#!/usr/bin/python3 ###################################################################### # # Equivalent script to parseJsonHistory.py, except integrating the # gRPC calls, instead of relying on separatate invocation of grpcurl. # # This script examines the most recent samples from the history data # and computes several different metrics related to packet loss. By # default, it will print the results in CSV format. # ###################################################################### import grpc import spacex.api.device.device_pb2 import spacex.api.device.device_pb2_grpc import datetime import sys import getopt from itertools import chain fArgError = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ahs:vH") except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(str(err)) fArgError = True # Default to 1 hour worth of data samples. parseSamples = 3600 fUsage = False fVerbose = False fParseAll = False fHeader = False if not fArgError: if len(args) > 0: fArgError = True else: for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-a": fParseAll = True elif opt == "-h": fUsage = True elif opt == "-s": parseSamples = int(arg) elif opt == "-v": fVerbose = True elif opt == "-H": fHeader = True if fUsage or fArgError: print("Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" [options...]") print("Options:") print(" -a: Parse all valid samples") print(" -h: Be helpful") print(" -s : Parse data samples, default: "+str(parseSamples)) print(" -v: Be verbose") print(" -H: print CSV header instead of parsing file") sys.exit(1 if fArgError else 0) if fHeader: print("datetimestamp_utc,samples,total_ping_drop,count_full_ping_drop,count_obstructed,total_obstructed_ping_drop,count_full_obstructed_ping_drop,count_unscheduled,total_unscheduled_ping_drop,count_full_unscheduled_ping_drop") sys.exit(0) with grpc.insecure_channel('') as channel: stub = spacex.api.device.device_pb2_grpc.DeviceStub(channel) response = stub.Handle(spacex.api.device.device_pb2.Request(get_history={})) historyData = response.dish_get_history # 'current' is the count of data samples written to the ring buffer, # irrespective of buffer wrap. current = int(historyData.current) nSamples = len(historyData.pop_ping_drop_rate) if fVerbose: print("current: " + str(current)) print("All samples: " + str(nSamples)) nSamples = min(nSamples,current) if fVerbose: print("Valid samples: " + str(nSamples)) # This is ring buffer offset, so both index to oldest data sample and # index to next data sample after the newest one. offset = current % nSamples tot = 0 totOne = 0 totUnsched = 0 totUnschedD = 0 totUnschedOne = 0 totObstruct = 0 totObstructD = 0 totObstructOne = 0 if fParseAll or nSamples < parseSamples: parseSamples = nSamples # Parse the most recent parseSamples-sized set of samples. This will # iterate samples in order from oldest to newest, although that's not # actually required for the current set of stats being computed below. if parseSamples <= offset: sampleRange = range(offset - parseSamples, offset) else: sampleRange = chain(range(nSamples + offset - parseSamples, nSamples), range(0, offset)) for i in sampleRange: d = historyData.pop_ping_drop_rate[i] tot += d if d >= 1: totOne += d if not historyData.scheduled[i]: totUnsched += 1 totUnschedD += d if d >= 1: totUnschedOne += d if historyData.obstructed[i]: totObstruct += 1 totObstructD += d if d >= 1: totObstructOne += d if fVerbose: print("Parsed samples: " + str(parseSamples)) print("Total ping drop: " + str(tot)) print("Count of drop == 1: " + str(totOne)) print("Obstructed: " + str(totObstruct)) print("Obstructed ping drop: " + str(totObstructD)) print("Obstructed drop == 1: " + str(totObstructOne)) print("Unscheduled: " + str(totUnsched)) print("Unscheduled ping drop: " + str(totUnschedD)) print("Unscheduled drop == 1: " + str(totUnschedOne)) else: # NOTE: When changing data output format, also change the -H header printing above. print(datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()+","+str(parseSamples)+","+str(tot)+","+str(totOne)+","+str(totObstruct)+","+str(totObstructD)+","+str(totObstructOne)+","+str(totUnsched)+","+str(totUnschedD)+","+str(totUnschedOne))