if opts.numeric else add_data_normal if "status" in opts.mode: add_data(status_data, "status", add_item, add_sequence) if "obstruction_detail" in opts.mode: add_data(obstruct_detail, "status", add_item, add_sequence) if "alert_detail" in opts.mode: add_data(alert_detail, "status", add_item, add_sequence) elif opts.need_id and gstate.dish_id is None: try: gstate.dish_id = starlink_grpc.get_id(context=gstate.context) except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e: conn_error(opts, "Failure getting dish ID: %s", str(e)) return 1 if opts.verbose: print("Using dish ID: " + gstate.dish_id) return 0 def get_history_stats(opts, gstate, add_item, add_sequence): """Fetch history stats. See `get_data` for details.""" try: history = starlink_grpc.get_history(context=gstate.context) except grpc.RpcError as e: conn_error(opts, "Failure getting history: %s", str(starlink_grpc.GrpcError(e))) history = None # Accumulate polled history data into gstate.accum_history, even if there # was a dish reboot. if gstate.accum_history: if history is not None: # This gets too complicated to handle across reboots once the data # has been accumulated, so just have concatenate do it on the # first pass and use a value of 0 to remember it was done (as # opposed to None, which is used for a different purpose). if gstate.counter_stats: start = gstate.counter_stats gstate.counter_stats = 0 else: start = None gstate.accum_history = starlink_grpc.concatenate_history(gstate.accum_history, history, start=start, verbose=opts.verbose) else: gstate.accum_history = history if gstate.poll_count < opts.poll_loops - 1: gstate.poll_count += 1 return 0 # This can happen if all polling attempts failed. Verbose output has # already happened, so just return. if gstate.accum_history is None: return 1 gstate.poll_count = 0 start = gstate.counter_stats if gstate.counter_stats else None parse_samples = opts.samples if gstate.counter_stats is None else -1 groups = starlink_grpc.history_stats(parse_samples, start=start, verbose=opts.verbose, history=gstate.accum_history) general, ping, runlen, latency, loaded, usage = groups[0:6] add_data = add_data_numeric if opts.numeric else add_data_normal add_data(general, "ping_stats", add_item, add_sequence) if "ping_drop" in opts.mode: add_data(ping, "ping_stats", add_item, add_sequence) if "ping_run_length" in opts.mode: add_data(runlen, "ping_stats", add_item, add_sequence) if "ping_latency" in opts.mode: add_data(latency, "ping_stats", add_item, add_sequence) if "ping_loaded_latency" in opts.mode: add_data(loaded, "ping_stats", add_item, add_sequence) if "usage" in opts.mode: add_data(usage, "usage", add_item, add_sequence) if not opts.no_counter: gstate.counter_stats = general["end_counter"] gstate.accum_history = None return 0 def get_bulk_data(opts, gstate, add_bulk): """Fetch bulk data. See `get_data` for details.""" before = time.time() start = gstate.counter parse_samples = opts.bulk_samples if start is None else -1 try: general, bulk = starlink_grpc.history_bulk_data(parse_samples, start=start, verbose=opts.verbose, context=gstate.context) except starlink_grpc.GrpcError as e: conn_error(opts, "Failure getting history: %s", str(e)) return 1 after = time.time() parsed_samples = general["samples"] new_counter = general["end_counter"] timestamp = gstate.timestamp # check this first, so it doesn't report as lost time sync if gstate.counter is not None and new_counter != gstate.counter + parsed_samples: timestamp = None # Allow up to 2 seconds of time drift before forcibly re-syncing, since # +/- 1 second can happen just due to scheduler timing. if timestamp is not None and not before - 2.0 <= timestamp + parsed_samples <= after + 2.0: if opts.verbose: print("Lost sample time sync at: " + str(datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp + parsed_samples, tz=timezone.utc))) timestamp = None if timestamp is None: timestamp = int(before) if opts.verbose: print("Establishing new time base: {0} -> {1}".format( new_counter, datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc))) timestamp -= parsed_samples if opts.numeric: add_bulk( { k: [int(subv) if isinstance(subv, int) else subv for subv in v] for k, v in bulk.items() }, parsed_samples, timestamp, new_counter - parsed_samples) else: add_bulk(bulk, parsed_samples, timestamp, new_counter - parsed_samples) gstate.counter = new_counter gstate.timestamp = timestamp + parsed_samples return 0